MRI of the ankle joint

Modern MRI of the ankle joint helps to examine in detail the complex structure of the articulation connecting the foot and lower leg. Its mobility characterizes vulnerability, because it is the ankle that is most often damaged in sports, as a result of falls, in age-related, obese people. Examination with the help of a nuclear magnetic field of a tomograph reveals even those pathologies that have not yet manifested outwardly.

In the "K+31" clinic (Moscow), you can perform an MRI examination of the ankle, lower limb, pelvic and abdominal organs, endocrine glands, hip, knee joints, spine, head, and all parts of the brain without queues.

The essence of MR examination

The examination is performed on a large apparatus - a tomograph. It creates a strong magnetic field in which radio waves resonate with the hydrogen atoms of cell nuclei in biological tissues. Passing through the barrier of the body, the waves reach the other side at an unequal speed, since each type of tissue has a certain transmittance.

The result is provided as layered images. On them you can see the smallest neoplasms, defects, cracks, the step between the layers is 2-3 mm. The radiologist can adjust the angle of the slice images, depending on the diagnostic tasks.

The ankle is a complex anatomical structure that provides support for the body, supporting weight while moving. With any damage, movement is limited, which significantly worsens the quality of life and often leads to disability. Timely diagnosis allows you to start treatment on time and stop problems in the early stages.

Which is better - MRI, CT, ultrasound, X-ray?

Modern clinics are equipped with various equipment capable of diagnosing pathologies and injuries of the lower extremities. However, each method is more informative in relation to certain types of disorders, so the diagnosis is chosen by analyzing the history, condition, and proposed diagnosis.

What is used to examine the lower extremities:

  • X-ray. Accurately visualizes bone tissue, worse - soft tissue. The method is suitable for detecting injuries, joint damage, hematomas, inflammation of soft tissues, joint fluid. However, he is not able to provide the results of fine diagnostics of tissues, nerves, and blood vessels. In addition, radiography is associated with the potential risk of a small dose of radiation and cannot be performed frequently.
  • Ultrasound is commonly used to confirm ligament injuries, especially in pediatric patients. The method is non-invasive, harmless, but will not give a complete picture of the state of all structures of the ankle.
  • CT shows in detail the condition of all bone structures, therefore it is used when there is a suspicion of bone damage. Computed tomography is also associated with the risk of low dose radiation and therefore cannot be used frequently. However, this method is indispensable for the rapid diagnosis of injuries, when the traumatologist needs to take urgent measures.
  • MRI is the most informative diagnostic method of all listed. The device will allow you to "see" all the problems, to consider the most subtle formations - nerves, blood vessels, muscles. The advantage of the technique is also the ability to take pictures from any angle, which greatly increases the value of diagnostics. Magnetic resonance imaging is an absolutely safe method because it does not use radiation beams.

Thus, MRI of the ankle is a priority study, the rest of the methods are additional, alternative. Complete safety ensures the possibility of using MR as many times as necessary in each clinical case, with any time intervals between examinations. This is important when tracking the pathological process or the results of treatment over time.

Types of MR examination of the ankle area

Depending on the clinical picture, the doctor chooses the right type of tomography for the best visualization of anatomical structures and pathologically altered areas in the ankle joint.

Types of research can be combined within one diagnostic procedure, which significantly reduces the examination time.

Types of MRI scans of the ankle joint:

  • Native, performed without contrast enhancement. It is used in most cases, as it does not require complex preparation for the procedure and well shows a variety of anomalies in this zone.
  • With contrast. Clearly shows the pathology of soft tissues, tendons, cysts, necrosis, tumors of any size.

Modern types of MRI scanners have the ability to remodel a three-dimensional image of the area under study, which significantly increases the diagnostic value of the results.

Additional examinations may sometimes be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis, but in most cases one MRI method is sufficient.

Indications for MR diagnostics

Without a doctor's prescription, the study can be performed in order to phylaxis. For example, athletes, manual workers, patients with systemic, autoimmune pathologies need such control. Diagnosis can be made if there is vague discomfort in the joint, clicks are observed during movements, or there has been an injury.

Clinical indications for diagnostics:

  • Pain of any nature and color - throbbing, aching, periodic, nocturnal, etc.
  • Swelling in the ankle, foot, lower leg.
  • Redness, signs of tissue inflammation, abscess.
  • Joint instability.
  • Diaz disease.
  • Ankle injury, bruised heels, feet, pain and numbness in fingers.
  • Suspicion of damage to ligaments, tendons, muscles.
  • Fluid around the joint, hematoma.
  • Deformation of the joints of the lower limb.
  • Symptoms of tarsal tunnel syndrome.

Prophylactically, people over the age of 50 can undergo a study if there are problems with the musculoskeletal system, osteoporosis, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, diabetes mellitus, rheumatic pathologies, and overweight are diagnosed.

Diagnosis is performed on pediatric patients to diagnose congenital anomalies of the lower extremities, ankle, and foot.

Contraindications for testing

Diagnosis is safe for humans, but the magnetic field can resonate with metals. Therefore, there are not very many contraindications, but all the rules should be followed so that the patient does not get injured, burn during the procedure.

MRI is not performed if:

  • The patient's body contains electronic life support devices: a pacemaker, a defibrillator, an insulin injector, neurostimulators, myostimulators, etc.
  • The skin is tattooed with inks with a ferromagnetic or unknown composition.
  • The body contains metal wires, clips, shunts, heart valves, staples, plates, screws, the Ilizarov apparatus, as well as foreign bodies - bullets, fragments, shavings.
  • Metal endoprostheses, inner ear implant, anus prosthesis, fixed dentures, bracket systems (except for dental shunts) have been installed.
  • Pregnancy in the first trimester.

Contrasting is not performed if:

  • Pregnancy at any time or a woman breastfeeding a baby.
  • Renal failure, liver failure, kidney pathology, kidney transplant.
  • Severe forms of epilepsy, bronchial asthma, cardiovascular, neurological, endocrine pathologies.
  • Allergy to certain drugs.
  • Allergy to contrast solution.
  • History of complications from previous MRI.

The expediency of performing a diagnosis is determined by the doctor, analyzing the patient's history, the current state, the presence of indications and contraindications.

If necessary, the doctor chooses alternative diagnostics - CT, ultrasound or X-ray.

What an MRI of the ankle shows

The ankle is a complex anatomical structure, it is subject to many diseases and injuries due to load and mobility. MRI of the ankle makes multiple images of the area in sections with a small step, which allows you to study in detail all the details, formations, foci of inflammation, trauma.

What the MR image shows:

  • Status of the process of the talus.
  • Injury to the ankle joint capsule.
  • Changes in the calcaneus, fractures, cracks.
  • Dislocation of the joint.
  • Bone marrow edema of the tarsal bones.
  • Anatomy of the joint space, its unevenness, osteophytes along the edges of the bone.
  • The condition of the cartilage of the joint.
  • Accumulation of fluid, blood, pus in the cavities of the foot, ankle.
  • MRI of the ankle ligaments allows you to assess their integrity, to see damage, destructive changes, and tissue disintegration.

MRI, CT, radiography, ultrasound are complementary techniques. Other diagnostic methods may be prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

If the examination results are questionable, a secondary MRI procedure can be performed at any time, but not earlier than 36 hours after the previous one.

How to prepare for research

An MRI of the ankle joint with contrast can be done only after laboratory tests, blood tests for the level of urea, creatinine.

Regular research does not require complex preparation. But you need to follow some rules:

  • 6 hours before the procedure, you should eat a light meal, and no longer eat or drink. With MR imaging with contrast, the last meal is 8-12 hours before.
  • Before the session, you must remove metal jewelry, clothing with metal parts, watches, necklaces, rings, removable dentures, hearing aids, headphones.
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
  • You should empty your bowels and bladder before the procedure.

You can not take bank cards, money, gadgets with you - all this should be left at home or in the locker room.

If there are implants made of titanium, you must provide documents confirming this fact. Titanium and some other alloys are not contraindications for diagnostics, because they do not resonate with a magnetic field.


Before the session, the doctor instructs the patient about the rules of conduct during the examination, reminds him of the need to lie still during the entire session - from 20 to 40 minutes. Filled in personal information.

Survey algorithm:

  1. The patient is placed on a special couch, the lower limb is fixed with rollers or straps in a certain position.
  2. If an MRI with contrast is scheduled, a catheter with an injector is inserted into the peripheral vein.
  3. The staff moves to the next room. The couch drives into the machine, the session begins.
  4. After the end of the diagnostics, the couch leaves the apparatus. The doctor enters, monitors the patient's condition.

Usually, after the diagnosis, the patient is offered to lie down or sit in the clinic for a while to make sure that there are no allergic reactions.

Then the radiologist's report is prepared and the patient is sent home.

MRI of the ankle joint in Moscow

"K+31" Medical Center performs all types of magnetic resonance imaging of the joints, spine, internal organs, head, brain, neck vessels, heart, etc. The examination is carried out on modern high-precision equipment, data processing is performed by qualified doctors with extensive clinical experience.

The price of an MRI of the ankle joint has not changed since the beginning of the year and is in the average range for the region. We have promotions and discounts, you can sign up for night diagnostics, which will be much cheaper. You can choose medical, diagnostic services, a doctor based on patient reviews.

Reception is by appointment, for this call +7 (499) 999-31-31 or use the convenient feedback form on the website.

Service record



All specialists
Valentine Evgenyevich

Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Kirill Borisovich

Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Eugene Valerevich

Leading CT Specialist, MRI

PhD, leading research fellow

Irina Yuryevna

Leading MRI Specialist

Leading expert MNIOI them. P.A. Herzen

Eugene Igorevich

Leading neuroradiologist in MRI and CT diagnostics


Yulia Nikolaevna

Radiologist, leading specialist in radiation diagnostics


Imran Rasulovich

Head of the department of radiation diagnostics, radiologist