MRI of the adrenal glands

A nephrologist, urologist, and endocrinologist are usually referred for MRI of the adrenal glands. But this study can also be useful in gynecology, general surgery, oncology, as it is very informative, it can help identify the causes of pathologies, gland formation, and clarify differential diagnosis.

The study is being carried out by the "K+31" diagnostic clinic in Moscow. Our advantages are comfortable diagnostic conditions, a wide range of diagnostic procedures, accurate and fast results.

Types of tomography of the adrenal glands

Examination of paired endocrine glands is performed on high-field and ultra-high-field closed circuit MRI machines. Electromagnetic waves are reflected from the cells of organs, and the reflection from the sick and healthy is different. This allows you to accurately visualize the picture of internal structures, determine not only the presence of pathologically altered tissues or tumors, but also their nature, stage, type, localization.

There are two main types of magnetic resonance imaging:

  • Classic, no contrast. It is performed with a wide range of indications, in most cases it replaces several diagnostic methods. Well visualizes the anatomical structures of the cortex and medulla of the glandular organs, tissue inflammation, increase in size.
  • MRI of the adrenal glands with contrast is performed in the same way, but a special substance is injected into the bloodstream, which serves as a means of contrast enhancement for a detailed study of blood vessels, relief, the nature of accumulation by the parenchyma and the rate of excretion. This method is always used in cases where there is a suspicion of an oncological neoplasm.

Which is better, MRI or CT for examining the adrenal glands?

For examination of the adrenal glands, MRI and CT are performed with and without contrast. In diagnostics, they are identical to each other, however, in the case of adrenal pathologies, like most others, MRI has advantages.

This diagnostic method does not give radiation exposure to the body, like computed tomography, is completely harmless for repeated use according to indications, and its accuracy is higher. Soft tissues, blood vessels, glandular structures, ducts are better visualized by magnetic tomography.

The choice is made by the doctor, assessing the patient's condition, objective indications and contraindications, anamnesis, and proposed diagnosis.

If the patient is allergic to the components of the contrast agent, the doctor selects alternative diagnostic methods based on the principle of the maximum possible information content for treatment and minimal risks.

Indications for MRI of the adrenal glands

Most often, the condition of these paired glands is examined together with the kidneys. Therefore, the study is called "MRI of the kidneys and adrenal glands."

The examination is performed when ultrasound, radiography, CT, laboratory diagnostics did not clarify the cause of the following clinical symptoms:

  • Presence of blood in the urine.
  • Pain in the lumbar region, abdomen.
  • The presence of education under the ribs.
  • Any urination disorder.
  • High blood pressure that is not corrected by special drugs, palpitations, arrhythmias, headaches.

Signs that may indicate hormonal disorders due to gland damage, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome:

  • Increase in body weight with characteristic fat "depots" - on the abdomen, neck and cheeks, the presence of a "widow's hump".
  • The appearance of stretch marks on the skin, multiple bruises, hemorrhages.
  • Infertility, sexual dysfunction.
  • Severe disorders of the psycho-emotional sphere.
  • Severe swelling on the face, eyelids.
  • Acne.
  • Increased body hair in women or lack of secondary sexual characteristics in men.
  • Signs of reduced immunity.
  • Osteoporosis, frequent fractures, low bone density.
  • Dyslipidemia, elevated blood glucose.

Symptoms indicating a lack of synthesis of steroids by the adrenal glands, Addison's disease:

  • Unexplained weight loss.
  • Chronic fatigue, weakness, apathy, asthenia.
  • Digestive problems - nausea, loose stools, increased gas.
  • Pain in muscles and joints, cramps.
  • The appearance of hyperpigmented areas of the skin.
  • Reducing blood sugar.

Many of these symptoms may indicate disorders in the brain, in particular, the pituitary gland. Therefore, before being sent for examination, the doctor analyzes the data of other diagnostics, laboratory tests. The specialist determines which method to choose, which is better CT or MRI of the adrenal glands will clarify the clinical case.

Contraindications for MR examination

Examination on an MRI scanner is safe, it can be done at any time interval as many times as needed in the treatment process.

However, there are contraindications thatmust be taken into account so as not to cause ill health or injury.

MRI is contraindicated in:

  • The presence of ferromagnetic substances in the body. These can be tattoo paints, prostheses, including dental and bracket systems, knitting needles, plates, implants, chips, a bullet, a vascular clamp, etc.
  • Pacemaker, insulin pump, any other electronic devices installed in the body.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Acute phase of the disease, high temperature, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Severe pathologies of the cardiovascular, urinary systems, brain.
  • 1st trimester pregnancy
  • Children aged 0-5 years.
  • Claustrophobia, some mental disorders, instability of the psycho-emotional state.
  • Severe form of renal failure.

MRI examination with contrast cannot be performed if:

  • Pregnancies in any trimester, unless the risk of pathology outweighs the risks of the study.
  • Severe kidney pathology.
  • Allergies to the components of the contrast agent.
  • In children up to 12 years old.
  • For women who are breastfeeding.

Many tomographs are not designed to examine patients weighing more than 120-150 kg. But there are devices that can perform diagnostics on patients weighing up to 250 kg.

The expediency of using the technique is assessed by the doctor, analyzing the anamnesis, the results of past studies, contraindications and indications.

What does MRI of the adrenal glands show

On MRI, these paired endocrine organs look like homogeneous structures that stand out against the background of fatty tissue. For the best imaging, exactly the average signal intensity in T1 mode with fat suppression is required.

However, not every mode of the machine can produce a clear picture. Sometimes in the conclusion there is a note “the adrenal glands are not visualized” - this is the case when a different mode of the MRI machine is set, and the glands merge with the surrounding fat.

Classic MRI without contrast shows the organ as a homogeneous structure in the images. If it is necessary to differentiate the cortical substance from the medulla, isolate the tumor and determine its nature, exact structure, vascular network, and the state of the parenchyma, a contrast agent is used.

The doctor looks at the density of the endocrine organs, the structure, the presence of formations, nodules, foci of inflammation.

The pictures will show:

  • Benign or malignant tumors from 2 mm, metastases, invasive neoplasms from surrounding structures.
  • Injuries, defects of the organ.
  • Atrophied areas.
  • Hemorrhages.
  • Diffuse or nodular hyperplasia.
  • Points of inflammation.

Information about all observed pathological changes will be included in the conclusion. The doctor will indicate the exact localization of defects, size, structure, nature of tissues - everything that may be important for diagnosis.

Preparing for an MRI examination of the adrenal glands

People with renal insufficiency will have a blood creatinine test before the examination. In case of kidney pathologies after contrast tomography, a hemodialysis procedure may be needed to remove the contrast.

How to prepare for an adrenal gland MRI?

The main point of preparation is a special diet:

  • Two or three days before the procedure, foods and dishes that provoke flatulence should be excluded from the menu: legumes and whole grains, cabbage of all kinds, fresh fruits, herbs, vegetables, fresh milk, sour-milk products, nuts, seeds, muffins, yeast bread, bran, carbonated drinks.
  • 6-8 hours before the session - the last meal.
  • If contrast is used, then a light snack should be taken 40 minutes before the session to reduce possible vegetative symptoms - nausea, dizziness, weakness, metallic taste in the mouth.

If it is necessary to examine the ureters, the bladder at the same time as the kidneys and adrenal glands, the doctor may prescribe a special drinking regimen: drink 1.5 liters of water 2 hours before the session.

Immediately before the procedure, you need to empty the intestines, remove clothes with metal parts, jewelry, watches, etc., put on loose clothes.

Attention! Do not take a phone, bank cards, money, hearing aid, headphones into the device.

Removable dentures should also be left outside the diagnostic apparatus.

How an MRI of the adrenal glands is done

The tomograph resembles a tube into which a special table drives.

Before the examination, the doctor talks with the patient, instructs, shows him the "panic button", which must be pressed if an unforeseen situation arises during the procedure.

  1. The patient is placed on the tomography table.
  2. If it is necessary to perform contrast, he is catheterized into a peripheral vein, or the drug is injected once.
  3. The table drives into the machine.
  4. The diagnostic time is 20-30 minutes. The patient should not move to avoid the appearance of false artefacts in the images.

After the session, you may experience drowsiness, dizziness - this is normal. The doctor monitors blood pressure in hypertensive patients.

The conclusion is prepared within 30-60 minutes. To clarify the results, it is possible to create a diagnostic consultation with doctors of related specialties.

Where to get an examination, prices for MRI of the adrenal glands in Moscow

The cost of diagnostics depends on the complexity of the case, the volume of upcoming diagnostic tasks, the type of apparatus, and the type of procedure. MRI or CT of the adrenal glands is performed according to different protocols. The price of a study with contrast is always slightly higher than the standard one.

Make an MRI of the adrenal glands, abdominal and pelvic organs, brain, head, vessels of the neck, spine, joints, etc. in the clinic "K+31" you can in the daytime and at night. The clinic often has discounts and promotions. For example, by choosing night diagnostics, you can save a lot.

The price of MRI of the adrenal glands is from 12,000 rubles. A detailed price list can be found on the website of the Medical Center. The study is carried out by appointment. To get acquainted with the Medical Center, you can come to the initial doctor's appointment, read reviews about the services provided, the work of specialists.

To sign up for the procedure, call the registry +7 (499) 999-31-31 or contact consultants via the feedback form, contacts are listed on the website.

Service record



All specialists
Valentine Evgenyevich

Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Kirill Borisovich

Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Eugene Valerevich

Leading CT Specialist, MRI

PhD, leading research fellow

Irina Yuryevna

Leading MRI Specialist

Leading expert MNIOI them. P.A. Herzen

Eugene Igorevich

Leading neuroradiologist in MRI and CT diagnostics


Yulia Nikolaevna

Radiologist, leading specialist in radiation diagnostics


Imran Rasulovich

Head of the department of radiation diagnostics, radiologist