Bacterial vaginosis is an infectious disease that is accompanied by discharge with an unpleasant odor, burning and itching, which interferes with the usual way of life. According to statistics, it is diagnosed in 25% of women worldwide. If vaginosis is not treated, the risk of developing salpingitis, endometritis, cervicitis increases.
Among the clinical signs of vaginosis:
Not all women experience pronounced symptoms of the disease. In some cases, vaginosis is asymptomatic.
The main reason is a violation of the microflora balance, which reduces the number of lactobacilli. Factors that provoke vaginosis include:
At the first signs of bacterial vaginosis, it is important to see a doctor and undergo an examination. Only a qualified and experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis and select an effective treatment regimen.
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What is bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis is a pathological condition characterized by a violation of the natural microflora of the vagina. Normally, it is dominated by lactobacilli, which create an acidic environment and protect against infections. When their number decreases, opportunistic microorganisms Gardnerella vaginalis begin to multiply.
Important! Bacterial vaginosis is not a sexually transmitted disease, but it increases the risk of contracting chlamydia and gonorrhea.
Diagnosis of vaginosis is performed by a gynecologist. Many women ask themselves: why is vaginosis treatment important? Without treatment, bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy increases the likelihood of premature birth. Women planning to install an IUD or have an abortion have an increased risk of infections.