Varicocele, hydrocele (hydrocele)

A hydrocele is a progressive accumulation of serous secretion between the layers of the testicular membrane, which leads to a significant increase in the volume of the organ. Sometimes the pathology is combined with dropsy of the spermatic cord, which is called funiculocele. The anomaly occurs at any age, from birth to old age. The infantile condition is transient, the defect often disappears with the growth of the child. In adolescents, adult men, the disease requires treatment, as it never disappears and tends to progress.

In the article we will consider the problems of this pathology, causes and symptoms. Let's talk about the modern methods of treatment that we are ready to offer at the K + 31 clinic.

Features of pathology

A dropsy of the testicle in infants is a physiologically determined phenomenon that disappears by the age of one or two, without requiring medical correction. Help is needed only if there are complications or concomitant diseases - for example, scrotal hernia, infringement, inflammation.

  • 1-6% of newborn full-term boys are diagnosed with this anomaly. Premature babies are at higher risk.
  • 5-66% of preschool children retain the pathology, so they are given appropriate treatment.
  • The defect occurs in 1% of men of childbearing and older age.

However, swelling of the scrotum is a common symptom of other pathologies:

  • Scrotal hernia.
  • Inflammatory process: orchitis, epididymitis.
  • Cysts.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Injury of the cord.
  • Varicocele

For an accurate diagnosis, you will need not only an examination, but also the use of hardware and laboratory research methods.

The amount of liquid can be 50-200ml. But there are cases when there is an accumulation of volume up to one, three liters. This greatly complicates not only the human condition, but also the performance of ordinary affairs. Movement, the ability to work, to lead a sexual life become problematic.

Causes, types of disease

The classification of dropsy of the testicle in men is based on the characteristics of the causes, degree. Urologists distinguish several groups to determine the pathology.

By occurrence:

  • Physiological (in children of the first year of life).
  • Congenital (in preschoolers).
  • Acquired (from preschoolers, schoolchildren, adolescents, adults).

The innate form is split into:

  • Insulated; or simple.
  • Communicating.

Purchased are divided into:

  • Post-traumatic.
  • Postoperative. For example, a hydrocele after a varicocele, especially operated on with the classical technique with open access.
  • As a complication of inflammatory processes.
  • A consequence of lymphostasis.
  • Violation of fluid absorption by the membranes of the organ, blood vessels.

Driving dropsy happens:

  • Increasing, chronic.
  • Acute onset.

By involving the parties:

  • Left side.
  • Right side.
  • Double-sided.

By liquid volume:

  • Small. The amount of discharge is no more than the organ itself.
  • Medium. The liquid content occupies the volume of 3-4 testicles.
  • Big. Liquids over 200-300ml.
  • Giant. Volume - 1-3 liters. There are cases when the liquid reached the amount of 23-26 liters.

It is not uncommon for situations where the exact causes of an acquired anomaly cannot be established. Then they talk about the idiopathic form.

Secondary pathology can occur against the background of serious chronic diseases - for example, damage to internal organs with insufficiency of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension. Testicular hydrocele is more often observed in parallel with hemorrhoids, varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Symptoms of hydrocele

The most common variant of the course of the disease is asymptomatic. Even with a significant increase in the scrotum, pain may be absent.

Pathology can be suspected by the following signs:

  • Visible enlargement on one or both sides.
  • On palpation, the testicle is difficult to determine. Fluctuation is felt, the presence of liquid under the membranes.
  • Exceeding the amount of exudate of 200-300 ml leads to soreness in this area due to compression of the surrounding tissues, testicles.
  • The progression of the disease causes erectile and sexual dysfunction in adults.
  • The scrotum hurts more during sports, physical exertion, sudden jumps, pressure drops (for example, on an airplane).
  • Enlargement of regional lymph nodes can be observed in the advanced stage of the disease.
  • Problems with urination: urinary retention, false urges, etc.

With orchitis, reactive dropsy can occur, manifested by symptoms:

  • Sharp pain.
  • Redness of the skin, high local temperature.
  • Increase in general body temperature, fever, signs of general intoxication.

With a communicating cavity, fluid can flow out during sleep, so when you wake up, you may notice a decrease in the scrotum. The accumulation of fluid in several chambers along the inguinal canal is externally manifested by the relief of an hourglass.


Important! Any changes in the scrotal area, negative sensations should be a reason for an urgent appeal to urology. Oncological processes have similar symptoms, so early diagnosis is vital.

The doctor first takes a history and conducts a physical examination. A diagnostic program is assigned to confirm the diagnosis, clarify the characteristics of the disease.

Methods of hardware research:

  • Diaphanoscopy, or examination of an organ in the light using a special flashlight.
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum.
  • Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels.

Laboratory studies are prescribed additionally to exclude an infectious process, inflammation, clarify the state of the body, and identify the effect of the disease on the functionality of the testicles.

Can be assigned:

  • General clinical blood and urine tests.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • A blood test for clotting ability.
  • Examination of a swab from the urethra for urinary infections.
  • Spermogram to assess spermatogenesis.
  • Study for tumor markers in case of suspected neoplastic process.

In case of complications, concomitant diseases, consultations of doctors of related specialties - a phlebologist, a cardiologist, a surgeon, a nephrologist, a therapist can be prescribed. If necessary, the diagnostic program can be expanded with other studies.

Hydrocele treatment

Dropsy in newborns, young children often does not need treatment, having physiological causes. Therefore, dynamic monitoring is assigned to track progression or regression. The child can be observed by a pediatrician, pediatric surgeon, pediatric urologist.

When the baby reaches the age of two years and the defect persists, surgical treatment is prescribed. At an early age, the procedure will not create great difficulties, it will eliminate all health risks in the future, so you should not delay it.

Complicated conditions in early childhood 0-2 years will require unscheduled surgery or conservative treatment. This is necessary for hernia, torsion of the testicular cord, neoplasms, infection, orchitis.

The acute form of dropsy of the testicles in men needs preliminary therapeutic relief of the infectious and inflammatory process before surgery.

Conservative treatment is prescribed:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Antibacterial drugs.
  • Analgesics.
  • Wearing braces

Until the removal of acute symptoms, the patient is assigned a restriction in movements, work, sports, complete rest.

The operation is carried out according to one of the techniques:

  • Ross, with open access. Performed for children under 2 years of age, involves suturing the vaginal process of the peritoneum.
  • Bergman, with open access. The liquid is removed, excess shells are excised.
  • Winckelmann, open access
  • Lord, with open access. Less traumatic for the testicle, since in the process it is not separated from the surrounding tissues, and the shell is corrugated before stitching.

Minimally invasive techniques:

  • Ultrasonic dissection.
  • Laser cut sheets.
  • Plasma coagulation of the shell.
  • Tissue sclerotherapy.

The aspiration technique for pumping out the contents of the dropsy sac is outdated. It has a high risk of complications, and today it is used only in case of categorical contraindications to surgical treatment with a large amount of liquid in the capsule.

Prognosis, prevention of pathology

Prognostic assessment of doctors is positive. The disease is well treated, therefore, early diagnosis, adequate therapeutic measures can eliminate all risks to men's health.

To prevent testicular hydrocele in men, the following rules must be followed:

  • Prevent and treat inflammatory diseases of this area, STIs in time.
  • Avoid traumatic groin incidents in sports and life.
  • Do not allow excessive loads in physical labor, sports, weight lifting.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle, give up harmful addictions.
  • Eat well, monitor the balance of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals in food.

In situations that lead to damage to the tissues of the scrotum, you must be extremely careful, take measures to protect against traumatic influences. It is necessary to undergo an examination, be observed by a urologist when:

  • Injuries to the lymph nodes of the groin area.
  • Cardiovascular disorders associated with the progression of heart failure, circulatory disorders, blood properties.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Surgeries for varicocele, malignant or benign tumors in the groin, prostate adenoma, hernia, and other pathological conditions.
  • Diseases, tumors in the abdominal cavity.
  • Professional sports associated with increased intra-abdominal pressure, blows to the groin and abdomen, weight lifting.

A man should monitor his health, notice even the slightest changes in the testicles. Knowing what dropsy is, it is necessary to respond to the slightest increase in the size of the scrotum, immediately seeking medical help. Any symptoms, even minor ones, are a reason for an urgent unscheduled visit to the urologist.

Treatment of hydrocele in "K+31"

The solution to your problem should begin with a consultation with urologists at the K + 31 clinic in Moscow. Our own laboratory and advanced diagnostic equipment allow us to perform examinations with high diagnostic value.

Doctors prescribe individual treatment tactics in each clinical case. We offer medical services that meet modern medical standards.

The loyal pricing policy of the K + 31 Medical Center makes prices affordable for all patients. The clinic often has special discounts and promotions. You can choose the necessary services, get acquainted with the medical institution, specialists, according to the reviews of patients.

You can ask your questions to the administrator, sign up for a consultation by calling the clinic or using the feedback form on the official website.

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All specialists
Pavel Ilyich

Consultant in urology, urologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Boris Evgenyevich

Head of the Department of Urology, Urologist


Suren Alexandrovich

Doctor urologist-andrologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Armais Albertovich

Chief Consultant in Urology, Urologist

Academician, professor, Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Ahmed Mukhamedovich

Urologist, Oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Mikhail Alexandrovich


Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Anton Alexandrovich

Head of the urology department, urologist