Reconstructive urology

Urology, which is called plastic, includes a number of surgical interventions that eliminate abnormalities in the development of the organs of the urinary system. As a result of the operation, it turns out to restore the normal functioning of the bladder, ureter, urethra. Plastic surgery of the urinary system makes it possible to successfully eliminate congenital malformations.

Various reasons serve as the basis for plastic-urological operations.

So, urethral plastic surgery is performed more often with a phenomenon called stricture, when the urethral lumen narrows, which leads to a weakening of the flow of urine, problems associated with ejaculation.

Plastic surgery on the bladder is performed for certain diseases leading to damage to the walls of the organ, its mucous membrane, or the neck of the urethra. Surgical intervention, which allows you to eliminate the anomalies of the ureter, is required when narrowing its area, in the presence of very long defects, with damage to the ureter, kidney and in some other cases.


Plastic surgery of the ureter, other organs of the urinary system is not performed with:

  • certain abnormalities in the work, for example, of the kidneys;
  • high blood pressure;
  • weight exceeding 120 kg, when it is not possible to apply general anesthesia;
  • bleeding disorders.

Types of operations

Depending on the type of organ that requires surgery, it is carried out:

  • bladder plastic;
  • operation to eliminate pathologies of the urethra;
  • plastic, allowing to bring the ureter back to normal.

Preparation and operation

At the preparatory stage for the operation, the patient is diagnosed in order to identify certain infections of the urethra. Appropriate tests are taken, including one that allows you to determine the degree of blood coagulation. The presence of allergic reactions to certain drugs is detected. A bacteriological examination is carried out.

Surgery for plastic surgery of the ureter and other organs of the urinary system is performed under general anesthesia. In certain cases, a special catheter is installed that will allow urine to be excreted on postoperative days. The operation is performed surgically, suitable for eliminating certain pathological disorders.

An autograft is often used for plasty of the urinary system. It is prepared in advance, for which a segment of the intestine of the patient is resected or a flap of his bladder is taken. What exactly an autograft is prepared from depends on which organ will undergo surgery.


The period that will be required to recover after an operation has been performed on plastic surgery of the urethra, another organ, is from 1 to several weeks. If an autograft has been used, it is important that it takes root. When a catheter is inserted, the patient is discharged when there is no need to use it, urination occurs independently, and no blood in the urine is observed.

Service record



All specialists
Pavel Ilyich

Consultant in urology, urologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Boris Evgenyevich

Head of the Department of Urology, Urologist


Suren Alexandrovich

Doctor urologist-andrologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Armais Albertovich

Chief Consultant in Urology, Urologist

Academician, professor, Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Ahmed Mukhamedovich

Urologist, Oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Mikhail Alexandrovich


Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Anton Alexandrovich

Head of the urology department, urologist