
Body lifting is a complex surgical procedure aimed at correcting the contours of the body by eliminating excess skin and fat. A special feature of body lifting is the ability to simultaneously improve several areas of the body. This procedure is often chosen by those who have lost significant weight and are faced with the problem of sagging skin. When body lifting is performed correctly, the patient receives harmonious and natural body contours.

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Features of the procedure

Body lifting is a modern method of plastic surgery aimed at correcting body contours by eliminating excess stretched and sagging skin after losing weight. Unlike other well-known techniques, body lifting is not limited to one specific area of the body. This method allows you to improve the appearance of almost any area that requires correction.

Main types of plastic surgery:

  • Brachioplasty – lift in the shoulder area
  • Abdominoplasty – abdominal correction
  • Gluteoplasty – modeling of hips and buttocks
  • Mastopexy – breast lift
Features of the procedure
Features and Benefits

Body lifting involves not only musculocutaneous plastic surgery, but can also be used in combination with liposuction, a method of removing excess fat deposits. This combination allows you to achieve the most harmonious and natural results.

Depending on the zones being corrected, body lifting performs certain tasks:

  • Upper body – the procedure is aimed at improving the contours of the abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms, as well as the back
  • Lower body – the technique allows you to improve the shape of the buttocks, hips and lower abdomen
  • Full body lifting - combines the goals of the first two directions for global figure correction

Before choosing the type of body lifting, the doctor evaluates the individual characteristics of the patient’s figure. In some cases, to further improve the silhouette, he may recommend mammoplasty or liposuction, if the patient has no contraindications to these techniques.

Indications and contraindications

Among the main restrictions:

  • Allergy to anesthetics
  • Serious heart or nervous system disease
  • Diabetes
  • Oncological diseases
  • Chronic infections
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Menstruation

If you are planning to become pregnant in the near future, it is better to postpone tummy tuck surgery. During pregnancy, the skin in this area stretches greatly and requires re-correction in the future. Also, plastic surgery can change the properties of the skin, worsening its natural stretching during pregnancy. For women who have already completed their reproductive function, such operations are best suited.

Indications for body lifting include:

  • Age-related changes Over time, the skin loses its elasticity, which leads to the formation of folds and loss of pronounced body contours.
  • Consequences of pregnancy Often after childbirth, women are left with stretch marks and unaesthetic changes in the abdominal area.
  • Fast weight loss Dramatic weight loss is accompanied by the formation of excess skin.
  • Carrying out liposuction Sometimes, after removing fat deposits, uneven skin folds form.
  • Presence of local fat deposits Sometimes even slender people can encounter wrinkles in certain trap areas.
  • Soft tissue ptosis Ptosis can have a different nature and origin. Not every patient is suitable for plastic surgery. During the consultation, the doctor must assess your health status and take into account a number of contraindications.

General information about the procedure

Preparation for body lifting

Before the operation, the patient undergoes a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  • Blood and urine tests to determine the general condition of the body
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) - assessment of heart function
  • Fluorography - checking the condition of the lungs
  • Ultrasound examination - assessment of the condition of the mammary glands, internal organs of the abdominal cavity and the venous bed of the legs
  • Consultation with a therapist and anesthesiologist is also necessary to clarify possible risks associated with health and tolerability of anesthesia

If there are temporary contraindications, for example, acute illnesses, the operation should be postponed until complete recovery. The patient must undergo an appropriate course of treatment, and then return to the plastic surgeon.

If the patient is still trying to lose weight, then it is advisable to wait until the weight stabilizes at the optimal level. Skin tightening surgery performed before reaching your desired weight may not have long-term benefits because there is a high chance that the skin will lose its elasticity again as your body weight changes further.

What is important to know about the procedure

The body lift operation usually lasts from 3 to 4 hours, depending on which areas are being corrected.

The surgical intervention consists of 3 stages: in the initial two, the doctor removes excess tissue in the back, lower back, buttocks and thighs. The final stage includes abdominal correction, known as abdominoplasty. If the fat tissue is unevenly distributed, the body lift can be supplemented by liposuction procedures, mastopexy for breast correction.

After removing excess skin, a scar remains on the body, which runs from the lower back to the bikini line. When correcting the inner thighs, scars may appear in the groin area. After 6-12 months, they become less noticeable.

The main stage of the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The average length of a patient's stay in the hospital is 7 days. During this period, the patient pays special attention to the doctor's recommendations and avoids physical activity that may negatively affect the suture area.

Key points of the rehabilitation period:

  • Limitation of activity due to drainage tubes, usually removed after 5-7 days
  • Taking painkillers, since the pain syndrome may intensify even with minor movements
  • Compliance with the sleep and rest regimen
  • Correction of nutrition to reduce swelling and speed up the healing process

After body lifting, the patient is advised to avoid physical activity and pressure on the operated areas, as well as refrain from visiting saunas and swimming pools until the sutures are completely healed. This will help to achieve an optimal aesthetic result and eliminate the likelihood of complications. The full rehabilitation process can take from 1 to 1.5 months.

Risks and recovery

Like any surgical procedure, body lifting can cause complications. The most common include:

  • Hematomas
  • Necrosis of skin flaps
  • Seam divergence
  • Excessive scarring
  • Temporary sensory disturbances
  • Infectious processes

After body plastic surgery, the patient will face a serious period of rehabilitation. Compression garments and bandages become an integral part of his daily routine within a month. In addition, antibiotics and other drugs (analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs) prescribed by a doctor play a key role in preventing possible complications.

After the correction, it is recommended to refrain from intense physical training for 2-3 months. This is necessary for a successful and painless recovery. It is important to start with small loads, listen to your body, and increase physical activity as the area of intervention strengthens.

A number of physiotherapy treatments can speed up the recovery process and optimize the aesthetic result.

Effective procedures include:

  • Lymphatic drainage massage
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Magnetic therapy
  • Laser therapy
  • Electrical stimulation

Lymphatic drainage massage helps reduce swelling by stimulating the removal of excess fluid from tissues. Ultrasound therapy and laser treatment promote rapid wound healing and improved blood circulation in the operated areas. Electrical stimulation activates muscle activity, which has a positive effect on skin elasticity.

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Reviews 10

Проходила операцию по поводу фиброаденомы молочной железы у Ивана Александровича, и он впечатлил меня на всех этапах: от диагностики и консультации до подготовки к операции и внимательного наблюдения после неё. Его аккуратность в перевязках, готовность помочь и внимание к восстановлению — это настоящий эталон для врача. Операция была проведена настолько профессионально и ювелирно, что иногда даже другие врачи не могут сразу найти шов! Огромная благодарность! Если вы выбираете врача, могу смело рекомендовать Ивана Александровича.
Софья К.
Уважаемый Шерали Раджабалиевич! Огромное спасибо за быстрое, четкое и безболезненное удаление фиброаденомы из груди. Все прошло очень быстро и психологически комфортно, после операции я даже не потребовала обезболивающих. Вы внимательно и чутко отнеслись к моим просьбам, и я безмерно благодарна за то, как гладко прошел весь процесс. Шов получился аккуратный, ровный и зажил без проблем. Два разных врача на перевязках сделали комплимент вашему мастерству! Желаю вам всего наилучшего и удачи в вашей работе!
Екатерина Ч.
Рак правой молочной железы — операцию проводил Иван Александрович. Это действительно врач от Бога, с золотыми руками! Работа на высшем уровне, швов почти не видно, все сделано ювелирно. Он очень внимателен, даже когда был уставшим после нескольких операций, приходил в палату по несколько раз, чтобы узнать, как я себя чувствую. Желаю, чтобы таких врачей было больше!
Ксения З
В марте 2021 года я прошла операцию по удалению фиброаденомы молочной железы у Ивана Александровича. Спустя время с уверенностью могу сказать, что он — настоящий профессионал своего дела, врач с «большой буквы». Во-первых, его советы всегда по существу, подкреплены как практическим опытом, так и теоретическими знаниями. Во-вторых, операция прошла успешно, практически безболезненно, а шов после неё получился очень аккуратным. В-третьих, Иван Александрович всегда относился ко мне с дружелюбием, с улыбкой объясняя все детали. Желаю ему огромных жизненных успехов и выражаю благодарность от его пациентов. Также хочу поблагодарить весь профессиональный и дружелюбный коллектив первой онкологической больницы — здоровья вам и новых побед!
Василиса М.
Моя мама попала в руки Ивана Александровича для частичной резекции молочной железы с диагнозом "карцинома 2 стадии", и это оказалось настоящим подарком судьбы. Иван Александрович — не только высококлассный профессионал, но и невероятно чуткий человек, который всегда внимательно относится к каждому пациенту. Огромное спасибо ему за операцию высочайшего уровня, за внимательное послеоперационное наблюдение, подробные консультации и его доброе сердце.
Полина З.
Я обратилась за помощью к Шерали Раджабалиевичу и с большим удовольствием выражаю благодарность за операцию по удалению листовидной опухоли, к счастью, доброкачественной. Операция прошла 29 августа, и шва практически не видно, не было никаких осложнений. На перевязке сказали, что шов выполнен настоящим профессионалом! Внимание к пациенту было на 100%, он ответил на все мои вопросы. Очень рада, что попала именно к нему!
Елизавета С.
Я обратилась к доктору Воленко Ивану Александровичу с диагнозом онкологии молочных желёз. Операция была проведена 31.01.23, и я благодарна этому замечательному врачу за его профессионализм и внимательное, чуткое отношение к пациентам. Благодаря Ивану Александровичу, я чувствую себя прекрасно, несмотря на диагноз и мой возраст (71 год). Хочу пожелать ему всего наилучшего и успехов в его трудной, но такой важной работе, которая возвращает людям здоровье и радость жизни!
Алия П.
Выражаю искреннюю благодарность хирургу-онкологу Джамилову Шерали Раджабалиевичу за внимание и помощь, оказанную мне в период пребывания в стационаре с 26 апреля по 02 мая 2024 года. Огромное спасибо за проведённую операцию 27 апреля 2024 года, которая была выполнена на высочайшем профессиональном уровне. Благодарна за его золотые руки, доброе сердце, внимание и отзывчивость! Желаю вам крепкого здоровья и успехов в вашем благородном деле!
Вера К.
I was admitted to the clinic with carcinoma. I am happy that I ended up in the hands of Ivan Aleksandrovich. A very competent, attentive to the patient, and most importantly - an honest doctor. I received answers to all my questions and was offered several options for subsequent plastic surgery. The doctor came personally for dressings, after discharge I could always ask questions at subsequent dressings. If you have a choice and have the opportunity to go to Ivan Aleksandrovich - know that you are in reliable and good hands.
Elizaveta Igorevna
I had surgery in this clinic with Mitoyan Ruzanna Yesaievna, the doctor made an impression from the first appointment. During the consultation, everything was explained in detail about how it goes, what is needed for the operation to take place, and what recovery is like. I received very competent answers to all my questions, I compare with other clinics where I consulted, they wanted to impose such a feeling more than anything else. I really liked her delicacy, attentiveness, charge with calm and confidence. On February 22, 2024, I had upper blepharoplasty, the operation went perfectly, the postoperative period was easy, I followed all the recommendations and no problems arose, there were almost no bruises or swelling and everything healed very quickly. I want to express my deep gratitude to you for your professionalism and light hand! I was delighted with my eyes! It’s been a long time since my look has been so fresh and not overweight. And another miracle that you did - you saved all my colored permanent makeup on my eyelids!
Lokotko Elena Borisovna
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Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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