MRI of the spinal cord

Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord is the most informative imaging method that a doctor needs to make a correct diagnosis. With its help, the root cause of back pain and other neurological symptoms is determined.

At the "K+31" clinic, a study is being carried out on the latest SIGNA™ Architect AIR™ Edition tomograph, which provides the most accurate images, maximum comfort and scanning speed. We offer the best MRI price of the spinal cord in Moscow to make the diagnosis even more affordable for you.

When and why MRI is prescribed

Magnetic resonance research is based on irradiating the body with harmless waves that resonate with hydrogen atoms. This physical phenomenon underlies the images that appear on the screen after a complex system of analysis and transformation, which is the responsibility of the tomograph program. MRI is best at showing tissues with a high water content and less density, so it is ideal for scanning the spinal cord.

Indications for the appointment of magnetic resonance imaging:

  • Headaches, bouts of dizziness and tinnitus.
  • Syncope.
  • Pain in the cervical, thoracic, lumbosacral spine.
  • Loss of sensation in the upper or lower extremities.
  • Motor functions disorders, paresis and paralysis.
  • Pelvic organ dysfunction.
  • Injuries to the spine.

With the help of this technique, it is possible to diagnose tumors, multiple sclerosis, intervertebral hernia, myelitis and many other diseases. An MRI of the spinal cord shows all the structural features of the studied part of the spinal column, so the images are important for neurosurgeons when planning an operation. Tomography may also be required in the postoperative period to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.


Despite the informativeness, MRI of the spinal cord and spine is not allowed for all patients. Most often, the reason for the ban on the study is various types of ferromagnetic implants, which make the study dangerous and painful for the patient.

The main contraindications for scanning the spinal cord:

  • Implanted pacemaker, metal prosthetic heart valves.
  • Cochlear implant
  • Fixation steel structures in bones and joints.
  • Metal splinters in the body from injuries.
  • Hemostatic clips on cerebral vessels.
  • Implanted nerve stimulators and insulin pumps.

MRI has a number of relative limitations: the first trimester of pregnancy, the installed cava filter, stents of the coronary and renal vessels. The possibility and expediency of diagnostics is determined individually for each such case.

Contrasting with gadolinium preparations is prohibited for pregnant women, patients with decompensated renal failure and severe bronchial asthma. The study cannot be carried out if the person has a history of hypersensitivity to the medications used or a history of polyvalent drug allergy.

How the spinal cord is examined

For a visit to the clinic, it is recommended to choose comfortable clothes that do not squeeze the body and do not prevent the person from relaxing during the procedure. It is desirable that there are no metal parts on it, since such parts of the wardrobe will have to be removed. Before an MRI with contrast, you should refrain from eating for 2-3 hours.

MRI is performed according to the algorithm:

  1. The patient removes jewelry and clothes with metal elements, and then lies down on the tomography table.
  2. The health worker immobilizes the person's arms and legs to avoid spontaneous movements that could skew the test results.
  3. The patient is given headphones to protect against the noise of the operating apparatus.
  4. After turning on the device, you need to lie as still as possible, while there will be no pain or other discomfort.
  5. After the scan, the person feels well and can leave the clinic immediately.

The procedure takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the number of parts of the spine being examined. If a contrast injection is required, the duration of the scan is extended by 15 minutes. Gadolinium-based preparations are administered intravenously, and after they have been distributed through the blood vessels, another series of images is taken.

Interpreting results

During the procedure, the images appear on the monitor screen in real time. Immediately after the end of the tomography of the spinal cord, the radiologist begins to analyze them. The doctor determines structural changes and describes them in detail in the results form. Together with the document, the patient receives a record of all MRI images on electronic media. Preparation of diagnostic results is carried out within 2-3 hours.

Next, you need to visit a neurologist or other specialized specialist who ordered the study. The doctor will analyze the results and compare them with the clinical picture, and then determine the disease. The conclusion of an MRI without consulting a doctor is not in itself a basis for making a final diagnosis.

MRI of the spinal cord at the "K+31" clinic

The accuracy of the results of the study is determined by the quality of the equipment on which it is carried out, so we use the best SIGNA™ Architect AIR™ Edition tomograph. The device brings diagnostics to a new level thanks to unique characteristics:

  • The 3 Tesla power is the highest in MR scanners, which ensures clear and fast scanning.
  • Special design of the device to reduce the risk of claustrophobia by 90% and comfortably conduct examinations in people of any weight.
  • An intelligent scanning system that guarantees the information content of the images and makes it possible to detect the smallest pathological changes.

The second important point of diagnosis is the professionalism of the doctors who carry it out. In the department of instrumental diagnostics of the "K+31" clinic, radiologists with extensive experience work, who constantly improve their knowledge at conferences and seminars.

To find out how much a MRI of the spinal cord costs and to make an appointment for a date that is convenient for you, use the online form, call or write to the WhatsApp messenger. The administrator will answer you as soon as possible and help with all organizational issues.

Service record



All specialists
Valentine Evgenyevich

Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Kirill Borisovich

Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Eugene Valerevich

Leading CT Specialist, MRI

PhD, leading research fellow

Irina Yuryevna

Leading MRI Specialist

Leading expert MNIOI them. P.A. Herzen

Eugene Igorevich

Leading neuroradiologist in MRI and CT diagnostics


Yulia Nikolaevna

Radiologist, leading specialist in radiation diagnostics


Imran Rasulovich

Head of the department of radiation diagnostics, radiologist