Vaser liposuction and liposculpture

How to get a perfect relief body if you don't want to exhaust yourself with physical activity, and long diets do not give the desired effect?

There are unique minimally invasive techniques that allow you to get a result in a short time: to carry out liposuction using an ultrasound technique.

Using the procedure on the VASER apparatus, you can work out any zones with any amount of fat.

This method allows you to delete in 2! times more fat cells than conventional liposuction, even in the most difficult places. So, for example, you can remove fat between the muscles and get the cherished cubes on the stomach.

Thanks to the unique technology during liposuction on the VASER device, nerves and blood vessels are not damaged. For this reason, rehabilitation takes a very short time, practically no hematomas are formed, the skin at the site of the procedure is tightened, and the traces of the intervention become absolutely invisible over time.

Also, VASER liposuction is suitable for patients who managed to lose weight, but then "got up". In this case, the procedure is carried out as the final stage to achieve the greatest result.

How is the procedure going?

  • Before starting, a marking of the area that the patient wants to improve is carried out. Then anesthesia is applied, and the plastic surgeon proceeds directly to the liposuction.
  • A small puncture is made in the skin through which a tube is inserted. Ultrasound is applied to it, fat cells are destroyed and immediately removed.

What is lipomodelling?

Lipomodeling is a new stage in the development of the soft tissue contouring method, known to everyone as liposuction. Unlike liposuction, the purpose of which is to remove excess fat deposits, lipomodelling combines both the reduction (reduction) of adipose tissue and the replenishment of volume in those areas where it is insufficient (breasts, buttocks, legs, etc.). This is achieved by transplantation of newly removed adipose tissue - the method is known as lipofilling. Another important feature of lipomodeling is the obligatory drawing of the contours of muscles, for example, the abdominal muscles, lumbar muscles, back, arms - this way, we can not only remove excess adipose tissue, but also give the body contours a sporty relief!

Will it be noticeable that there was a figure correction?

As a result of the operation - of course! Lipomodeling is a very indicative operation, the result is visible almost immediately and remains for a very long time if the patient maintains the resulting shape. But as for the traces of the surgical intervention - no! All visible lesions on the skin are small puncture marks, small scars, comparable to the marks after the removal of moles! Moreover, punctures are made in the least noticeable places: the bikini area, natural folds. As a result, even on the beach, it is almost impossible to understand that an operation was performed!

What types of body shaping are there, why is the Weiser better than the rest? (Benefits)

To date, several methods of lipomodeling and liposuction are known: traditional mechanical tumescent - the very first and oldest method, vibration, laser, water-jet, high-frequency based on RF, ultrasonic. Each of these methods has its own advantages. So, mechanical lipoaspiration requires minimal costs: only cannulas for fat removal and a vacuum apparatus are needed. At the same time, this technique is quite traumatic, since the vessels are severely injured during the operation. This often leads to significant blood loss and an increase in the rehabilitation period. Laser and RF-lipoaspiration are hardware methods using elements of physical influence in the process of taking adipose tissue. The main difference from VASER is the limitation on the amount of removed adipose tissue, and the removed adipose tissue cannot be used for subsequent transplantation. Vibration lipoaspiration is a method based on the use of an apparatus that imparts an additional impulse to the cannula, which makes it easier for the surgeon to collect adipose tissue. At the same time, the trauma of adipose tissue is comparable to traditional liposuction, and the surgeon may develop the so-called vibration disease over time.

VASER technologies are based on the use of pulsed ultrasound. Due to the effect of ultrasonic waves of a special frequency, during the operation, fatty deposits are delicately destroyed, while the removed adipose tissue is viable and can be used for further contour plastics. VASER, as a 3-generation ultrasound liposuction technology, differs from earlier versions by a significantly more selective effect on adipose tissue, a lower risk of damage to blood vessels, muscles and skin. It is thanks to the combination of these advantages that when using the VASER apparatus, you can work with the human body, like a sculptor, carving out the reliefs of the body.

Postoperative and rehabilitation features?

The postoperative period usually does not differ from that after other lipomodeling methods, with the exception of the duration of rehabilitation. Since the VASER method is less traumatic, the rehabilitation period is faster. As for the general recommendations, they are the same as after other liposuction methods: diet and dietary control, the use of special compression underwear, the use of hardware methods in the postoperative period aimed at stimulating lymphatic drainage, reducing the skin, reducing edema.

Will the scars be noticeable (I remember the doctor said that it was done on purpose as if it were moles)?

Lipomodeling is performed through skin punctures, usually their length does not exceed 1-15 cm. So, as a result, the scars formed after such punctures will be almost invisible within a year after the operation. Moreover, all punctures are located in places of natural anatomical folds (inguinal, gluteal folds, axillary areas, folds under the breast, umbilical fossa) or in those places that are hidden by the underwear (bikini line, area of the lower plank of the bra).

Is it possible to gain weight after the procedure and how to avoid it?

Unfortunately, there is practically no plastic surgery that would bring results forever, and lipomodelling is no exception. Weight gain after lipoplasty, of course, can level the result of the operation. You can avoid this if you stick to a diet and do not forget about physical activity! Lipomodeling should be considered as the main stage in body contouring, but at the same time, to obtain good results, much is in the hands of the patient himself!

When is the best time to do before or after pregnancy? Is it possible after a cesarean?

Lipomodelling is best done after pregnancy and childbirth, if conception is planned soon. During pregnancy, there is a restructuring of adipose tissue, many women gain weight. So it is most logical to perform the operation after childbirth and the end of feeding. As for the cesarean section, this is not a contraindication for the operation, on the contrary, often after the cesarean section the scar is “soldered” to the underlying tissues and a fat fold forms over it. This problem can also be solved during lipomodelling.

At what minimum and maximum weight can liposuction be done, can it be used on thin girls to create a relief?

The question here is not even the weight, but the ratio of the patient's weight and height. This indicator is called Body Mass Index - BMI. The higher this indicator, the more developed fatty tissue. For example, BMI in the range of 20-25 is normal, with an index from 25 to 35 - we are already talking about obesity of 1 and 2 degrees, 3 degrees - BMI more than 35. Lipoplasty is not a method of combating obesity and losing weight, it is a method of contour plastic. It is considered relatively safe to remove adipose tissue within 6% of the total body weight. For example, for a girl weighing 65kg. this is about 4 l. adipose tissue.

For thin girls, lipomodelling can be used if there are local fat deposits in those areas where it is impossible to remove fat with the help of sports. As a rule, these are the breeches and belly zones.

Can fat clump after liposuction?

After any lipomodeling method, unevenness of the relief may be observed for some time. This is due to uneven edema, local hematomas and various technical nuances. To cope with this situation, hardware rehabilitation methods, which we obligatorily prescribe to all patients, help.

How long after the consultation can the procedure be carried out?

If the patient is ready for the operation, there are no contraindications, immediately after the consultation, you can set the date of the operation and start preparing. As a rule, preparation for the operation takes no more than a few days.

General or local anesthesia for this operation?

Most often, general multicomponent anesthesia is used. An exception is working with small zones. We choose the type of anesthesia based on the duration of the operation and the volume of the operation. For example, lipomodelling of the abdomen is performed only under general anesthesia, and the correction of the "double chin" can sometimes be done under local anesthesia.

Can liposuction remove a beer belly?

"Beer belly" is, unfortunately, not only subcutaneous fatty tissue. There is such a term: Visceral fat is adipose tissue that surrounds the internal organs of the abdominal cavity. As a rule, it is visceral fat that is responsible for the appearance of barrel-shaped "beer bellies". You can only remove such fat with sports and diet!

Can the skimmed fat be used for other areas?

Of course, this is one of the advantages of lipomodeling! The fat that we remove during the operation, after special preparation and processing, can be injected into those areas where there is not enough volume, for example, in the buttocks, mammary glands, lower legs, even in the face!

Is it possible to fly to the seaside after the operation? How long?

You can fly on an airplane after the operation in 2 weeks, but the beach vacation is best postponed for at least 2 months!

Can liposuction be repeated?

Yes, if necessary - you can! But, of course, each subsequent operation in the same area is technically more complex. So from the point of view of rehabilitation! So it is best to immediately tune in to maintain the result than to think about the possibility of a second operation!


Service record


  • Placental therapy Curacen (Kurasen)
  • Chin plastic surgery
  • Liposuction, pubic lift
  • Earlobe correction
  • Facial reinforcement
  • Bish's lump removal
  • Phalloplasty
  • Plasty of protruding (protruding) auricles
  • Skin diagnostics
  • Thread lift (thread lifting)
  • Surgical correction of Poland's syndrome
  • Surgery to remove an ovarian cyst
  • Breast enlargement
  • Mini tummy tuck
  • Reconstruction of the mammary glands after oncology, changes
  • Diagnosis and removal of benign tumors
  • Breast reduction
  • Пластика пупка
  • Correction of previous operations
  • Facelift (facelift)