Treatment of ovarian cyst

One of the common gynecological diseases is ovarian cyst. According to statistics, up to 80% of women of reproductive age have at least once encountered a functional cyst. In most cases, neoplasms go away on their own within 3–6 months. In postmenopausal women, ovarian cysts are diagnosed in 14–18% of women. If pain, menstrual irregularities, or pressure on the bladder or intestines occur, it is important to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive diagnosis.
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What is an ovarian cyst

An ovarian cyst is a benign neoplasm filled with fluid, less often blood or other contents. Often the disease is asymptomatic and is detected during a routine ultrasound. Damage or growth of an ovarian cyst leads to rupture, torsion, and pressure on neighboring organs, so it must be treated immediately.

An ovarian cyst is most often located on one side: left or right. Ovulation in each cycle occurs in either the right or left ovary, which makes one of them more active. The likelihood of the formation of functional cysts is higher in the ovary in which one or more follicles develop and the corpus luteum is formed.

Bilateral ovarian cysts are extremely rare. Pathological conditions contribute to their development:

  • Severe stage of endometriosis
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Chronic adnexitis

Also, bilateral ovarian cysts can be a consequence of genetic diseases, for example, Meigs syndrome.

What is an ovarian cyst

Types of ovarian cysts

Based on the nature of their course, ovarian cysts are classified into 2 groups:

  • Functional. Occurs due to improper functioning of the ovary and menstrual irregularities. Disappears on its own after 1–3 cycles
  • Pathological. Develop due to excessive growth of ovarian cells. Identified both outside and inside the organ

Functional cysts on the left or right side are most often found in women of reproductive age and do not cause serious symptoms. Pathological neoplasms require treatment because they are accompanied by inflammation and discomfort.

According to the mechanism of development, functional ovarian cysts are of 3 types:

  • Follicular. Formed if the dominant follicle does not rupture to release the egg. They are usually small and painless
  • Luteal or corpus luteum cysts. Develop due to hormonal imbalance, disorders of lymph flow and blood circulation in the pelvis
  • Thecalutein. They are formed from follicles when the hCG level is exceeded, pregnancy occurs, or the presence of choriocarcinoma. Often occur on both ovaries

Depending on the size, there are small (up to 2.5 cm in diameter) and large (more than 5 cm) cysts. The capsule gradually grows due to an increase in the volume of liquid inside. It also develops a leg, so visually the ovarian cyst resembles a mushroom.

Based on the nature of the contents, there are 4 types of pathological cysts:

  • Endometrioid. Occurs due to endometriosis. Contains thick, dark-colored blood
  • Dermoid. Develops from ovarian tissue, which contains the rudiments of intrauterine structures (ecto-, meso-, endoderm cells)
  • Serous. Formed from the epithelial tissues of the outer shell of the ovary. Filled with transparent liquid
  • Mucinous. It has a multi-chamber structure and reaches large sizes. Contains mucus

In addition, there are paraovarian and retention ovarian cysts. Paraovarians are formed from the adnexal structures of the ovary, are filled with clear liquid and have a thin wall. Retention cysts are formed as a result of frequent abortions, hypothyroidism, and early puberty. Contain blood or fluid.

Possible complications

Regular observation by a gynecologist and monitoring the condition of the tumor allows you to promptly identify any changes and take measures to preserve women’s health.

If left untreated, an ovarian cyst causes the following complications:

  • Torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian cyst

    An acute condition characterized by impaired blood supply to the organ, severe pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and general weakness. Requires urgent surgical intervention, as it can provoke necrosis.

  • Ovarian cyst rupture

    Occurs when the wall of the tumor cannot withstand pressure or injury. Causes acute pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding into the abdominal cavity, dizziness, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, pale skin. The condition is life-threatening and requires emergency surgery.

  • Suppuration of an ovarian cyst

    In the presence of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs, the infection penetrates into the neoplasm, causing fever, increasing pain in the lower abdomen, and nausea. The spread of the infectious process threatens peritonitis and sepsis. In this case, surgical removal of the cyst and antibiotic therapy are required.

  • Malignancy

    Mucinous and serous cystadenomas are prone to degeneration into ovarian cancer. They are accompanied by an increase in the size of the tumor, constant pain and a feeling of pressure, and intestinal dysfunction. Treatment involves surgery with histological examination; if necessary, the doctor prescribes radiation and chemotherapy.

  • Pressure on neighboring organs

    Leads to difficulty urinating or defecating. A planned operation is required to remove the cyst.

General information

Symptoms of the disease

Ovarian cysts on both the left and right are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies after exercise, sexual intercourse or during menstruation
  • Delayed menstruation
  • Heavy or scanty bleeding
  • Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen if the ovarian cyst increases in size
  • Frequent urination
  • Difficulty in bowel movements

Clinical signs depend on the size and location of the ovarian cyst.

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Causes of cysts

Ovarian cyst develops due to the following reasons:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Anovulatory cycle, during which a woman cannot become pregnant
  • Chronic stress
  • Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system
  • Taking medications to stimulate ovulation

Risk factors for ovarian cysts include hereditary predisposition, the onset of menstruation before the age of 12, late menopause, and obesity. Sometimes cysts develop at the beginning of pregnancy, which is associated with chronic gynecological diseases, excessive physical activity, and psycho-emotional stress.

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Identification of an ovarian cyst consists of several stages:

  1. Gynecological examination. When palpating the ovaries, the doctor detects an increase in the size and pain of the organ
  2. Ultrasound. Allows you to visualize the neoplasm, assess the size, shape, and structure of the cyst. It is carried out in two ways: through the anterior abdominal wall and through the vagina
  3. Blood test for tumor markers. Elevated levels of CA-125 indicate malignancy. Additionally, analysis is performed on HE4 and ROMA index
  4. X-ray, computed tomography. They are carried out to exclude other diseases of the abdominal organs, if peritonitis, tumor rupture, bleeding are suspected

To clarify the diagnosis, assess the nature of the cyst, and exclude a malignant process, the doctor prescribes a laparoscopic examination with a biopsy. During the procedure, a tissue sample is taken from the wall of the cyst or other suspicious areas for subsequent histological analysis. The fallopian tubes are also examined to identify signs of inflammation, adhesions, and metastases.

Laparoscopy with biopsy is considered a minimally invasive technique. It allows tissue samples to be obtained directly from the cyst and does not require a long recovery period.

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Conservative treatment of ovarian cysts is used for functional neoplasms. The main goal of therapy is to normalize hormonal levels, eliminate symptoms and prevent the development of complications. The course of treatment includes the following drugs:

  • Combined oral contraceptives. Regulate the menstrual cycle, suppress the functioning of the ovaries, preventing the formation of new cysts
  • Progestins. Normalize the function of the corpus luteum

The duration of the course is 3–6 months, with regular assessment of effectiveness.

Nuance! Hormonal drugs are usually not used to treat cysts during menopause, since during this period the natural function of the ovaries ceases.

If the cyst is accompanied by inflammation of the pelvic organs, anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out using drugs based on ibuprofen and diclofenac. For bacterial infections, antibiotics are prescribed. Antispasmodics are indicated to relieve pain.

Important! During treatment, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system with the help of vitamin complexes. Preparations must contain vitamins B, E and C.

To improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs and accelerate the resorption of the cyst, it is useful to go to physiotherapeutic procedures. Electrophoresis with iodine, magnetic therapy, and ultrasound therapy are considered effective. A course of physiotherapy for malignant neoplasms and inflammatory processes is prohibited.

If the cyst does not decrease in size and is accompanied by complications, surgical intervention is required. Doctors at the K+31 clinic in Moscow perform surgery to remove an ovarian cyst at a competitive price. In their work they use a modern and safe laparoscopic method. Among its advantages:

  • Minimal trauma and likelihood of infectious complications
  • Full recovery in 1–2 weeks
  • Almost invisible scars after surgery
  • Fertility preservation
  • Low risk of adhesions
  • Less blood loss

During laparoscopy, you can not only remove the cyst, but also get rid of adhesions, endometrioid lesions, and fibroids. Patients report less pain in the postoperative period compared to open surgery.

If large and complex tumors are diagnosed, you need to be treated using radical methods:

  • Wedge resection - removal of a section of the ovary along with the cyst
  • Oophorectomy - complete excision of an organ
  • Adnexectomy - removal of the ovary along with the fallopian tube

After surgery, it is important to avoid intense physical activity for 1–2 months, eat a balanced diet, and ensure careful care of the sutures. To improve blood circulation and prevent blood clots, you should walk in the fresh air for at least an hour a day. You can gradually increase your physical activity, perform stretching exercises, and strengthen your abdominal and back muscles.

Pay attention! For most women left with one ovary, menstruation continues, but in the first months there may be disruptions. In such cases, hormonal therapy is carried out.

1, 3 and 6 months after surgery, follow-up examinations are carried out by a gynecologist. To assess the function of the remaining ovary and exclude complications, ultrasound and blood tests are prescribed.

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To prevent the development of ovarian cysts in women, it is important to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Control hormonal levels. You need to take prescribed hormonal contraceptives at the same time every day
  2. To reduce inflammatory processes in the body during menopause, include in your diet foods containing vitamins C and E, omega-3 fatty acids
  3. Avoid excessive consumption of fats and carbohydrates, processed foods
  4. Exercise regularly and monitor your body weight. Yoga, walking, swimming, cycling normalize the functioning of the reproductive system
  5. Quit smoking and alcohol
  6. Maintain intimate hygiene, wash yourself at least once a day, wear fresh underwear
  7. Use barrier contraceptives during sexual intercourse

Lack of sleep contributes to hormonal imbalances, so it is important to sleep 8-9 hours a day. Meditation, breathing exercises, massage reduce stress levels and maintain hormonal balance.

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