Diseases of the vulva and vagina

Diseases of the vulva and vagina negatively affect the quality of life of many women. Discomfort, itching, pain, and discharge become causes of stress and self-doubt. Lack of timely treatment leads to serious complications: inflammation, damage to other organs, and infertility.
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Prognosis of vulvar dysplasia is related to the severity of the disease and the period of development of the disease, the presence of associated factors, age indicators and individual characteristics of the patient. In the absence of proper treatment, atypical hyperplasia can progress to oncological pathology. And a mild degree of dysplasia, when detected in the early stages and following the recommendations for appropriate treatment, successfully regresses.

The sooner the visit to the gynecologist follows and the more comprehensive the diagnosis, the more likely a successful recovery. Due to the possibility of relapse, patients with a similar diagnosis are recommended to undergo mandatory monitoring by their attending physician, and in particularly severe cases, additional monitoring by an oncologist.

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Types of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs

Inflammatory processes affect various structures of the female reproductive system. Their classification depends on the location and nature of the inflammation:

  1. Vaginitis or inflammation of the vagina. The causes are often bacterial infections, fungal infections, and microflora disturbances. Symptoms include itching, burning, foul-smelling discharge
  2. Vulvitis. Inflammation of the external genitalia is caused by mechanical injuries, allergic reactions to hygiene products, and infections. Manifested by redness, itching, pain
  3. Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix occurs due to sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms are absent or appear in the form of discharge, pain in the lower abdomen
  4. Endometritis. Inflammation of the uterine mucosa is often associated with abortion and childbirth. Symptoms include fever, lower abdominal pain, abnormal discharge
  5. Adnexitis. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries occurs against the background of infection. Symptoms - pelvic pain, fever, menstrual irregularities
  6. Bartholinitis. Inflammation of the Bartholin gland, located at the entrance to the vagina, develops as a result of blockage of the duct and infection. Symptoms include tenderness and swelling in the labia area

According to statistics, about 5% of initial visits to a gynecologist are related to pathologies of the vulva. In 75% of cases, long-term treatment is required.

Table: diseases of the vulva and vagina

The table presents the most common pathologies, causes of development, symptoms, and diagnostic methods.




Causes/Risk Factors


Infectious diseases


Itching, burning, redness, vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor

Bacterial infection, Candida fungi, viruses, parasites

Clinical examination, microflora smear, PCR

Bacterial vaginosis

White-gray discharge with a fishy odor, discomfort

Vaginal microflora disturbance, excessive growth of Gardnerella vaginalis

Smear, KON test, microbiological examination

Candida vulvovaginitis

White curdled discharge, itching, redness

Reproduction of fungi of the genus Candida with decreased immunity or changes in microflora

Smear for microflora, cultural examination


Greenish discharge, itching, unpleasant odor, pain

Trichomonas vaginalis parasite, transmission through sexual contact

PCR, microscopy of vaginal smear

Viral diseases

Genital herpes

Blisters, sores, itching, soreness

Herpes simplex virus (HSV 1 and 2), transmission through contact

Clinical examination, PCR

Human papillomavirus

Genital warts, tissue changes

HPV of high or low oncogenic risk, transmission through contact

Visual examination, colposcopy, PCR

Non-inflammatory pathologies

Atrophic vaginitis

Dryness, burning, itching, pain during sexual intercourse

Lack of estrogen due to menopause, hormonal changes

Clinical examination, smear

Dermatological diseases

Lichen sclerosis

White spots on the vulva, itching, thinning of the skin

Genetics, autoimmune factors


Lichen planus

Red or purple spots, erosions

Unknown causes, possibly autoimmune origin


Tumor processes

Vulvar cancer

Nodules, ulcers, bleeding

HPV, age over 50 years, smoking

Biopsy, MRI, CT

Vaginal cancer

Bleeding, pain, discharge

HPV, age over 60 years

Pap test, biopsy

2 days before the examination, you should refrain from sexual intercourse, the use of vaginal medications, and douching.

Symptoms of inflammatory diseases

Symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the vulva and other external organs

The diseases are characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Redness and swelling due to increased blood flow to the affected area
  • Itching, burning in the evening and at night
  • Pain in the area of ​​the inflamed area, which radiates to neighboring areas, intensifies when walking, sitting, or sexual intercourse
  • Discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Dryness, feeling of tightness of the skin
  • Painful ulcers or erosions that make hygiene difficult
  • Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes

In severe cases, inflammation is accompanied by increased body temperature, weakness, and fatigue.

Symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the vagina and other internal organs

Diseases of internal organs cause the following symptoms:

  • Yellow-green, white, thick or cheesy discharge with an unpleasant odor
  • Itching and burning in the vaginal area, which intensifies with urination, physical activity, sexual intercourse
  • Aching or sharp pain in the lower abdomen, often associated with inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages
  • Frequent and painful urination, which affects not only the vagina, but also the urinary tract
  • Bloody discharge outside of menstruation caused by inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis) or damage to the mucous membrane
  • Fever, weakness, chills

Inflammatory processes in the ovaries and uterus affect the regularity of the cycle, making it shorter or longer.

Symptoms of inflammatory diseases of the cervix and other pelvic organs

There are a number of signs that you should pay special attention to:

  • Purulent, profuse discharge with an unpleasant odor or bloody discharge after sexual intercourse due to inflammation of the cervix
  • Nagging or acute pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies during menstruation, exercise, sexual intercourse
  • Burning, pain when urinating, frequent urge to go to the toilet
  • Fever and chills, signaling acute inflammatory processes: endometritis (inflammation of the uterine mucosa) or salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries)
  • General malaise, weakness, decreased performance
  • Nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite

Inflammatory processes in the ovaries or uterus reduce libido, lead to increased anxiety, restlessness, and low self-esteem.

General information

Causes of inflammation of the vulva and vagina

Inflammatory processes in the vulva and vagina occur due to the following reasons:

  • Infections caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses. These include vaginal dysbiosis, candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, sexually transmitted diseases
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause or when taking hormonal medications weaken the protective mechanisms of the mucous membrane
  • Mechanical injuries due to improper use of hygiene products as a result of active sexual life
  • Allergic reactions to intimate hygiene products, soap, sanitary pads, condoms, lubricants
  • Insufficient and excessive hygiene, use of aggressive means for washing and douching. Lead to disruption of the natural balance of vaginal microflora

Prolonged use of antibiotics may also be the cause. Antibacterial drugs upset the balance of microflora, destroying not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria. This makes the mucous membrane vulnerable to fungal infections.

“The main cause of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs are microorganisms that penetrate the female genital tract. Other factors also contribute to the development of pathologies: chronic diseases, excessive physical activity, constant stress,” notes the doctor.

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  • Inspection. The patient's examination begins with a visit to the gynecological office for an examination, which can be supplemented by extended colposcopy and the use of the Schiller test. Due to the different reactions of healthy and damaged epithelium to iodine, the Schiller test allows us to identify pathological changes in the epithelium. Iodine-negative tissues require mandatory cytological examination and biopsy, based on the results of which a final diagnosis is made.
  • HPV test. Papillomavirus is one of the main factors inducing atypical hyperplasia, which necessitates HPV analysis if this pathology is suspected. HPV testing is carried out using the PCR screening method, which allows not only to establish the presence of human papillomavirus in the patient’s biomaterial, but also to accurately determine its type due to the unique DNA of each infectious agent. PCR screening is an effective research method even for indolent infections.
  • Cytological examination, biopsy, histology. If atypical vulvar hyperplasia is suspected, a cytological examination of epithelial cells is prescribed, the results of which make it possible to judge the specificity and severity of cellular atypia, as well as the signs of malignant neoplasms. If the diagnosis is confirmed, in order to exclude a cancer threat, a biopsy with the histology of the selected material is required, the results of which make it possible to differentiate atypical vulvar hyperplasia from benign lesions of the vulva and oncological diseases.

A comprehensive examination with the involvement of specialists from different fields of medicine (in addition to a gynecologist and oncologist, it is advisable to involve a venereologist and a dermatologist in the examination) makes it possible to carry out the most comprehensive diagnosis and select effective methods to combat the disease that are tailored to the patient’s needs.

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Methods for treating inflammation of the genitourinary system in women

Let's consider the main methods of treating cervical inflammation:

  1. Drug therapy. Treatment of inflammation with antibiotics or antifungal drugs aimed at eliminating the infection. Indicated for infections of bacterial or fungal origin, acute symptoms of inflammation, exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes. Contraindications: allergic reactions to drugs
  2. Physiotherapy. It involves the use of ultrasound and laser to improve blood flow and relieve inflammation. Indicated for chronic inflammatory processes, during the recovery period after elimination of exacerbation symptoms, and for pain in the pelvis. Contraindications are acute inflammation and tumor processes. The course of treatment consists of 5–10 procedures
  3. Instillation of the bladder. The administration of medicinal solutions directly into the bladder is necessary for chronic cystitis, inflammation of the bladder that cannot be treated with drugs, during the rehabilitation period after infections. Contraindication is the acute stage of inflammation
  4. Surgical intervention. Elimination of inflammatory foci by surgery is indicated for inflammation with purulent complications, cysts, abscesses, and ineffectiveness of conservative treatment. Contraindications: severe life-threatening conditions

The effectiveness of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the vulva and vagina reaches 95–100%. To prevent vulvovaginitis, it is important to follow the rules of intimate hygiene and use reliable methods of protection against sexually transmitted infections.

Antibacterial drugs should be taken strictly as prescribed by your doctor. A balanced diet, giving up bad habits and regular walks in the fresh air play an important role in the prevention of diseases of the vulva and vagina. It is important to maintain psycho-emotional balance, avoid stress, and undergo preventive examinations with a gynecologist at least once a year.

If you are faced with diseases of the vulva and vagina, entrust your health to the experts of the K+31 clinic in Moscow. We offer comprehensive diagnostics, modern laser technologies, high-precision surgical treatment and care for your psychological comfort. All procedures are carried out in accordance with international medical standards to ensure maximum efficiency and safety. Contact us - we will take care of your health.

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Answers to questions

Doctors at the K+31 clinic answered pressing questions regarding diseases of the vulva and vagina.

How are diseases of the vulva and vagina transmitted?

In most cases, diseases are transmitted through direct contact with infected mucous membranes during sexual intercourse and personal hygiene items. Some infections are transmitted from mother to child through the placenta or by passing through the birth canal during childbirth.

What is vestibular papillomatosis?

This is a condition in which small growths appear on the lining of the vulva, resembling small warts. Sometimes this is associated with the human papillomavirus, but it can also be a physiological feature. Most often, the disease passes without symptoms and is discovered by chance. In rare cases, patients complain of burning, pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse. Treatment is required only for discomfort and is usually limited to observation by a gynecologist.

What are the stages of vulvitis and vaginitis?

Vulvitis and vaginitis can occur in different forms: acute inflammation lasts up to a month, subacute inflammation lasts up to three months, and chronic inflammation occurs over a longer period of time.

What signs indicate bacterial vaginosis?

Bacterial vaginosis causes gray-white discharge with a strong fishy odor. The acidity of the vagina becomes higher than normal, and microscopy of the smear shows epithelial cells covered with bacteria.

How to treat bartholinitis?

If the disease is asymptomatic, treatment is not required. It is enough to maintain personal hygiene and lead a healthy lifestyle. If the cyst becomes inflamed and an abscess forms, you can take warm baths to relieve the condition. If necessary, drainage is carried out: the contents of the cyst are removed through a small incision and a catheter is installed to prevent relapses. For complications associated with chronic diseases, antibiotics are prescribed.

How is a Bartholin gland cyst treated?

Treatment of a cyst begins with drainage. The doctor makes a small incision, removes the fluid and installs a VORD catheter - a special device that allows the cyst to heal without the fluid accumulating again. This procedure is performed under local anesthesia and does not require hospitalization. In rare cases, when other methods are ineffective, surgical removal of the gland is required.

Why does itching and burning occur in the vagina after going to the toilet?

The feeling of burning and itching after urination is most often associated with inflammation of the bladder - cystitis. This disease is accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate and irritation in the genital area. Urethritis, an inflammation of the urethra caused by bacteria or viruses, also causes similar discomfort. They provoke vaginal dryness and lead to microtraumas. If urine gets on the damaged areas, the discomfort intensifies.

Who is more likely to experience vulvovaginitis?

Vulvovaginitis often develops in women and girls who are overly keen on hygiene, using laundry soap, potassium permanganate solutions, baking soda, and herbal decoctions. Such products cause chemical burns and cell death, which disrupts the natural balance of vaginal microflora. Beneficial lactic acid bacteria, which perform a protective function, are destroyed, which creates favorable conditions for inflammation and the transition of vulvovaginitis to a chronic form.

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Jamilya Magomedovna
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Dinara Radikovna
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