
Rhinoseptoplasty of the nose is a method of plastic correction. This procedure is usually performed in the presence of a deviated nasal septum.
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What is rhinoseptoplasty?

This operation allows you to change the size of the nose, its profile, the shape of the tip or nostrils.

Rhinoseptoplasty also solves problems associated with the nasal septum. This is the internal wall that divides the nasal cavity into two parts. A deviated septum causes difficulty breathing. In addition, diseases of the nose and ears often develop against the background of a deformed septum.

What is rhinoseptoplasty?

Indications for rhinoseptoplasty

Rhinoseptoplasty in the clinic is performed in the presence of a deviated nasal septum. In particular, surgery is prescribed if chronic sinusitis is observed against the background of a deviated nasal septum.

There are also aesthetic indications for septum correction:

  • Discrepancy between the size or shape of the nose and the general proportions of the face
  • Irregularities in the contour of the nose
  • Dissatisfaction with the shape or size of the tip of the nose
  • Asymmetry or visible defects of the nose

Rhinoseptoplasty of the nose in Moscow is also recommended after serious injuries that have resulted in deformation of the nose.

We perform rhinoseptoplasty inexpensively. Check the current cost of rhinoseptoplasty in our center by phone.

Contraindications to surgery

The procedure is not prescribed to people under 18 years of age. This is due to the fact that any changes can affect the further growth and development of the facial skeleton. Additional contraindications:

  • Chronic diseases (cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes)
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Uncontrolled mental illnesses (psychoses)
  • Acne on the nose

The operation is also contraindicated for people with allergic reactions.

Types of Rhinoseptoplasty

Septoplasty is performed in two ways. The choice of method depends on the specific objectives of the intervention.

Open rhinoseptoplasty

In the process of open rhinoseptoplasty, the surgeon separates the nostrils. This allows him to fully open the nasal area and gain greater access to its structures.

This operation on the nasal septum is used to correct complex defects. Its main disadvantages are the presence of noticeable marks (scars) and a long recovery period.

Closed Rhinoseptoplasty

Closed rhinoseptoplasty is performed through internal incisions in the nostrils. This eliminates the risk of visible external scars in the nasal area. Another advantage of this type of rhinoseptoplasty is the relatively short recovery period.

Which rhinoplasty method is better?

The choice of rhinoseptoplasty method depends on many factors. Before performing such septoplasty of the nose, the specialist first of all takes into account the anatomical features of the patient.

A comparison of nasal septum surgery methods is presented in the table.

Characteristics Open rhinoseptoplasty Closed rhinoseptoplasty
Technique of execution Incision on the columella, skin peeling to access the structures of the nose Incisions inside the nostrils
Advantages Good visibility of the structures of the nose, improved modeling No visible scars in the nasal area, short recovery period
Disadvantages Possible visible scar, longer recovery Limited access and visibility, technical complexity

The prices for different types of rhinoseptoplasty also vary. Open rhinoplasty is considered a more complex procedure. For this reason, the price of such rhinoseptoplasty is higher than the cost of closed surgery.

General information about the procedure

Preparation for rhinoseptoplasty

Preparation for surgery begins with a consultation with an ENT surgeon. During the procedure, the doctor conducts an examination, discusses the purpose and objectives of the surgery with the patient, and talks about its results and risks.

A comprehensive examination is also carried out before the surgical procedure. In particular, before the surgery, the patient must:

  • Take blood tests
  • Take an electrocardiogram (carried out to assess the work of the heart)
  • Take a fluorography (allows you to exclude any lung diseases)

Two weeks before the surgery, you must stop taking medications that can affect blood clotting (for example, aspirin and ibuprofen). This is necessary in order to minimize the risk of bleeding during and after the procedure.

Technique of performing rhinoseptoplasty surgery

Having gained access to the structures of the nose, the surgeon performs correction of the bone structures. Further stages:

  1. Modification of cartilaginous structures. Depending on the purpose of rhinoseptoplasty of the nasal septum, the specialist shortens, lengthens or transplants cartilage. These changes help to correct functional problems (for example, improve nasal breathing)
  2. Moving tissues. This eliminates asymmetry and achieves a natural shape of the nose

After this, the surgeon carefully sutures the incisions. The sutures on the nose dissolve on their own.

Result of the operation

After the operation, the tip of the nose becomes narrower or raised. The hump on the nose becomes less noticeable.

The width of the nose also narrows. In addition, after the correction of the nasal septum, a person begins to breathe better.

The final formation of the new shape of the nose occurs gradually - on average, it takes 6-12 months.


In the first 24-48 hours after the surgeon's work, many patients complain of minor pain in the nose and eyes. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to be in a semi-reclining position.

In order to maintain the new shape of the nose after septoplasty, a splint or plaster cast is applied to it. It is removed 7-10 days after the operation.

Possible complications

Like any surgical procedure, rhinoseptoplasty can lead to a number of complications. These include:

  • Hematomas and swelling. They are a natural reaction of the body to surgery. Hematomas cause discomfort and (sometimes) pain. They disappear after a few weeks
  • Scarring of tissues outside or inside the nose. External scars from rhinoseptoplasty are usually barely noticeable. Internal scar tissue negatively affects breathing
  • Impaired sensitivity of the skin in the nose and upper lip. This complication disappears 2-3 days after surgery

If the surgeon made a mistake during rhinoseptoplasty of the nasal septum, a noticeable asymmetry appears. A repeat operation is performed to correct this defect.

Recommendations after rhinoseptoplasty

For successful recovery and minimization of risks of complications after surgery, it is necessary to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

During the first week, it is necessary to avoid physical activity: do not strain or bend over. Returning to normal activities is allowed 2-3 weeks after the intervention. At the same time, intense physical activity and sports should be avoided for 4-6 weeks.

In addition, after the operation, it is necessary to take all prescribed medications and attend follow-up examinations with the surgeon.

The basic requirements are as follows:

  • Avoid getting your nose wet Avoid getting the plaster cast or splints wet for the first week. Use wet wipes or a sponge when washing
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol for 2-3 weeks after the procedure Nicotine and alcohol use slows down the healing process
  • Monitor your diet To reduce the risk of swelling, avoid very salty and spicy foods
  • Avoid wearing glasses To avoid putting pressure on your nose, avoid wearing glasses for the first 4-6 weeks after rhinoseptoplasty

Answers to popular questions

Here you will find information about surgical correction of nasal defects. In particular, you will learn how to prepare for the operation and where you can undergo it.

What is the difference between rhinoplasty and septoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a surgery aimed at changing the appearance of the nose. It involves reducing or increasing the size of the nose, changing the shape of its tip, and correcting asymmetry. Septoplasty is aimed at correcting a deviated nasal septum. This helps improve breathing. In some cases, both procedures can be performed simultaneously.

What tests should be taken before surgery?

Before rhinoseptoplasty, the doctor sends the patient for a general and biochemical blood test. Additionally, a coagulogram and tests for HIV, hepatitis B and C are performed. Also, before rhinoseptoplasty, it is necessary to undergo an electrocardiogram (ECG) and, if necessary, consult an anesthesiologist.

What should not be done after septoplasty?

After septoplasty, it is important for patients to refrain from sneezing and blowing their nose for 2 weeks if possible. Also, for 1 month after septoplasty, you cannot visit a bathhouse, sauna or solarium.

Where to go?

You can undergo rhinoseptoplasty in Moscow at the K+31 medical center. You can find out the price of rhinoseptoplasty in Moscow (and the cost of other services) here. You can also find out the price of rhinoseptoplasty in Moscow by phone.
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