
Postmenopausa is a period of life of a woman who occurs after the complete cessation of menstruation. The reason is that the ovaries stop working as before, and no longer produce hormones that regulate the reproductive system. Postmenopause is inevitable, but regular observation by a doctor will help maintain health and youth, minimize unpleasant changes.
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What is a postmenopause?

The Climax post is the time that begins a year after the last menstruation. During this period, the ovaries cease to produce hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone. This usually happens at the age of 45–55 years, but each woman has individual terms.

Changes in the hormonal background affect many processes in the body. The density of bones decreases, heart problems and blood vessels may occur, the skin loses elasticity, tides and emotional instability appear.

What is a postmenopause?

The age of the onset of postmenopause

The Climax post usually begins at the age of 45–55 years. The average age is 51 years.

However, the age of the offensive may vary. Some women enter postmenopause earlier - in 40–44 (early postmenopausa), and in rare cases - up to 40 years (premature menopause). Late postmenopause is observed after 55 years.

Age is influenced by heredity, lifestyle and state of health. Smoking, chronic diseases and low body weight can accelerate the process. If the symptoms of menopause began early, it is important to consult a doctor for diagnosis and recommendations.

Classification of postmenopause

Type post Climax


Examples and features

Natural postmenopause

It occurs as a result of natural extinction of ovarian function. This is due to age changes when the level of estrogen is gradually decreasing.

Обычно наступает в возрасте 45–55 лет. Симптомы включают приливы, сухость влагалища, перепады настроения.

Early postmenopause

It develops up to 45 years. Can be caused by hereditary factors, chronic factors stress, smoking or autoimmune disorders.

May be accompanied by more pronounced symptoms, such as sharp tides and decrease bone density.

Premature postmenopause

It occurs up to 40 years. Often associated with genetic mutations, surgical removal ovary (ovarioctomy) or treatment, for example, chemotherapy.

Can lead to infertility, a sharp deterioration in the state of bones and cardiovascular systems, requires hormonal therapy.

Artificial postmenopause

Является результатом медицинских вмешательств: хирургическое удаление яичников, химиотерапия, облучение.

Резкое снижение уровня гормонов вызывает тяжелые симптомы. Лечение направлено на устранение последствий терапии.

Late postmenopause

It comes after 55 years. This condition may be associated with a slow decrease in level hormones.

A longer preservation of estrogens reduces the symptoms, but increases the risk of cancer Endometry and breast.

Pathological postmenopausa

A condition accompanied by severe complications, such as osteoporosis, Cardiovascular diseases or endocrine pathologies.

It requires constant observation of a doctor and complex therapy.

General information

Symptoms of postmenopause

Main symptoms:

  1. Hot flashes and night sweats. A feeling of sharp heat, accompanied by redness of the skin and sweating, often bothers women at night and interferes with sleep
  2. Vaginal dryness. A decrease in estrogen levels causes a decrease in discharge and discomfort, which can lead to painful sensations during sexual intercourse
  3. Mood swings. Women often experience irritability, anxiety, or depression
  4. Deterioration of skin and hair. Estrogens support skin elasticity and healthy hair. Their deficiency leads to dry skin, brittle hair and accelerated aging
  5. Decreased bone density. Postmenopause is associated with the development of osteoporosis. This condition increases the risk of fractures, especially in women over 60 years of age
  6. Heart palpitations. Hormonal changes can cause cardiovascular disorders
  7. Memory and concentration problems. Some women have difficulty remembering information or concentrating on tasks
  8. Weight change. Many women gain weight, especially due to fat deposits in the abdomen
  9. Decreased libido. Hormonal imbalances affect sexual desire

You may also have trouble urinating. Weakening of the pelvic floor muscles in postmenopause sometimes leads to frequent toileting or urinary incontinence. Such changes are associated with a lack of estrogens, which affect tissue elasticity and muscle tone.

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Hormones in postmenopause

In postmenopause, the level of hormones in a woman's body changes significantly.


After postmenopause, estrogen levels drop dramatically. These hormones previously supported healthy bones, blood vessels, skin, and mucous membranes. A lack of them can lead to vaginal dryness, decreased skin elasticity, osteoporosis, and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.


Progesterone in postmenopause practically ceases to be produced. This hormone was important for regulating the menstrual cycle and preparing the body for pregnancy. Its absence can also affect hormonal balance and overall well-being.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

FSH levels increase significantly. This hormone regulates the maturation of follicles in the ovaries, but in postmenopause, when the ovaries are no longer functioning, its levels remain high. High FSH is one of the key markers of postmenopause.

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Like FSH, LH levels also rise. This is due to the body's attempts to stimulate the ovaries, which have already ceased their function.


The production of testosterone, which is responsible for sex drive, muscle tone and energy, also decreases, but this process is slower compared to estrogens.

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Causes of postmenopause

The main causes of postmenopause can be divided into natural and pathological.

  1. Ovarian Discontinuation. As we age, the ovaries reduce the production of hormones, especially estrogens and progesterone. This leads to the cessation of ovulation and menstruation, which is a key sign of the transition to postmenopause
  2. Age-related changes. For most women, postmenopause begins after the age of 50, when the natural aging processes affect hormonal levels and the functioning of the reproductive system
  3. Surgical removal of the ovaries. Ovariectomy (removal of the ovaries) causes artificial menopause, after which the body immediately goes into a postmenopausal state. This may be necessary for tumors, endometriosis, or other diseases
  4. Hormonal disorders. Sometimes hormone imbalances due to diseases of the thyroid, pituitary gland, or other endocrine organs can accelerate the onset of postmenopause
  5. Radiation or chemotherapy. Cancer treatment can damage the ovaries and cause them to stop functioning, causing premature postmenopause
  6. Genetic predisposition. The age of postmenopause can be associated with hereditary factors. If a close relative is postmenopausal early, it can happen to you

Postmenopause is not a disease, but a natural process that can be accelerated by certain factors.

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Endometrial hyperplasia in postmenopausal women

Endometrial hyperplasia is an overgrowth of the uterine mucosa, which in postmenopause is associated with a high risk of precancerous changes. The cause is most often an increased level of estrogen with a lack of progesterone, which is possible with obesity, hormone replacement therapy or hormone-producing tumors.

Symptoms include any spotting, as it is an abnormality in post-menopause. There may be pain in the lower abdomen or a feeling of pressure on the organs. Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound and hysteroscopy, and an endometrial biopsy is often taken to rule out cancer. Treatment includes hormone therapy with progestins or surgery, including removal of the uterus in complex cases.

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Postmenopausal uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that usually shrink after menopause due to decreased estrogen levels. However, in some women, fibroids may persist or even increase in size, which is associated with hormone replacement therapy or being overweight.

Symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen, pressure on the bladder or bowels, and occasional spotting. Diagnosis is carried out using ultrasound and MRI. The approach to therapy depends on the size of the fibroid and the presence of symptoms. In case of asymptomatic course, observation is recommended, in case of complications - removal of fibroids or uterus.

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Postmenopausal ovarian cyst

Ovarian cysts in postmenopause require special attention, as their presence may be associated with the risk of malignant processes. Functional cysts are practically non-existent, as the work of the ovaries stops. Serous, paraovarian or dermoid cysts, as well as mucinous formations, are more often found.

Most cysts are detected by chance, but with an increase in size, pain in the lower abdomen, bloating, or pressure on neighboring organs is possible. Diagnostics include ultrasound with Doppler sonography, tumor marker tests and MRI. Treatment depends on the type and size of the cyst. Suspicious or large formations require surgical removal.

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Postmenopausal Treatment

Therapy for postmenopause is complex and depends on the symptoms that cause discomfort to a woman.

Hormone therapy (HRT)

Hormone replacement therapy includes drugs with estrogens and progesterone, which help to cope with hot flashes, insomnia, dry mucous membranes and prevent the development of osteoporosis. For example, pills or patches that begin to work after 10-14 days. Before prescribing, the doctor conducts an examination, including mammography and blood tests, to rule out contraindications. HRT is not used for thrombosis, cancer and other serious pathologies.

Osteoporosis Treatment

Loss of bone density in post-menopause requires therapy. Drugs such as bisphosphonates, calcium with vitamin D and others give a noticeable effect as early as 6-12 months after the start of therapy. For example, Denosumab is injected twice a year to help reduce the risk of fractures, and calcium with vitamin D supports strong bones.

Symptomatic therapy

Alternative methods include the use of phytoestrogens (Climadinone) and moisturizing gels to relieve discomfort. Sedatives help reduce anxiety. For example, with moderate hot flashes, patients often notice an improvement 7-10 days after starting to take phytoestrogens.

Physical activity and lifestyle

Regular physical activity strengthens muscles and bones. For example, Nordic walking or yoga 3-4 times a week significantly reduces joint pain and improves overall condition after just a month. Maintaining a healthy weight also reduces stress on your joints and improves your metabolism.

Diet and nutrition

Proper diet helps to cope with post-menopause symptoms. The emphasis is on foods rich in proteins, calcium and fiber. For example, eating 500–700 ml of dairy, greens, and fish daily improves bone density and supports cardiovascular health.

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Disease prevention

Tips for staying healthy:

  • Visit your gynecologist once a year. Regular examinations, ultrasounds, and tests help to detect problems at an early stage, such as endometrial hyperplasia, fibroids, or cysts
  • Watch your hormones. Get tested to assess your levels of estrogens and other hormones
  • Strengthen bones. Increase your intake of foods with calcium and vitamin D (cheese, fish, broccoli). Exercise regularly, such as walking or swimming
  • Control weight. A balanced diet low in fat and sugar will reduce the load on the heart and joints. Add more vegetables, fruits, and protein foods to your diet
  • Watch your heart. Measure blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Limit salt intake, give up smoking and alcohol
  • Strengthen your pelvic muscles. Kegel exercises help prevent urinary incontinence. Incorporate them into your daily routine
  • Avoid stress. Rest regularly, do yoga or meditation. Emotional health in postmenopause is just as important as physical health
  • Drink more water. This will help improve kidney function, reduce the risk of urinary tract infections and maintain the overall tone of the body
  • Choose the right hygiene products. Use soft gels for the intimate area without aggressive components so as not to disturb the natural balance of microflora
  • Discuss the prevention of osteoporosis. If there is a family history of this disease, your doctor may recommend special bone-strengthening medications

Regular monitoring by a doctor and preventive measures will help maintain the quality of life in postmenopause and reduce the risk of complications. If you want to discuss your prevention plan, please contact the K+31 clinic (Moscow). All details and prices for services can be found on the website or by phone.

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Answers to popular questions

Post-menopause raises many questions that often remain unanswered. We have collected the most relevant ones to dispel doubts and help you better understand your condition.

When does postmenopause occur

Postmenopause begins 12 months after the last menstrual period. This usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55, but for some women, this period may come earlier or later, depending on the individual characteristics of the body and heredity.

Why does vaginal dryness develop in postmenopause?

A decrease in estrogen levels leads to a decrease in the production of natural lubrication in the vagina. This causes a feeling of dryness, discomfort, and sometimes itching. If these symptoms interfere with quality of life, the doctor may recommend moisturizing gels or hormone therapy.

When should I start taking hormonal drugs?

Hormone therapy is prescribed individually. It is usually started during periods of severe symptoms - hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings or osteoporosis.

Does postmenopause affect your sex life?

Yes, an imbalance in hormone levels can lead to a decrease in libido, dryness, and discomfort during sexual intercourse. But these problems can be solved: the doctor may prescribe hormonal agents, special creams, or other appropriate therapies.

Can postmenopause cause heart problems?

Yes, after the onset of postmenopause, the risk of cardiovascular disease increases due to a decrease in the level of estrogen, which protects blood vessels. Control of blood pressure, cholesterol levels and regular visits to a cardiologist will help reduce this risk.

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