K+31 provides comprehensive outpatient care to patients in the treatment and prevention of pathologies of the ENT organs.
Detailed diagnostics are available to identify the cause and identify risk factors for developing the disease. Comprehensive consultations of specialists, including candidates of sciences, are carried out. There is an interdisciplinary team: otorhinolaryngologists, otoneurologists, audiologists, phoniologists, rheumatologists, dentists, allergists, immunologists, pediatricians, and therapists. The center provides assistance to adults and children.
After consulting a doctor and undergoing diagnostics, medications are selected as part of conservative treatment and therapy. An otolaryngologist is a doctor who is also able to perform a number of other actions, including first aid, for example, removing a foreign body from the throat. A specialist can perform:
Our specialists also carry out many other procedures, which are prescribed only after making an appointment, examination and consultation. The clinic employs ENT specialists of the highest category with extensive experience. Comfortable conditions have been created for patients, and when working with the mucous membrane of the nose or throat, medical care is provided as carefully as possible with a minimum of discomfort.
At K+31, doctors perform almost the entire range of surgical operations: in the pharynx, larynx, and nasal cavity.
After completion of treatment, a repeat examination and consultation with an otolaryngologist is required. if necessary, the patient undergoes tests again (it all depends on the condition and how the rehabilitation is going). We are ready to help you, just make an appointment.
In some cases, with congenital or acquired diseases of the hearing organs, serious disorders are possible that lead to hearing impairment and hearing loss. A specialist – an audiologist – helps in resolving these issues.
You should contact him if you have the following problems:
The specialist will write out directions for diagnostic procedures, taking into account the existing symptoms, select a set of medications, and, if necessary, select a suitable hearing aid.
The section of otorhinolaryngology that studies the pathology of the voice (dysphonia), methods of treatment and prevention of voice disorders, as well as methods for correcting normal votes in the desired direction. Violation of voice formation can be a manifestation of diseases, anatomical features, as well as a manifestation of psychological factors. The solution of some problems may be closely related both to the problems of speech therapy and the treatment of concomitant otorhinolaryngological diseases.
A phoniatrist is engaged in the restoration of the voice and the development of its capabilities. The success of treatment is largely determined by the early diagnosis of diseases of the larynx. For this purpose, videostroboscopic equipment is used, which allows obtaining a multiple increase in the image of the larynx, inspect its hard-to-reach areas and conduct a video recording.
This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.
This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings. It means that the place is known, loved, and definitely worth visiting.
The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.