Abscess tonsillectomy

Abscess tonsillectomy is the surgical removal of a peritonsillar abscess together with the affected tonsil. The operation is performed if the abscess is located outside or on the side. It is also prescribed if the patient's condition does not improve within 24 hours after opening the abscess.
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What is a peritonsillar abscess? What are its causes?

Paratonsillar abscess is characterized by inflammation and severe swelling. Without appropriate treatment, the pathology progresses to a peritonsillar abscess. This is an acute inflammation that leads to the formation of a purulent cavity in the tissues surrounding the tonsils.

This disease develops when an infection that began in the tonsils spreads to the surrounding tissues. Most often, a peritonsillar abscess forms after acute or chronic tonsillitis (sore throat).

The main reason for the formation of a peritonsillar abscess is the penetration and active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms in the tissue that surrounds the tonsils. The most common causative agents of peritonsillar infection are streptococci (Streptococcus pyogenes) and staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus).

Sometimes a peritonsillar abscess develops against the background of dental problems (caries, gingivitis). This is due to the fact that the infection from the oral cavity moves to the deep tissues of the pharynx. Often, the formation of an abscess is facilitated by injuries to the mucous membrane of the mouth or pharynx.

What is a peritonsillar abscess? What are its causes?

Indications for removal of peritonsillar abscess

Removal of a peritonsillar abscess (tonsillectomy) is performed when conservative treatment methods do not lead to improvement.

In particular, abscess tonsillectomy is prescribed if the inflammation has spread to neighboring organs and tissues. The intervention is also performed in case of frequent relapses of tonsillitis.

Emergency abscess tonsillectomy is performed when there is a risk of infection spreading. In particular, urgent surgical intervention is necessary when the abscess threatens normal breathing. In particular, a peritonsillar ulcer located close to the respiratory tract is dangerous due to the rapid spread of the purulent-infectious process into the deep parts of the neck, where vital structures are located (trachea, carotid artery, jugular vein and vagus nerve).

The most dangerous complication after removal of a peritonsillar abscess is considered to be the blockage of the respiratory tract: this leads to suffocation and loss of consciousness. In rare cases, after removal of the abscess, the infection spreads to the chest: this leads to the development of mediastinitis. Even more rarely, after surgery for an abscess, inflammatory damage to large blood vessels of the neck is observed - against this background, severe bleeding occurs.

Symptoms of peritonsillar abscess

Unlike many other infectious diseases of the throat, a peritonsillar abscess is not accompanied by symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections (cough and runny nose).

A peritonsillar abscess is characterized by a number of characteristic symptoms. These include:

  • Tonal audiometry The ability to hear sounds of different frequencies and volumes is measured
  • Speech audiometry The doctor checks how the patient perceives and repeats words at different volumes
  • Tympanometry The work of the eardrum is studied, the presence of fluid in the middle ear is determined
General information about the procedure

Preparation for abscess tonsillectomy

Before abscess tonsillectomy, the patient must undergo thorough preparation. This allows you to minimize risks and prepare the body for the upcoming surgical intervention.

First, the patient will have a meeting with an anesthesiologist. This allows you to choose the right type of anesthesia. After this, a laboratory examination is carried out.

Diagnostics and treatment

Diagnostics of peritonsillar abscess begins with a thorough collection of anamnesis. After this, an examination is carried out.

The doctor pays attention to the asymmetrical bulging of the palatine arch, the presence of plaque and redness of the tonsils. He also checks for an unpleasant odor from the mouth and pain when palpating the neck. All these signs indirectly indicate the development of an abscess.

After this, the doctor refers the patient for laboratory diagnostics. In this case, the specialist takes a smear from the tonsils or from the walls of the abscess. This allows you to determine the type of bacteria that caused the disease.

Next, hardware diagnostics are carried out. To localize the abscess and exclude other diseases, diagnostic methods such as ultrasound and CT/MRI of the neck are used.

Treatment depends on the stage of abscess development and the severity of symptoms. In most cases, the patient is prescribed:

  • Antibiotic therapy. Broad-spectrum antibiotics (amoxicillin or cephalosporins) are prescribed. The minimum course is 10 days
  • Symptomatic treatment. Painkillers and antihistamines are used to relieve pain and inflammation
  • Surgical opening of the peritonsillar abscess. The procedure is performed through the oral cavity, under local anesthesia. This allows for drainage of pus and prevents complications

After abscess tonsillectomy, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the postoperative wound. In order to speed up healing, drainage is performed.

In case of frequent relapses and against the background of chronic tonsillitis, the patient is shown a radical operation. It is performed in order to remove the tonsils.

The principles of treating a peritonsillar abscess in adults, children and pregnant women are similar. However, in each case, the doctor adapts the approach taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the person's health.

Rehabilitation after surgery

In the first days after abscess tonsillectomy, you should stay in bed and avoid any activity that can lead to increased blood pressure and the risk of bleeding.

Additional recommendations after abscess tonsillectomy are as follows:

  • Following a diet. In the first days after abscess tonsillectomy, you should eat soft foods. This is necessary in order to minimize throat irritation.
  • Taking medications. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs should be taken strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • Caring for the postoperative wound. The surgeon who performed the abscess tonsillectomy will give precise instructions.

The prognosis after removal of the formation is usually favorable. However, in the case of cicatricial changes in the palatine tonsils, a relapse is possible. In this case, a repeat abscess tonsillectomy is performed.

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