After the puncture procedure of the female gonads, 3-5 days pass and one of the most important moments comes - the transfer of the embryo into the uterus. The implantation of a diploid cell into a woman's body takes no more than 5-7 minutes, but the success of the IVF procedure will depend on the correctness of the manipulations performed, the quality of the blastomeres and the patient's behavior.
The first signs of pregnancy appear within 10-14 days after the successful implantation of the diploid cell into the endometrium. Embryo implantation is preceded by hatching, during which the blastocyst leaves the protein shell and immerses itself in the uterine wall. This process may be accompanied by the evacuation of mucous discharge from the vagina and a small amount of blood.
Signs of pregnancy:
On the seventh day after the IVF procedure, the implanted embryo begins to actively develop. This is evidenced by the excessive production of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Changes in hormonal levels can affect a woman's overall well-being.
On the fifth day after the transfer of the diploid cell, discomfort in the abdominal area may increase. The process of gastrula implantation into the endometrium may be painful and accompanied by minor bloody discharge.
Также рекомендуется нормализовать режим сна и бодрствования, обеспечив полноценный сон продолжительностью от 8 часов. Соблюдение простых рекомендаций повышает вероятность успешной имплантации и проживания эмбриона на 30-40%.
The concentration of hormones in the body of the expectant mother is determined by taking venous blood. Reproductive specialists recommend taking tests in the morning on an empty stomach - at least 8-9 hours should pass between the last meal and blood donation. If a woman takes over-the-counter drugs, she should inform her doctor about this a few days before the tests.
Enzyme immunoassay should be performed not only to determine gestation. The hCG test should also be taken in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy in order to identify developmental defects in the child. Correction of supportive therapy can prevent up to 25% of congenital pathologies and anomalies.
On the 7th day after embryo transfer, patients may complain of nagging abdominal pain, mucous discharge from the vagina and malaise. Symptoms indicate implantation of the embryo in the uterus and production of hCG. Pregnancy tests are performed only on the 14th day after IVF, which is due to the relatively low concentration of the hormone in the blood.
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Features of in vitro fertilization
In vitro fertilization is a modern reproductive technology used for infertility. During the procedure, an oocyte is removed from the ovaries and fertilized in vitro. After that, the diploid cell is cultured in a special incubator for 3-5 days.
At what point to transfer the embryo to the uterus is decided by the reproductive specialist, based on the degree of readiness of the endometrium for implantation. It is believed that five-day embryos take root better, but not all fertilized oocytes can survive until the transfer at the appointed time.