Physiotherapy treatment

Exposure to heat, electrical impulse, laser, magnetic field in urology is used to normalize the functioning of the organs of the urinary system, restore their function.

How exactly does physiotherapy treatment affect a person:

  • dilates small blood vessels;
  • accelerates blood flow;
  • improves gas exchange;
  • reduces swelling, inflammation;
  • anesthetizes;
  • tones the pelvic muscles;
  • fights congestion;
  • activates immune defense;
  • heals wounds;
  • participates in the normalization of hormonal levels;
  • eliminates sexual dysfunction;
  • helps in the treatment of infertility.

Physiotherapy is often an adjunct to medical or surgical treatment to speed up recovery. Urologists note that the positive effect is most noticeable in the treatment of patients with prostatitis.


The following methods of exposure are used in urology:

  • magnetotherapy - due to the influence of a magnetic field, the movement of potassium and sodium ions changes, blood vessels expand, excess fluid flows out and edema is eliminated;
  • low-frequency laser irradiation - has a local effect on the inflammation focus, sanitizing it;
  • intravenous laser blood irradiation or ILBI - enhances immunity in inflammatory diseases;
  • amplipulse therapy - reduces pain, inflammation, improves blood flow in case of prostatitis, urolithiasis;
  • UHF - the use of a high-frequency electromagnetic field, recommended for endocrine infertility, impotence, to normalize sexual function;
  • high-frequency magnetotherapy or inductothermy - a magnetic field of high or very high frequency is used, which accelerates blood circulation, improves gas exchange and cell nutrition;
  • electrophoresis - delivers drugs directly to the problem area, the most common indication is chronic prostatitis;
  • electrical stimulation - short impulse currents activate the nerves, causing muscle contraction;
  • dorsonvalization - the patient is exposed to currents of high frequency, but low strength, this improves the functioning of the nervous system, blood vessels.

The most commonly prescribed procedures are based on the influence of a laser, magnetic and electromagnetic fields. Their effectiveness is beyond doubt, their use is prescribed in the standards and protocols for the treatment of urological patients.

Only a physiotherapist in collaboration with a urologist can determine the optimal methods of physiotherapy that are suitable for a particular patient. The specialists of our clinic will choose the correct treatment option and help you recover faster.

Indications for physiotherapy

The range of treatment options is wide. The main diseases and conditions for the use of physiotherapy:

  • urethritis, cystitis;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • enuresis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • overactive bladder;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • acute or chronic prostatitis;
  • cortical, spinal infertility.

Before prescribing treatment, the doctors of our clinic will conduct a comprehensive and thorough examination for the presence of contraindications to the use of physiotherapy techniques.


The devices affect the blood flow and tissue functioning, therefore, physiotherapy treatment is not prescribed if the patient has cancer. With prostate adenoma, the doctor decides on the appropriateness of the effect.

Other contraindications:

  • active tuberculosis;
  • failure of the heart;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • early postoperative period;
  • suffered a stroke or heart attack less than six months ago;
  • open wounds, fungal lesions at the sites of exposure;
  • decompensation of diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma or arterial hypertension;
  • liver or kidney pathology, accompanied by severe impairment of their function;
  • SARS, colds, tonsillitis and other acute infectious or viral diseases (you need to wait for recovery).

The use of physiotherapeutic methods of influence complements drug treatment, which speeds up the time required for recovery, and also saves material costs for drugs. Our clinic employs competent specialists who successfully use an integrated approach to problems, helping to maintain health.

Service record



All specialists
Pavel Ilyich

Consultant in urology, urologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Boris Evgenyevich

Head of the Department of Urology, Urologist


Suren Alexandrovich

Doctor urologist-andrologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Armais Albertovich

Chief Consultant in Urology, Urologist

Academician, professor, Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Ahmed Mukhamedovich

Urologist, Oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Mikhail Alexandrovich


Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Anton Alexandrovich

Head of the urology department, urologist