Inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis, salpingo-oophoritis)

Inflammation of the appendages (adnexitis) is a disease that affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries, which play a crucial role in the female reproductive system. Eggs mature in the ovaries, and the tubes help them reach the uterus, where they can be fertilized.

Normally, the appendages are absolutely sterile. The penetration of bacteria into this area inevitably causes inflammation. Even a slight delay in starting treatment can lead to serious complications, such as infertility or persistent pain.

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What is inflammation of the appendages?

Inflammation of the appendages is an infection that affects the fallopian tubes and ovaries. Usually, the culprits are bacteria, including those that are sexually transmitted, or conditionally safe microorganisms that are activated when immunity is reduced.

Salpingo-oophoritis is most common in women of childbearing age.

What is inflammation of the appendages?

Vidy adnaxita

Only a specialist can determine the type of adnexitis after an examination. Self-medication is dangerous. At the K+31 clinic (Moscow) they will help you establish a diagnosis and choose a treatment.

Vid adnexite



Features of treatment

Acute adnexitis

It starts suddenly and has vivid symptoms.

Severe pain, fever up to 39°C, weakness, purulent discharge.

Immediate antibiotic treatment is required.

Chronic adnexitis

It develops against the background of an untreated acute form.

Aching pain, worsening before menstruation, risk of infertility.

Long-term therapy: physiotherapy, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Unilateral adnexitis

Affects one fallopian tube and ovary.

Localized pain, discharge, fever.

Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs.

Bilateral adnexitis

Affects both sides of the pelvis.

Diffuse pain, discomfort, complications.

Comprehensive treatment to prevent adhesions.

Specific adnexitis

Caused by infections (gonococci, chlamydia, tuberculosis).

Purulent discharge, latent course, pain.

Antibiotics, anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Nonspecific adnexitis

Caused by opportunistic pathogenic flora.

Less pronounced symptoms, aching pain.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics, immunomodulators.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages

Treatment of adnexitis (salpingo-oophoritis) depends on the stage of the disease, the cause of the pathology and the general condition of the patient. The main medical approaches:

Drug therapy

The basis of treatment for appendage infection is the right drug treatment. Antibiotics are prescribed to fight the infection that caused the disease. To choose the right drug, the doctor usually conducts a bacteriological examination to determine the causative agent. If the test results are not yet ready, treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is started. This allows you to quickly stop the development of the infection without waiting for the results of the laboratory.

At the same time, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed to relieve pain, reduce swelling and restore normal blood circulation in the tissues. If the infection has caused a general weakening of the body, therapy is supplemented with immunostimulants. They strengthen the body's defenses and speed up recovery.

If the inflammation is associated with hormonal disorders, the doctor may supplement the treatment with hormonal drugs. For example, it helps restore the menstrual cycle or reduce the risk of complications.


Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment help not only to speed up recovery, but also to prevent complications. Magnetotherapy and electrophoresis are used to improve blood circulation in the pelvis. This reduces inflammation, reduces the risk of adhesions and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Physical therapy is especially useful in chronic cases where adhesions or recurrences become the main problem. It helps to maintain the normal function of the pelvic organs and avoid surgery.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is required in cases of complicated adnexitis. For example, if a purulent abscess has formed that cannot be cured with antibiotics, or the infection has been caused by an adhesion process that disrupts the function of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Laparoscopy is a modern method of surgery that is used to treat complications of adnexitis. During the procedure, the surgeon removes pus through small punctures in the abdominal cavity, dissects adhesions or restores the patency of the fallopian tubes. The advantage of laparoscopy is minimal trauma and quick recovery - patients return to normal life in 1-2 weeks.

In rare cases, when the pathology has led to irreversible changes, it may be necessary to remove the damaged organ. For example, removal of the tube or ovary is performed only in situations where other treatments are not possible.

General information

Symptoms of adnexitis (salpingo-oophoritis)

Inflammation of the appendages can manifest itself both acutely and chronically, and the severity of symptoms varies greatly.

Acute inflammation begins with sharp pain in the lower abdomen. It can be stabbing, aching or cramping, more often felt on one side, although sometimes it affects the entire lower abdomen. The temperature rises to 38-39 ° C, often accompanied by chills and weakness. Many women complain of abundant or purulent vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor. There may be problems with urination: frequent urges or pain, especially if the pathology affects neighboring tissues.

The main signs of acute salpingo-oophoritis:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (sharp or aching)
  • High temperature (up to 39 °C)
  • Excessive vaginal discharge, sometimes with an admixture of pus
  • Weakness, general malaise, chills
  • Urinary problems (pain, urgency)
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Menstrual irregularities (painful or irregular periods)

With chronic inflammation, the symptoms become less acute, but persist. Pain in the lower abdomen can be mild, but long-lasting, often worse before menstruation or after physical exertion. The cycle is disrupted: menstruation can be scanty, irregular or painful. One of the most serious consequences is infertility caused by adhesions that block the passage of the egg through the fallopian tubes.

The main signs of chronic adnexitis are:

  • Constant mild pain in the lower abdomen
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Discomfort during exertion or before menstruation

Sometimes the symptoms of salpingo-oophoritis can be confused with signs of other diseases, such as appendicitis or ovarian cysts. Therefore, the correct diagnosis can only be made by a doctor.

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Causes of inflammation of the appendages

Adnexitis occurs due to the penetration of infection into the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The disease can be caused by various factors, including weakened immunity, infection or even hygiene problems.

  1. Sexually transmitted infections. The most common cause of the pathological process is bacteria such as chlamydia, gonococci, trichomonas or mycoplasmas. These pathogens are transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and cause inflammation in the pelvic organs
  2. Improper hygiene. Infrequent or improper intimate hygiene creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of harmful microorganisms that can reach the ovaries and fallopian tubes
  3. Medical Procedures and Injuries. Surgeries and interventions, such as abortion, curettage, or the insertion of a spiral, can cause infection, especially if the procedures were performed in inappropriate conditions
  4. Weakened immunity. Chronic stress, frequent colds, or other illnesses significantly reduce the body's defenses, making the appendages more vulnerable to infection
  5. Chronic infections. Untreated inflammation in other organs, such as the respiratory tract or urinary system, can cause the bacteria to spread through the blood or lymph, affecting the pelvic organs
  6. Blood stagnation in the pelvis. A sedentary lifestyle, constipation or varicose veins disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic area, creating favorable conditions for the development of pathologies
  7. Early onset of sexual activity and frequent change of partners. These factors significantly increase the likelihood of contracting sexually transmitted infections
  8. Untimely treatment of gynecological diseases. Ignoring problems such as bacterial vaginosis, thrush or inflammation of the cervix can lead to the spread of infection to the appendages
  9. Hormonal changes. For example, a decrease in estrogen levels

When estrogen levels drop, as they often do during menopause, the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner and loses its protective properties. Normally, hormones help maintain hydration and the natural acid balance that protects against infections. Without this protection, bacteria penetrate more easily and cause pathologies of the appendages.

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Diagnosis of adnexitis (salpingo-oophoritis)

At the first stage, the specialist will conduct a survey and examination. The doctor asks questions about pain, the nature of discharge, the characteristics of the cycle and the presence of chronic diseases. Examination on a chair helps to identify soreness in the appendage area and possible signs of pathology.


  1. Laboratory tests. Blood and urine tests are prescribed to clarify the diagnosis. Elevated white blood cell counts and an accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) indicate inflammation. Additionally, swabs may be taken to determine flora or detect sexually transmitted infections. This allows you to exclude the infectious origin of the disease
  2. Ultrasound (US). Ultrasound of the pelvic organs is one of the key diagnostic methods. It allows you to assess the condition of the tubes and ovaries, as well as detect cysts, fluid accumulations or other changes associated with inflammation
  3. PCR assay. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to accurately determine the causative agents of infections. This method helps to detect even a minimal amount of bacterial or viral DNA, which is especially important in the chronic form of the disease
  4. Hysterosalpingography. If there is a suspicion of obstruction of the fallopian tubes, an X-ray using a contrast agent is prescribed. The study shows the structure of the tubes and helps confirm inflammatory changes
  5. Bacteriological culture. In the presence of purulent discharge, culture is carried out on a nutrient medium. It allows you to determine which bacteria have caused the inflammation and select the antibiotics that will be most effective

If previous methods have not given accurate results, laparoscopy may be prescribed. A camera is inserted through a small incision in the abdominal cavity, which allows you to examine the appendages from the inside. The method helps to detect adhesions, purulent foci and other changes. Laparoscopy can also be used to treat inflammatory processes.

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Disease prevention

Tips for prevention:

  1. Visit your gynecologist regularly – at least once a year
  2. Use condoms to protect against sexually transmitted infections
  3. Do not sit on cold surfaces and avoid prolonged hypothermia
  4. Include more vitamins and fiber in your diet to strengthen your immune system
  5. Treat infections, such as tooth decay or sore throats, in a timely manner
  6. Maintain a balance between work and leisure while avoiding stress
  7. Treat even minor inflammatory processes in time

Strengthen your immune system. A healthy diet, moderate exercise, and adequate sleep make the body more resistant to infections. Avoid bad habits such as smoking, as it weakens the body's defenses

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Answers to popular questions

Here are collected questions that are often asked by people who are faced with inflammation of the appendages.

Can inflammation of the appendages be caused by hypothermia?

Hypothermia itself is not the cause of pathology of the appendages, but it weakens the immune system, which can allow the infection to become active. For example, if you already have opportunistic pathogens, they can cause the disease.

Why is adnexitis often confused with appendicitis?

The symptoms of these diseases are similar: acute pain in the right lower abdomen, nausea, weakness. Only a doctor can distinguish them with the help of ultrasound and blood tests. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate for abdominal pain.

Can appendages hurt after physical exertion?

Pain in the appendages after an intense workout may indicate chronic inflammation or adhesions. If this recurs, it is worth seeing a gynecologist to rule out hidden problems.

Does inflammation of the appendages affect the psycho-emotional state?

Yes, chronic inflammation can cause irritability, anxiety, and even depression due to constant discomfort and hormonal disorders. Treatment not only eliminates physical symptoms, but also improves overall well-being.

Can inflammation of the appendages be transmitted to a partner?

If the inflammation is caused by a sexually transmitted infection (such as chlamydia or gonococci), then the partner may also be infected. In this case, both need treatment, even if the partner is asymptomatic.

Can adnexitis develop in the absence of sexual activity?

Yes, inflammation can be caused by other factors: pelvic surgery, intestinal or urinary tract infections, and decreased immunity.

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