Devplasia of the cervix

Cervical dysplasia is a gynecological disease that is characterized by structural and functional changes in the epithelial cells of the organ. Occurs in approximately 5–10% of women of reproductive age. In more than 90% of cases, the disease is caused by infection with HPV types 16 or 18. Untreated dysplasia can cause chronic inflammation of the cervix, which leads to discomfort, menstrual irregularities and decreased quality of life.

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What is dysplasia

Cervical dysplasia is a pathological condition that often occurs without external symptoms. Oncogenic HPV strains introduce their genes into the genome of stratified squamous epithelium, which leads to disruption of its life cycle. As a result of mutation, cells begin to divide incorrectly and lose the ability to normally regulate growth and function.

In most women, the immune system suppresses HPV, and the risk of dysplasia is minimized. With weakened immunity, the virus becomes active, which contributes to the development of pathological changes.

The disease develops in the layers of the cervical epithelium, which do not have nerve endings. Therefore, in the early stages, changes remain invisible to women.

Symptoms of cervical dysplasia

  • Cloudy discharge after sexual intercourse

  • Intermenstrual bleeding

  • Abundant mucous discharge with an unpleasant odor

  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen and pelvic area

  • Itching, burning, swelling of the vagina

Stages of development of dysplasia

Depending on the degree of atypical changes in the cell epithelium, the cervix distinguishes 3 stages of the disease:

  • 1st stage (cin 1) . The changes affect the lower third of the epithelium. The disease occurs after a recently transferred HPV infection. In 70% of cases, the condition improves independently, without treatment. Oncogenic risk is low
  • 2 stages (cin 2) . The defeat covers the lower and middle third of the epithelium of the cervix. Oncogenic risk is moderate
  • 3 stages (cin 3) . Atypical changes cover more than two thirds of the epithelial layer. Oncogenic risk is high

Even with a severe degree of disease, pathological cells are detected only in the mucosa. They do not apply to neighboring tissues, blood vessels and muscles. Without treatment, dysplasia of 3 degrees in 40% of cases passes into a malignant form.

Types of hysterectomy and risks

General postoperative risks include bleeding, infections, damage to the bladder or intestines, the formation of blood clots, adhesions in the area of a small pelvis. To minimize the likelihood of negative consequences, choose the K+31 clinic in Moscow. Qualified doctors in their work use modern and minimally invasive methods that provide quick rehabilitation and effective restoration results. You can make an appointment in Moscow by phone or through an online form. To clarify the prices, the actual Price - Staller . Also, the cost of services can suggest Clinic administrator.

The table contains types of hysterectomy with a detailed description:

Type of operation The area of intervention Stages of conduct Rehabilitation
Abdominal hysterectomy through an incision on the stomach
  • Preparation of the intestines and refusal of food 8-10 hours before the operation
  • The surgeon makes an incision in the lower abdomen
  • uterus and cervix are removed, sometimes along with appendages
  • The wound is sutured, a sterile bandage is applied. The operation lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours
  • The patient is in the hospital 3-5 days after surgery to control the condition
  • Full recovery takes 6–8 weeks
  • The first weeks must be abandoned by sports, lifting weights and sexual contacts
  • To prevent constipation, a diet is shown
  • If necessary, the doctor prescribes analgesics, antibiotics
Vaginal hysterectomy through the vagina
  • intestinal cleaning before surgery
  • uterus and cervix are removed through vaginal access without sections on the abdominal wall
  • The procedure takes from 1 to 2 hours
  • The patient remains in the hospital for 2-3 days
  • Return to ordinary life occurs after 4-6 weeks
  • In the first 2-3 weeks, it is recommended to abandon intense physical exertion and intimacy
Laparoscopic hysterectomy through small (5-10 mm) cuts using a laparoscope
  • intestinal cleaning before the procedure
  • The surgeon makes 3-4 cuts on the abdominal wall. A laparoscope is introduced through one of them, through the others - surgical instruments
  • uterus and cervix are removed in parts. The procedure takes 1.5-3 hours, depending on the complexity
  • The patient remains in the hospital 1-2 days
  • Full recovery takes 3-4 weeks
  • after 5-7 days you can return to easy physical activity
  • Return to intimate life is possible after 4-6 weeks

General information

Causes of dysplasia

Pathology of the cervix occurs due to the following reasons:

  • HPV infection
  • Weakened immunity
  • Early onset of sexual activity
  • Multiple births
  • Frequent abortions
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives
  • Erosion, ectopia and other diseases of the cervix
  • Smoking
  • Chronic cervicitis
  • Chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes

Women whose close relatives have experienced cervical dysplasia are at increased risk.

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Diagnosis of cervical dysplasia

To identify the disease, a comprehensive diagnosis is required, which includes a number of studies:

  • Cytological smear on Papanicola or Pap - Test . Allows you to detect atypical epithelial cells. The material fence is carried out from the cervix, after which it is considered in the laboratory under the microscope
  • pts - analysis . It is performed with suspicion of highly oncogenic types of HPV. Involves taking a smear from the walls of the vagina and the cervix
  • colposcopy . Examination of the cervix is carried out using a colposcope, a device that allows you to see pathological changes at an angle. For visualization, acetic acid and Lugol solution are used
  • Biopsy of the cervix . During the procedure, a sample of fabric is taken from a suspicious area for histological analysis. It is performed in case of suspicion of CIN 2 or CIN 3 and if colposcopy revealed atypical changes

In order to assess the state of the epithelium, determine the exact localization of the lesion of the lesion, confirm or eliminate the malignancy of the disease, and the expanded cervicoscopy using an optical device is additionally carried out. Immunogymic analysis helps to identify proteins characteristic of the cervix dysplasia.

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Treatment of cervical dysplasia

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the stage of the disease:

  • Mild dysplasia. Treatment includes regular check-ups and repeat tests after 6-12 months
  • Moderate. Ablation methods are used: cryotherapy, laser therapy, cervical conization, electrical excision
  • Heavy. Requires cervical conization or hysterectomy

For HPV or inflammatory processes caused by bacterial and fungal infections, the doctor includes antiviral drugs and immunomodulators in the course of treatment. Dysplasia can also be treated with local medications. Patients are shown vaginal suppositories with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components. To enhance immunity, complexes containing vitamins A, B, C and E are prescribed.

After treatment, for example, conization or laser therapy, a relapse of the disease is possible. Among the provoking factors: HPV, incomplete removal of pathological tissues, weakened immunity. Surgery can shorten or weaken the cervix, which increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth. In some cases, damage to cervical tissue complicates the process of conception.

For grade 2 and 3 dysplasia, surgical treatment is performed. Its main purpose is to remove the affected areas of the cervix. Conization involves excision of cone-shaped tissue using a knife, laser or radio wave method. The advantages of the procedure include:

  • High precision
  • Minimally invasive
  • No pain, swelling, bleeding
  • Preservation of reproductive function
  • Fast recovery

Hysterectomy is a radical method of treating cervical pathology. During the operation, the doctor removes all organ tissue, which guarantees protection against relapse.

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Профилактика заболевания

Предупредить развитие патологий шейки матки помогает соблюдение профилактических мер:

  1. Вакцинация против ВПЧ в подростковом возрасте и до начала половой жизни
  2. Плановые гинекологические осмотры, проведение ПАП–теста и анализа на ВПЧ
  3. Использование презервативов во время полового акта
  4. Отказ от вредных привычек, поскольку они ослабляют местный иммунитет
  5. Ограничение числа половых партнеров
  6. Преодоление стресса, прогулки на свежем воздухе, отдых на природе
  7. Сбалансированное питание, умеренная физическая активность, полноценный сон для укрепления иммунитета

Своевременное лечение ИПП предотвращает переход патологии в хроническую форму и снижает риск развития дисплазии шейки матки.

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Answers to popular questions

Doctors at the K+31 medical center answered frequently asked questions about cervical dysplasia.

Is it possible to cure dysplasia?

Yes, in most cases it is successfully treated, especially with early detection. After therapy, you need to go to control examinations.

Can dysplasia return after treatment?

Yes, it can. The likelihood of relapse is high in patients with HPV. Regular monitoring helps to detect recurrent cervical dysplasia in time. We also recommend getting vaccinated against HPV. According to statistics, after vaccination the risk of relapse is only 2–3%. Without vaccination, the likelihood of recurrence of cervical disease increases 3 times.

Is it possible to get pregnant after treatment for dysplasia?

Yes, you can. Devplasia of the cervix 1 and 2 severity, eliminated by the method of conical, rarely leads to complications during pregnancy. After the 3rd degree disease, the risk of miscarriage increases in women over 30 years old, with hormonal disorders, smoking, alcohol consumption.

How is dysplasia associated with cervical cancer?

Dyplasia is a precancerous state in which the cervical epithelium cells undergo abnormal changes. If dysplasia is moderate or severely detected and not treated, it can progress for several years and lead to cervical cancer.

When can you resume sexual activity after treatment of the disease?

After conization, cryotherapy or laser ablation, you can have sex after 4-6 weeks. Less invasive procedures and biopsies allow sexual activity to resume within 2 to 4 weeks.

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