MRI of the soft tissues of the face

Magnetic resonance imaging of the facial part of the head is a highly accurate and safe method of non-invasive imaging.It makes it possible to make clear 3D images of sections of selected areas of the soft tissues of the face or bones of the skull.

With the help of MRI of the facial skeleton, the doctor receives detailed information about the structure and structural changes in the bones of the face.MRI of the soft tissues of the head is aimed at studying the anatomical structures and areas: the brain, pituitary gland, paranasal sinuses,ENT organs, intracranial nerves, intracranial vessels. For diagnostics, a tomograph with a magnetic field induction of 1.5 Tesla is used.

Types of MRI of facial soft tissues

Depending on the purpose of the study, the following types of MRI are distinguished:

  • Standard - shows functional and structural changes in tissues in different projections.
  • Contrast enhancement is a highly informative way. It makes it possible to assess the structure and shape of blood vessels (veins and arteries), to detect areas of hematomas or neoplasms. This is achieved by injecting a contrast agent into the blood.

A general practitioner, neuropathologist, traumatologist or other specialist can refer the patient to an MRI of the facial skull or soft tissues of the face and neck. This is done to clarify the diagnosis, to identify the cause of the pathological condition of the organs, to assess the effectiveness of the treatment.

In each case, the specialist selects a certain type of MRI diagnostics, based on the data of previous examinations, patient complaints and clinical manifestations of the pathology.

MRI of facial soft tissues: what does it show

Magnetic resonance imaging of the facial part of the skull allows you to safely and informatively determine the presence of diseases, associated with muscle tissue, skin, nervous and vascular network in the face.

The technique is superior in safety and accuracy to such diagnostic methods as X-ray, CT or sonography.

What does an MRI of the facial part of the skull show:

  • The consequences of a facial injury are the complexity and extensiveness of damage to different layers of tissues, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.
  • The presence of hematomas, their location and size.
  • Abscess areas - purulent inflammation of tissues.
  • Necrosis
  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes in the face and neck.
  • The presence of mechanical pinching of nerve endings and its causes.
  • Neoplasms - benign or malignant tumors, cysts.
  • Presence of metastases in the facial region emanating from a distant focus.
  • Locations of fluid accumulation in the subcutaneous and muscle layers.
  • The condition of the veins and arteries, circulatory disorders.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes, their location.
  • Congenital pathologies and developmental anomalies.

Pathological processes in the soft tissues of the face may be the result of injury or disease.MRI diagnostics allows not only to make a diagnosis, but also to establish the causes of the condition.If it is necessary to examine the vessels or to determine the nature of the neoplasm, the doctor may recommend MRI of the soft tissues of the face with contrast.

Contrast enhancement allows you to more accurately highlight the vessel in the image (its shape, length, size of the lumen, structure) and recognize the existing pathological areas.

The study is carried out in two stages. First, a regular series of shots is taken, and then, after the introduction of a contrast agent, a second shot is taken. Thanks to a special solution, the tomograph clearly shows the blood supply system and areas of impaired blood flow.

MRI of the facial nerve can show the presence of inflammation or an area of rupture, damage to nerve endings in facial or head trauma. In case of fractures of the jaw or nose, the doctor can give a referral to an MRI of the facial part of the skull for accurate visualization of the problem, determining the boundaries of damaged tissues.

Indications for MR-tomography of soft tissues of the human face

MRI of the face is performed when:

  • The need for differential diagnosis of facial tumors.
  • Pathologies of the brain.
  • Injury of the facial part of the skull.
  • Swelling, loss of tissue sensitivity, numbness, facial distortion.
  • Chronic headaches/
  • Complicated sinusitis.
  • The presence of tumors that could metastasize to the face.

Magnetic resonance imaging helps to make a diagnosis, as well as assess the patient's condition after treatment, and prepare him for surgery. With the help of the study, the doctor evaluates the effectiveness of therapy with surgical intervention. After chemotherapy and radiation of cancerous tumors, tomography makes it possible to detect the presence of metastases.


Tomography is a sparing method of studying the state of internal organs. Due to the absence of radiation and radio wave exposure, it can be prescribed even to small children. But only on condition that they can lie motionless during the entire procedure.

However, there are limitations that should be discussed with the doctor and strict contraindications to the diagnosis. MRI cannot be done if:

  • First trimester pregnancies to avoid miscarriage.
  • The presence of metal implants in the body, clips on blood vessels, shrapnel wounds.
  • Installed pacemaker.
  • Claustrophobia.
  • Nervous disorders in which involuntary body movements are possible, tk. this will blur the image.

There are more contraindications for MRI with contrast. They include pregnancy (during all 9 months), lactation period, renal and hepatic insufficiency and an allergic reaction to the components of the contrast agent.

Preparing and conducting research

MR imaging is performed at least 2 hours after the last meal. You are allowed to drink water. On the day of the examination, it is necessary to exclude alcohol and limit smoking. Additional special training is not required.

Before the procedure, the patient must change into clothes without metal buttons and fasteners. It is necessary to remove metal accessories, removable dentures, piercings.

During the examination, the patient lies down on the tomograph table, which, after switching on, begins to enter the working tunnel. The device makes a lot of noise, so for comfort, a person needs to wear special headphones or earplugs. When examining the head, it is possible to use a helmet. During the operation of the tomograph, sensations of tingling and warmth may appear.

The procedure lasts about 30 minutes and is completely painless. The doctor talks to the patient through the built-in speakerphone. If during the diagnosis there are burning sensations and pain, you should press the panic button inside the device. Otherwise, you just need to lie still until the end of the procedure.

Cost of diagnostics

The price of MRI of facial soft tissues depends on several factors: the use of contrast enhancement, the need for a specialist to decipher the conclusion, etc.

In the clinic "K+31" it is possible to conduct an MRI of the facial part of the skull using high-precision equipment with a power of 1.5 Tesla. Diagnosis is carried out by qualified doctors with extensive practical experience. If necessary, you can order an assessment of the result of the study.

To sign up for an examination, you need to call +7 (499) 999-31-31 and discuss a convenient appointment time with the administrator.

Service record


All specialists
Valentine Evgenyevich

Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Kirill Borisovich

Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist

Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Eugene Valerevich

Leading CT Specialist, MRI

PhD, leading research fellow

Irina Yuryevna

Leading MRI Specialist

Leading expert MNIOI them. P.A. Herzen

Eugene Igorevich

Leading neuroradiologist in MRI and CT diagnostics


Yulia Nikolaevna

Radiologist, leading specialist in radiation diagnostics


Imran Rasulovich

Head of the department of radiation diagnostics, radiologist