Prevention of hair loss during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy hair loss prevention

Chemotherapy is stressful for the body. One of the negative effects of cancer treatment is alopecia, or hair loss. The degree of baldness depends on the type of drugs used, the duration and frequency of sessions. In any case, the problem of hair loss after chemotherapy is faced by most patients. with oncological diseases, which negatively affects self-esteem and aggravates a severe psycho-emotional state, caused by a complex disease and its treatment, especially in women.

The changed appearance is a constant reminder of the disease, its symptoms and all the trials that have to endure since the diagnosis. The prospect of hair loss after chemotherapy is also often a reason for refusing full-fledged cancer treatment, which involves the use of chemotherapeutic agents. Against the background of all the experiences, the question of the possibility of preserving hair during chemotherapy does not lose its relevance.

Hair loss is the most well-known side effect of chemotherapy. But not all drugs that are used during cancer treatment lead to baldness. Some chemotherapy drugs do not cause hair loss, while others cause only partial hair loss. Some drugs lead to complete baldness. Sometimes hair loss begins in the first days of chemotherapy. In other cases, this may not happen for weeks.

Specialists of the medical center K + 31 pay great attention to the prevention of hair loss. We use techniques that reduce the risk of alopecia during chemotherapy. Book a consultation by phone or online.

Why does chemotherapy make hair fall out?

Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment procedure in which cancer cells are destroyed by the action of special drugs. But it acts not only on them, but on the whole organism. This leads to worsening of the condition after chemotherapy. Healthy cells, including hair follicles, also suffer from chemotherapy.

The life cycle of the hair consists of three phases: the growth phase, when the hair is actively growing, the transitional phase, when the cells of the hair follicle gradually stop dividing, and the resting phase, when the cells do not divide, the hair does not grow and after a few months its natural loss occurs .

During the first phase, the cells of the hair follicle are actively dividing. Like the cells of any cancerous tumor. It is on them that the action of chemotherapy drugs, which are cytostatics, is directed, i.e. they inhibit division. During a course of chemotherapy, these drugs stop the division of tumor cells and the division of hair follicles, which brings the onset of the second phase of the life of the hair, and, accordingly, the third - its loss. At the same time, the follicle cannot go into the first phase, as in a normal cycle.

Hair falls out after chemotherapy on any part of the body, but due to differences in the structure of hair follicles in different places and the individual characteristics of the person, some places suffer from this more often than others. So the hair on the head falls out more often. Loss of hair on the legs, pubis, in the armpits occurs less often and often not completely. Eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as mustaches and beards, do not always fall out.

The degree of baldness depends on the drugs used, the duration of the cancer treatment and the condition of the patient. Therefore, hair loss is not a necessary side effect of chemotherapy or hormone therapy.

What drugs cause hair loss after chemotherapy?

Such drugs include, for example, epirubicin, doxorubicin, taxol, taxotere, and some others. In our clinic, doctors use sparing chemotherapy drugs, which reduce the likelihood of hair loss, and also use quite effective methods of prevention. Call or leave a request on the website, we will call you back and schedule a consultation.

Hair loss - treatment and prevention

Modern techniques allow minimizing the effects of chemotherapy and preserving hair during cancer treatment. One of the available options that can be used within the clinic K+31 - prevention of hair loss during the course of chemotherapy for the treatment of cancer.

How to solve the problem and prevent baldness? Scalp cooling

Any woman who is about to undergo chemotherapy is concerned about the question: is it possible to avoid hair loss? The unique system of the British company Paxman is designed specifically to prevent alopecia after chemotherapy. Research shows that cancer patients who take advantage of prevention lose less hair and use wigs and hats less frequently.

The effectiveness of the procedure is not very high, and even with it, the hair falls out partially, but it increases the likelihood of maintaining the hairline during treatment with chemotherapy. Our clinic has state-of-the-art equipment for scalp cooling, in which patients will feel comfortable and safe. At the consultation, you will learn about the indications and contraindications of this procedure.

How does it work?

The principle of operation is based on the application of the hypothermia technique. The effectiveness of the action is provided by the cooling system of the scalp. By lowering the temperature in the area of the hair follicles by several degrees - up to 40% slows down blood flow to the hair follicles, and hence the flow of the drug, which helps prevent hair loss after chemotherapy or minimize losses. As a result of reducing the negative impact of cancer chemotherapy treatment, it is possible to minimize the effects of the introduction of potent drugs locally and protect the hair follicles.

Prophylaxis of hair loss in our clinic is an opportunity:

  • prevent hair loss and avoid baldness;
  • maintain a positive attitude towards chemotherapy treatment;
  • overcome the fear of changing appearance due to illness.

A cancer diagnosis and post-surgery chemotherapy puts the patient under a lot of stress. Hair loss only aggravates the mental state and makes the disease too noticeable in the eyes of others. All patients want life to go on and be as similar as possible to the previous one. So that relatives and friends do not get scared and worried every time they see a sick person. Prevention of hair loss after chemotherapy allows you not to complicate the situation even more, gives confidence and optimism, especially for women and those whose work is related to communication with people. Preserving your hair for cancer means, in many ways, preserving your lifestyle. The specialists of the clinic are also engaged in the prevention of hair loss in men, since this issue is important for many members of the stronger sex.

Contact our clinic both for the treatment of cancer and for the prevention of hair loss. Prevention of hair loss in women is an area to which our specialists pay great attention. Give us a call or book an online consultation and our clinic will contact you as soon as possible. On the site you can read the news of the clinic, get acquainted with the methods of treatment and prices for services.

Features of the procedure

ORBIS is a mobile and compact device with a simple control system. The refrigerant is contained in the refrigeration unit and flows to the scalp through special tubes attached to a silicone cap (cold helmet) equipped with sensors. The solution circulates at a temperature of -4°C, providing an optimal level of scalp cooling.

There is no pain during the procedure. Sessions are comfortable and do not cause inconvenience. The caps are light, soft and individually tailored to the size of the head, which ensures the most snug fit. For successful prevention of hair loss, a constant low temperature is maintained during the session. Information about the indicators is displayed on the touch screen, which allows for complete control and eliminates the risks of hypothermia or other unpleasant consequences. But sometimes patients do not feel very comfortable, so it is better to wear something warm.

Numerous studies confirm the effectiveness of preventing alopecia. A positive result of hair preservation after chemotherapy is noted by more than 85% of patients.

Hair care during chemotherapy

In addition to cooling the scalp, how the patient cares for the hair is also important. From treating cancer with chemotherapy they become brittle and dry and require special attention and careful handling. And the longer the hair, the more care they need.

To minimize hair loss after chemotherapy, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The comb should be massage with rare teeth. You can comb your hair every day, but you need to do it carefully.
  • Do not use tight rubber bands that can damage the hair. Tie them with a soft rubber band, or even better with a ribbon.
  • It is best to refrain from braiding your hair, using a hair dryer, curlers or other heating devices for your hair. We'll have to forget about the perm.
  • Pillows should have silk or satin pillowcases. If the hair is long, then all bedding should be made of these materials.
  • Use natural hair products that help nourish hair.

Wash your hair during chemotherapy no more than twice a week, carefully, with PH-neutral shampoos, natural conditioners. You need to use cool water and dry naturally, except for a light touch with a towel (without rubbing your hair with it). If you need to use a hair dryer, it is better to set it on a cold setting. But for the prevention of hair loss, it is better to refrain from using it. If you need to wash your hair before the procedure, you need to do this 1-2 days before chemotherapy and not earlier than a day after chemotherapy.

Hair coloring is not recommended. But if you really need it, it is better to use natural washable paints. And it is better to dye your hair a week before the start of chemotherapy, which is carried out with cooling of the scalp.

It is also better not to visit hairdressers. Or, at least, warn the master that you are undergoing chemotherapy and your hair needs special treatment. But salon procedures can negatively affect the condition of the scalp and cause hair loss.

Using a wig

Since scalp cooling is not a 100% guarantee of hair retention after chemotherapy, one way to correct the aesthetic side of the problem is to wear a wig. He is advised to choose and start wearing even before the course of treatment with chemotherapy, as well as during the period when the hair will gradually recover. This will help to prepare in advance and hide your illness to others. When choosing a wig, use the help of your loved ones who will help you choose the most suitable option. It is better that the wig is made of natural hair, fits snugly to the head, and is similar in thickness and color to your real hair. To make sure it sits well on your head, bend over while trying it on, shake your head. There are special gels for fixing the wig, cotton pads for skin irritation. And remember that it must be kept away from hot objects and fire, otherwise it may change its shape.

In some cases, bandanas and shawls do an even better job than a wig. But whatever method you choose, the main thing is how you feel, how comfortable you are and how much you like your appearance. A good mood and optimism make a person more attractive, regardless of the condition of the hair on the head, and also increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Hair restoration after chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is prescribed for the treatment of most types of cancer: lymphoma, melanoma, cancer of the lung, liver, stomach, thyroid, breast, prostate, etc.

As a rule, after stopping the course of chemotherapy, the hair grows back. Their full recovery takes from six months to a year. But this is very individual. And it all depends not only on the condition of the patient, but also on the intensity of therapy and the degree of damage to the hair follicles. The first hair usually begins to grow after 3-4 months. As a rule, they are initially thin and airy, like fluff. But over time, their structure will be restored. True, the quality may change. Those with straight hair can grow curly hair after chemotherapy and vice versa - wavy hair can become straight. Full restoration of the hairline usually occurs in about a year.

If more toxic, aggressive drugs were used in the course of chemotherapy, or the patient went through several courses of chemotherapy (this happens when the tumor has metastasized), it may take longer to restore the hairline. And the hair itself can be more sparse and brittle. To correct this state of affairs, a trichologist will help, who can advise stimulating procedures and activities for the treatment of hair. In any case, you should not rush to despair. The body after chemotherapy needs time to recover, and this is not a quick process. Don't expect baldness to "go away" on its own. It won’t go away on its own – contact the specialists of the K + 31 clinic in Moscow for help!

Does hair fall out after radiation therapy?

Radiotherapy causes hair loss only when the effect is on the scalp, on its hairline. In other cases, when the area of influence is different, the hair on the head does not fall out.

In our clinic, cancer is diagnosed and treated in various ways, chemotherapy is carried out and hair loss is prevented. Our doctors treat breast cancer, prostate cancer and other organs, taking into account the characteristics of women and men, as well as the age and other individual characteristics of the patient.

Call our clinic in Moscow or book an online consultation and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Service record


All specialists
Igor Alexandrovich

Deputy chief physician for oncology, oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Konstantin Viktorovich

Academician, professor, Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Ksenia Igorevna

Head of department, oncologist


Sergey Yuryevich

Head of oncology projects, oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Pavel Ilyich

Consultant in urology, urologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Sergey Evgenyevich

Oncologist-mammologist, surgeon

Ahmed Mukhamedovich

Urologist, Oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Alexei Sergeyevich

Oncogynecology consultant, obstetrician-gynecologist


Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Ksenia Vladimirovna

Dermatovenerologist, oncologist

Oleg Ivanovich

Deputy chief physician for surgery, surgeon


Lali Mikhailovna


Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Daria Mikhailovna

Head of the radiation therapy department

Mikhail Alexandrovich

Consultant in oncogynecology, obstetrician-gynecologist

Igor Igorevich


Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Maya Otarovna

Radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, oncologist-mammologist

Yulia Nikolaevna

Head of the oncology department of antitumor drug therapy, oncologist, hematologist