Submucous inferior osteoconchotomy

Submucous inferior osteoconchotomy is a specific surgical procedure. In the process, the bony base of the inferior nasal concha is partially removed.
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What is submucous inferior osteochotomy?

Submucous inferior conchotomy is used to treat hypertrophic rhinitis. Sometimes this method is used to correct nasal deformities. During the procedure, the surgeon removes part of the bone base of one of the inferior turbinates.

The goal of the intervention is to reduce the size of the turbinate and change its position: ideally, it should be located more vertically relative to the center of the face. Thus, surgery helps to improve the appearance of the nose and facilitate breathing.

Submucous osteoconchotomy of the inferior turbinates is considered quite traumatic. Therefore, it is almost always accompanied by tamponade.

What is submucous inferior osteochotomy?
Indications for submucosal inferior osteoconchotomy

Inferior osteoconchotomy of the inferior nasal conchae is performed in the presence of structural anomalies. The intervention is prescribed if a person has had breathing problems for a long time. This is especially true for chronic sinusitis, when the enlarged mucous membrane blocks the normal outflow from the nasal sinuses.

Another indication for osteoconchotomy is chronic tubootitis. This condition is characterized by inflammation of the auditory tubes. In this case, their main functions are impaired - drainage and ventilation. As a result, exudate accumulates in the tympanic cavity of the ear, which penetrates through the auditory tube. This leads to the development of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the middle ear (otitis).

Osteoconchotomy helps to improve air flow through the nasal passages. Thus, the procedure helps to normalize the drainage and ventilation functions of the auditory tube.


There are certain conditions under which such osteoconchotomy is contraindicated. These include:

  • Acute infectious processes. Infection aggravates the course of inflammatory processes and increases the risk of postoperative complications
  • Blood clotting problems. In this case, the risk of bleeding during and after submucosal osteoconchotomy increases

Contraindications also include chronic diseases in the acute stage. Any such pathology in the active phase worsens the general condition of the patient.

How does the operation go?

The doctor will first refer the patient for a general and biochemical blood test. Also, a hardware examination (ECG) is performed to assess kidney and liver function.

Immediately before the procedure (at least 24 hours before), the patient should avoid drinking alcohol and heavy food. This will help prevent possible complications during anesthesia and speed up the recovery process after surgery.

During the operation, only the anterior or posterior part of the nasal concha is usually removed. Laser, radio waves, or shaver-endoscopic equipment are used for this purpose. The use of modern technologies allows the surgeon to spare the patient: the intervention is not accompanied by excessive blood loss.

After completing the submucous osteoconchotomy, the specialist takes the patient out of sedation. 40 minutes later, he is allowed to leave the clinic. People with heart and vascular diseases can be monitored for 2-3 hours after surgery.

  • Anesthesia For simpler cases, local anesthesia is usually used. It allows the procedure to be performed on an outpatient basis. In more complex cases, when it is combined with other surgical interventions, general anesthesia is used
  • Surgical intervention During osteoconchotomy, resection (removal) of the affected areas of the nasal concha bone tissue is performed. Then the mucous membrane is returned to its place and fixed with a tampon. In some cases, additional manipulations are performed (for example, removal of polyps, cleaning of the sinuses). At this time, the anesthesiologist-resuscitator carefully monitors all vital signs of the patient's condition
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Rehabilitation after surgery

The initial stage of rehabilitation after osteoconchotomy involves nasal tamponade. In this case, elastic tampons or short gauze turundas soaked in Vasilyeva's paste are used. They are removed from the nose after 24 hours.

During the postoperative period, daily anemization of the mucous membrane is carried out. It includes lubrication of the nasal passages with oil or ointment with diphenhydramine. These measures promote accelerated healing and improvement of the general condition.

During the following week, people who have undergone osteoconchotomy are advised to avoid:

  • High temperatures
  • Alcohol
  • Spicy food
  • Intense physical activity

Such restrictions help prevent the risk of bleeding. Complete tissue healing usually occurs 2-3 weeks after osteoconchotomy. At the same time, nasal breathing is restored.

To sign up for this procedure (or vasotomy) at our clinic (Moscow), fill out the application form or contact us by phone.

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Reviews 8

With Ksenia Pavlovna everything is clear and to the point. Always helps, explains everything, answers questions. Skillful fingers!
Nechaeva Nadezhda
Zalina Muratovna, super professional doctor. I am being observed and had surgery with her two weeks ago to remove tonsils. With her light hand, healing is going very well. I definitely recommend the doctor. In addition to her professionalism, she is also a very pleasant doctor to talk to! Thank you, Zalina Muratovna! Elena P.
Pogibelnaya Elena Anatolyevna
Nikolai Nikolaevich performed surgery on my tear ducts. In this review I want to once again convey to him my deepest gratitude. He is a surgeon from God. I am glad for all future patients with the problem of dacryocystology (and on its basis, for example, dangerous purulent processes), if they end up being treated by Nikolai Nikolaevich.
Tamara Veniaminovna
I came to Yulia Alexandrovna with otitis media. She cured me quickly, it was even strange. It always seemed that in paid clinics everything was structured so that the patient would undergo as many different tests as possible and come to appointments as often as possible. The doctor prescribed me medications, gave me instructions and that was the end of it, because after a few days I felt better. Thank you for your individual approach, attention and quality knowledge.
Many thanks to Zalina Muratovna!!! I had severe otitis media. Other doctors in other clinics whom I initially contacted could not help. Life has become a nightmare. Pain, deafness, panic attacks, deterioration in health. And when I finally found this wonderful doctor, I came back to life. In 2 days of intensive I came back to life, and then competent treatment returned everything to its place. Thank you for a full and bright life. Good luck and happiness to everyone
Tatyana Grigorievna Sokolova
Evgeniya Sergeevna is a good doctor. She is very attentive and also has a great sense of humor. She helped me get rid of bilateral purulent sinusitis. And the most important thing is that thanks to her recommendations and effective treatment, for a year now I don’t even know what a runny nose is, not to mention sinusitis. Great specialist!
Zalina Muratovna is a doctor from God! Thanks to her, my entire family’s noses can breathe, their ears can hear, and their throats don’t hurt)))
Stepanova Oksana Nikolaevna
I would like to express my gratitude to my attending physician - the wonderful otorhinolaryngologist Anastasia Vladimirovna Varvyanskaya for his professionalism, attentiveness and kindness! And also to all employees of the K+31 West clinic who took part in the operation and the pre/postoperative period, these are: head of the ENT department Zalina Muratovna Tetsoeva, anesthesiologist Kristina Inalovna Siukaeva, head of the anesthesiology and resuscitation department Zarina Igorevna Sypkova, all nurses, secondary and to the junior medical staff, Alexander, who drove me to the operating room and back, hospitalization managers, administrators and everyone, everyone, everyone! I had surgery on March 14, 2024 for a deviated nasal septum and hypertrophied nasal turbinates (septoplasty + osteoconchotomy). I have been suffering from difficulty breathing through my nose for a long time. I got an appointment with Dr. A.V. Varvyanskaya. I immediately realized that I was ready for surgery with this specialist. The surgery and recovery went flawlessly. Finally, after many years of torment, my nose could breathe freely. Thank you!
Gorlachev Pavel Dmitrievich
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