MRI of the Turkish saddle

Magnetic resonance imaging is the most informative and accurate method for diagnosing the pituitary gland (pituitary gland). Previously, this area was evaluated solely on the basis of indicators of the level of hormones in the blood, since other methods (computed tomography, x-ray studies) did not provide sufficiently accurate information. Thanks to the development of modern medicine technologies, a new method of studying this area has appeared - magnetic resonance imaging.

MRI of the Turkish saddle - what is it? A modern and safe diagnostic method for structural pathologies in the pituitary gland, which is successfully used in endocrinology.

Turkish saddle in the brain: what is it?

The Turkish saddle is a small depression in the sphenoid bone at the center of the base of the skull. It contains the pituitary fossa (the location of the pituitary gland), and next to it are other important parts of the brain. The sella turcica diaphragm in the human skull is a bony plate that protects the pituitary gland from mechanical damage, such as shock and concussion. It also serves as a natural boundary between the pituitary gland and the subarachnoid space filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

It is in the Turkish saddle that one of the most important glands is located - the pituitary gland. This central organ of the endocrine system is a cerebral appendage in the lower surface of the brain. The pituitary gland is responsible for the production of hormones that ensure human growth, metabolism and reproductive functions.

Due to the way the Turkish saddle is located, doctors for a long time could not conduct a qualitative diagnosis of this area. With the help of MRI diagnostics, it was possible to solve this problem and, if necessary, thoroughly examine the Turkish saddle in the human head.

MRI of the Turkish saddle: what is it

Magnetic resonance imaging is indispensable for the preventive and therapeutic diagnosis of the brain. During the study, specialists take a large number of layered images. Sections are made every few millimeters, thanks to which even minimal changes in the structures of the studied area can be tracked.

What does the doctor get after the study:

  • Information about the size and shape of the Turkish saddle.
  • Percentage of the area filled with the pituitary gland, data on the placement of the organ (displacement level, reduced relative to the norm, etc.).
  • Characteristics of the pituitary gland: size, structure, symmetry of the lobes, the presence of neoplasms.
  • Signs of pathological processes, such as tumors, edema, necrosis, local reductions in blood flow, intracranial hypertension, hemorrhages.
  • Status of the optic nerves.
  • Information about the condition and characteristics of the carotid arteries: the size of their lumen, wall density, hemodynamic parameters, etc.

The data obtained make it possible to detect pathologies and disease processes in the pituitary gland and nearby structures, make a preliminary diagnosis. Based on it, the attending physician will be able to prescribe the optimal treatment.

The most common pathologies in this area are pituitary tumors (both benign and malignant), as well as empty sella syndrome.

Empty Turkish saddle: MRI is the most effective method for diagnosing the disease

During the development of pathology, the Turkish saddle in the skull is filled with cerebrospinal fluid. This eventually leads to an increase in pressure, due to which the formation of the sphenoid bone of the human skull in the body increases, and the pituitary gland decreases in size.

Empty sella turcica looks like the absence of the pituitary on MRI.

Pathology can be provoked by various reasons:

  • Congenital or acquired anomaly of the pituitary gland.
  • Weakening of the dura mater.
  • Tumors in closely spaced structures.
  • Removal of the pituitary gland as a result of surgery or radiation therapy.

Currently, MRI of the Turkish saddle is the only effective way to identify pathology and its causes at any stage of development.

Indications for examination

The endocrinologist directs the patient for diagnosis if:

  • Deviations from the normal production of hormones (both upward and downward compared to the reference values).
  • Headaches, jumps in intracranial and arterial pressure, causeless increases in body temperature, fainting.
  • Vision problems.
  • Suspicion of neoplasms in the pituitary gland and nearby structures.

To obtain clear images, the doctor may recommend that the patient undergo an MRI with contrast. In this case, a special drug is injected intravenously with a contrast agent that stains certain types of tissues. The contrast is safe for health and is completely eliminated from the body within a day.

Contraindications for magnetic resonance imaging of the Turkish saddle

An absolute contraindication to diagnostics will be implanted implants with an electronic component or prostheses with a ferromagnet.

MRI with contrast is not done during pregnancy, renal or hepatic insufficiency, allergies to the components of the drug used. The study should be postponed if another diagnosis with contrast was performed less than 36 hours before the procedure.

How to prepare for the examination

Diagnosis does not require specific preparation. Patients with claustrophobia should warn the doctor or diagnostician about their problem. In this case, the specialist will select a suitable sedative.

Immediately before the examination, it is necessary to wash off decorative cosmetics, remove gadgets, remove jewelry and hairpins with metal parts, put keys, plastic cards, phones and other items out of pockets.

How an MRI of the Turkish saddle is done

Algorithm for examination on a tomograph:

  1. In contrast-enhanced MRI, the patient is given an intravenous injection of drug with a contrast agent.
  2. The person lies down on the tomograph platform, the diagnostician fixes the body and head with the help of fixing straps.
  3. During the procedure, it is necessary to remain completely still, which is important for obtaining high-quality images.
  4. The specialist moves to the next office, from where he manages the scanning process and maintains communication with the patient.

The duration of the procedure is up to 25 minutes.

Research results

The specialist selects the highest quality images and records them on electronic media. Based on the obtained images, a transcript is compiled and a preliminary diagnosis is made.

The diagnostician passes the printed document and the carrier with images to the patient, and he - to his doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

Benefits of Turkish saddle MRI

At present, magnetic resonance imaging for the study of the pituitary gland and nearby structures is recommended by most doctors.

The advantages of the method include:

  1. Security. The patient is not exposed to radiation or other dangerous stress. Hence, another plus of the procedure is that it can be carried out repeatedly, including for children.
  2. Painless. There is no discomfort during the examination.
  3. Patient comfort. The procedure is very fast, during which the person simply lies on the comfortable table of the tomograph.
  4. High information content. Diagnostics allows you to get dozens of pictures with clear images. This makes it possible to track even the smallest changes in the hard and soft structures of the study area, detect tumors in the early stages of development and choose an effective treatment.

At present, MRI of the Turkish saddle with contrast is the most reliable method for diagnosing the pituitary gland.

MRI of the Turkish saddle in Moscow

How much does it cost to get diagnosed? The final cost of the study includes the procedure itself, the price of the contrast agent (if used) and interpretation of the data by a specialist. The starting price of an MRI of the Turkish saddle in the "K+31" clinic is from 7900 rubles.

The medical center is equipped with the latest generation tomograph, which employs experienced diagnosticians, which guarantees accurate, high-resolution images. The received data is quickly processed, so that the doctor receives maximum useful information.

"K+31" Clinic also offers other examinations, such as ultrasound, CT and MRI of the spine, joints, neck, sinuses, pelvic organs and abdomen.

You can make an appointment at a convenient time for you by calling +7 (499) 999-31-31. By this number you can also get information about the nuances of the procedure, services and promotions of the clinic and find out the cost of the procedure.

Service record



All specialists
Valentine Evgenyevich

Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Kirill Borisovich

Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Eugene Valerevich

Leading CT Specialist, MRI

PhD, leading research fellow

Irina Yuryevna

Leading MRI Specialist

Leading expert MNIOI them. P.A. Herzen

Eugene Igorevich

Leading neuroradiologist in MRI and CT diagnostics


Yulia Nikolaevna

Radiologist, leading specialist in radiation diagnostics


Imran Rasulovich

Head of the department of radiation diagnostics, radiologist