Prolapse and prolapse of female genital organs

A delicate but extremely relevant problem for many women is prolapse or prolapse of female genital organs. Often it remains unnoticed until the symptoms begin to significantly worsen the quality of life. Discomfort when walking, difficulty urinating, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen - all this can signal prolapse of the uterus and vagina. Such symptoms do not just interfere with daily activities - they can provoke more serious complications if you do not visit a doctor in a timely manner. Many women face this problem after the birth of a child, the cessation of menstruation, or as a result of excessive physical exertion. It is important to understand that prolapse of the walls of the uterus and vagina is not a common sign of age-related changes, but a condition that can and should be treated.

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What is uterine prolapse

In a pathological condition called "uterine prolapse," the organ shifts from its normal anatomical position toward the vagina. In advanced cases, the uterus can extend beyond the vagina. This can happen partially or completely. The medical term for this pathology is "prolapse." Why does this problem occur? The main reason is a decrease in the tone of the pelvic floor muscles and weakening of the ligaments that hold the uterus in the correct position.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse

Typical signs of this condition:

  1. Heaviness or pressure in the abdominal area. Women often describe this as a "pulling pain" that gets worse when standing, walking, or lifting heavy objects for too long.
  2. Feeling like there is something in the vagina. In the later stages of prolapse, it may feel like something is coming out. The problem arises because the prolapsed organs begin to shift towards the vagina
  3. Urination disorders, namely:
    • Excessively frequent or difficult urination
    • Urinary incontinence, especially when coughing, sneezing or straining muscles
  4. Bowel disorders, including:
    • Difficulty passing stool
    • A constant feeling that the bowels are not completely empty
    • Chronic constipation
  5. Unpleasant sensations during sexual intercourse. Sexual intercourse may be accompanied by pain, which is associated with a change in the position of the vagina and uterus
  6. Pain in the lumbar region. Aching sensations arise due to increased stress on muscle tissue

Against the background of physical symptoms, many women develop emotional problems: a sense of shame, decreased self-esteem, fear of intimacy.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse
Causes of prolapse and uterine and vaginal prolapse

Causes of prolapse and uterine and vaginal prolapse

The problem can develop over the years, accumulating under the influence of various factors, including lifestyle, physiological nuances and past illnesses. Here are the main reasons leading to this pathology:

  • Decreased tone of the muscles and ligaments located in the pelvic floor. With age, the tissues lose elasticity, which makes them less able to hold the uterus and vagina. Regular weight lifting or physical exercise can also harm the muscles
  • Postpartum injuries. Difficult or multiple births significantly increase the risk of vaginal prolapse. During childbirth, muscle tissue and ligaments can stretch or tear. Women whose fetus is of an impressive size or whose labor lasts too long experience particular stress.
  • Hormonal changes. A decrease in the amount of estrogen during menopause leads to a deterioration in the quality of tissues. They become less elastic, which can provoke the occurrence of prolapse.
  • Genetic predisposition. Some women have weak connective tissues from birth, or an abnormal structure of the pelvic floor. All this can make the risk of developing prolapse of the walls of the uterus and vagina higher.
  • Lack of physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a decrease in the tone of the tissues that hold the internal organs. Lack of movement is just as harmful as excessive stress.
  • Chronic factors that make intra-abdominal pressure excessively high. This problem overloads the pelvic floor, causing prolapse of the uterine and vaginal walls. The following pathologies can be dangerous:
    • Constant constipation
    • Chronic cough (lung diseases, smoking, etc.)
    • Excess body weight, which creates additional stress on the tissues

Gynecological or abdominal surgeries can disrupt the anatomical structure of the organs located in the pelvis. For example, removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) sometimes causes displacement of other organs.

Treatment of uterine prolapse

The correct tactics of behavior in case of prolapse or uterine prolapse are influenced by the severity of the prolapse, the general well-being and wishes of the patient.

Surgical treatment

The main method of combating moderate and severe prolapse is surgery. Doctors perform several types of operations:

  1. Colporrhaphy (suturing the vaginal walls). The method is used if prolapse is associated with weakening of the vaginal walls. The doctor sutures one of the vaginal walls, restoring its shape and preventing further prolapse of organs. The operation is performed under general or spinal anesthesia through the vagina. Rehabilitation takes 4-6 weeks
  2. Fixation of the uterus to the sacral ligament or other structures. With this technique, the uterus is fixed to the bone or ligament structures of the pelvis using special suture materials or mesh implants. The operation can be performed laparoscopically (through small punctures) or through the vagina. Rehabilitation is less traumatic, recovery takes 2-4 weeks
  3. Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). In case of severe prolapse and no plans for pregnancy, the uterus can be removed. This method is often combined with fixation of other organs to prevent their displacement. The operation is performed through the vagina or using laparoscopy. A full return to active life is possible in 6-8 weeks

In the early stages of prolapse, non-surgical methods are suitable for patients. This is also true for women for whom surgical intervention is contraindicated. If there are indications for it, you can find out the price of uterine prolapse surgery in Moscow by calling the clinic "K+31".

Conservative therapy

Non-surgical methods for combating the displacement of pelvic organs:

  1. Exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor muscles (Kegel method). Regular exercise helps to tone the muscles that support the walls of the uterus. Exercises include successive tension and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles, similar to that used to stop urination. Noticeable results appear after 2-3 months of regular exercise.
  2. Pessaries (vaginal rings). These are medical devices that are inserted into the vagina to maintain the organs in the correct position. Pessaries are selected individually and installed by a doctor. They need to be removed and treated regularly.
  3. Hormonal therapy. It is used during menopause to improve the condition of the pelvic floor tissues. Estrogens help increase their elasticity and reduce the risk of prolapse progression. Application form: ointments, suppositories or tablets

However, there are other methods.

Laser therapy

The technique is a modern non-invasive method aimed at stimulating the production of collagen in the vaginal tissues. This improves the elasticity of its walls and increases the overall tone. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, takes 20-30 minutes and does not require anesthesia. During the session, the laser beam affects the mucous membrane, activating cell regeneration and enhancing their ability to support the surrounding organs.

The patient can return to normal life immediately after the session, since there is no rehabilitation period. Laser treatment of vaginal wall prolapse is comfortable, does not cause pain and has no pronounced side effects. However, the technique is effective only in the initial stages of prolapse, when the tissues are still able to respond to stimulating effects.


Involves the use of devices for electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor muscles. The technique is based on the gentle effect of electrical impulses that cause the muscles to contract, which helps to strengthen them and restore their tone. These procedures are carried out in specialized clinics under the supervision of medical personnel. One course usually includes 10 to 15 sessions, each lasting about 30-40 minutes.

The procedure is painless, but during stimulation a slight tingling or warmth sensation is possible. Physiotherapy is especially effective in combination with pelvic floor exercises, as it complements their effect and accelerates the recovery process.

After completing a course of physiotherapy, patients often note a decrease in symptoms of vaginal wall displacement and uterine prolapse, improved urinary control and an overall increase in comfort.

General information

Stages of uterine prolapse

The problem with the position of the organ develops gradually, and several stages are usually used to describe its severity.

  1. First. At this stage, the uterus begins to shift downwards, but its cervix remains within the vagina. Symptoms are usually minimal or absent, but some women may experience mild discomfort, especially when it comes to muscle tension
  2. Second. The cervix reaches the height of the entrance to the vagina or leaves its limits when straining (for example, when a woman coughs or lifts weights). A woman may experience a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen and discomfort when in a prolonged vertical position
  3. Third. Part of the cervix prolapses beyond the vagina even at rest. This is accompanied by pronounced symptoms:
    • Feeling of something extra in the vagina
    • Impaired urination and defecation
    • Discomfort in the lower back

At the fourth stage, prolapse of the uterus can be observed - it leaves the vagina (complete prolapse). At this stage of pathology, the woman experiences significant discomfort, and the symptoms become extremely pronounced. Such consequences of prolapse and prolapse of the uterine walls as inflammatory processes and tissue damage are possible.


Usually it includes several stages.

  1. Collecting anamnesis. The first step in diagnosing vaginal wall prolapse or uterine prolapse is a conversation with the patient. The doctor clarifies:
    • When did the first symptoms appear
    • Were there any injuries, surgeries or difficult births
    • Are there any chronic diseases that affect the condition of the pelvic floor muscles (for example, chronic constipation or lung pathologies)
    It is important to describe your feelings and complaints as accurately as possible so that the doctor can get a complete picture
  2. Appointment with a gynecologist. During the appointment, the doctor examines the vagina on a special chair. This stage allows you to visually determine:
    • The degree of prolapse of the uterine walls and prolapse of the vagina
    • The position of adjacent organs
    If necessary, mirrors are used during the examination
  3. Functional tests. To assess the condition of the pelvic floor, special tests are advisable, for example:
    • Muscle tension during coughing or straining
    • Checking the endurance of the pelvic floor muscles using a manual test
  4. Ultrasound examination (US). The procedure helps to analyze the condition of the uterus and vagina, and detect concomitant pathologies. The examination can be performed transabdominally (through the abdominal wall) or transvaginally (by inserting equipment into the vagina)
  5. Urodynamic examination. If there are complaints of urinary dysfunction, the doctor may prescribe a urodynamic examination. It allows you to evaluate the functioning of the bladder and urethra, identify difficulties with urine retention and other disorders

In complex cases, MRI or CT are used to accurately detect prolapse of the vaginal and uterine walls. These methods allow you to study the anatomical changes in detail and choose the appropriate therapy.


After an operation such as colporrhaphy, uterine wall fixation or hysterectomy, rehabilitation is divided into several stages. In the first days, the patient is recommended to stay in bed, avoid sudden movements and minimize physical activity. To prevent infections, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

After a week, light walks are allowed, which help restore blood circulation. However, any physical activity should be strictly dosed. During the first 6-8 weeks, it is important to avoid lifting weights, intense activity and sexual intercourse. A follow-up examination with a doctor is carried out 1-2 months after the operation to assess the results of treatment and eliminate possible complications.

Rehabilitation also includes correction of daily habits. A diet high in fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals) helps to avoid constipation, which creates unnecessary pressure on the pelvic floor. It is also important to maintain a healthy weight to reduce the strain on the pelvic organs.

Physical activity should be moderate: for example, regular walking or swimming. However, it is better to avoid lifting weights and intense workouts.

For many women, the period after treatment is accompanied by stress or decreased self-esteem. An open dialogue with the doctor or consultation with a psychologist can help cope with these experiences. Communication in support groups with women who have gone through a similar experience is also useful.

Prevention of prolapse and genital prolapse

To prevent the development of prolapse, it is necessary to carry out measures that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. The so-called Kegel exercise is suitable for beginners. It is similar to the action that is performed to stop urination. This exercise is also allowed for pregnant women in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters. After childbirth, it is recommended to use special testicles of different sizes. They are inserted into the vagina and, applying muscular effort, they try to move them up and down. Additionally, you can train auxiliary muscles: pump the press, do exercises for the back, as well as those designed to strengthen the thigh muscles. At an older age, with the onset of menopause, taking hormonal drugs is recommended.


  1. Who are experiencing menopause
  2. Who have suffered birth injuries, multiple births
  3. Who have undergone surgeries involving the removal of 2 ovaries

Genital prolapse is a problem that is successfully eliminated by gynecology specialists at the K+31 Clinic. If symptoms occur that indicate the development of such a pathology, urgently consult a doctor to promptly identify the problem and eliminate it immediately, without waiting for the worst consequences.


Answers to popular questions

Frequently asked questions are answered by doctors from the K+31 clinic.

Is it possible to completely cure uterine prolapse without surgery?

"In the early stages, we can stop the development of prolapse by prescribing exercises that tone the pelvic floor muscles and installing pessaries. In cases of severe prolapse or prolapse, surgery remains the most effective treatment method," says the doctor.

Is the insertion of a pessary painful, and can it be used continuously?

"The procedure for inserting a pessary is painless and takes only a few minutes. The device is selected individually to avoid discomfort. However, it is important to visit a doctor regularly for monitoring and pessary replacement to avoid complications," explains the obstetrician-gynecologist.

Do Kegel exercises help in the later stages of prolapse?

"Unfortunately, in advanced stages of the pathology, exercises can no longer return the uterine and vaginal walls to their anatomically correct position. But they help restore muscle tone in the pelvic floor and support the result after surgery," notes the physiotherapy specialist.

Can uterine prolapse be prevented?

"Prolapse can be prevented by avoiding excessive heavy lifting, maintaining a healthy weight, and regularly performing exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor. It is also important to promptly treat chronic diseases that affect intra-abdominal pressure," recommends the gynecologist-endocrinologist.

Does prolapse affect sexual life?

"Uterine prolapse can cause discomfort during intimacy. However, after treatment, especially surgical, most women report an improvement in the quality of their intimate life," asserts the gynecologist.

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Kappusheva Laura Magomedovna
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Svetlana Viktorovna
Deputy Chief Physician for Obstetrics and Gynecology, obstetrician-gynecologist
Pivovarova Svetlana Victorovna
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Alexei Sergeyevich
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Anna Vartanovna
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Valentine Grigoryevna
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Zarema Almanovna
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Maria Arturovna
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Maria Vasilievna
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Igor Igorevich
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Evgeniya Viktorovna
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Consultant in oncogynecology, obstetrician-gynecologist
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Jamilya Magomedovna
Kashoyan Anna Robertovna
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Anna Robertovna
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Ipatova Ekaterina Borisovna
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Ekaterina Borisovna
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Dinara Radikovna
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K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

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Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
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Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
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Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
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Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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