Diagnosis and treatment of pelvic floor muscle pathologies

We figure out which symptoms require attention, how to properly diagnose the disorder, and which treatment methods really work.

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What are the pelvic floor muscles?

The pelvic floor muscles are an "internal corset" that supports the uterus, bladder, intestines, and other organs. They work as a strong frame, holding everything in place and preventing the organs from "falling" down. Without them, normal functioning of the bladder and intestines would be impossible.

The pelvic floor muscles work unnoticed, but too much depends on them: control of urination, support of internal organs, comfort during intimate life. While they are normal, a person does not even think about their existence. But as soon as the system fails, uncontrollable urges to go to the toilet, discomfort, heaviness in the lower abdomen, or decreased sensitivity appear.

What are the pelvic floor muscles?

How do the pelvic floor muscles work?

They support the organs (bladder, intestines, uterus), hold them in place and adapt to stress - they tense up when sneezing, running, laughing, preventing leaks. They also control urination, defecation and increase blood flow in the intimate area, affecting sensitivity and orgasm. During pregnancy, they support the uterus, and during childbirth they stretch, helping the baby to be born. Weakening of these muscles can lead to back pain, poor posture, discomfort.

What to do? Regular exercise, weight control, proper nutrition will help strengthen the muscles. If the problem already exists, you should consult a doctor to select a treatment.

How do pelvic floor muscles become weak?

  • Pregnancy and childbirth. What happens? During pregnancy, the uterus grows and presses on the pelvic floor, stretching the muscles and ligaments. If the muscles are not strong enough, they begin to lose tone. Childbirth is the main stress for the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. During natural childbirth, the muscles are stretched to the limit to let the baby through. If the birth is difficult (large fetus, ruptures, episiotomy), nerve and ligament damage is possible. In this case, recovery takes longer, and without training, the muscles may not return to normal.
  • Age-related changes and hormonal levels. What's going on? After age 40, estrogen levels gradually decrease. These hormones are responsible for the elasticity and strength of tissues. Without them, muscles become flabby, ligaments weaken, and tissues retain moisture worse, making them less elastic. Menopause exacerbates the problem - a decrease in hormones accelerates the destruction of collagen, which means that ligaments and muscles lose the ability to support organs.
  • Excess weight – pressure on the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. What happens? Excess body weight increases the pressure on the pelvic floor, creating the effect of constant overload. It's like wearing a heavy backpack – over time, the straps stretch and stop supporting the weight. Visceral obesity (fat around the organs) is especially dangerous – it increases the load and provokes chronic pressure on the ligaments.
  • A sedentary lifestyle. What happens? If muscles are not exercised, they lose strength, like any other muscle. This leads to a decrease in tone and loss of control over their work. A sedentary lifestyle worsens blood circulation in the pelvic area, which also weakens the muscles.
  • Excessive physical activity and incorrect lifting of weights. What happens? Rapid lifting of heavy objects (in the gym or at home) creates powerful pressure on the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. If the muscles are not strong, they simply cannot withstand such a load. A common mistake is holding your breath when lifting weights. This sharply increases the pressure inside the abdominal cavity, which is why the organs seem to be “squeezed” downwards, stretching the ligaments.
  • Constipation and chronic straining. What happens? If your bowels aren't working properly, you have to strain hard when you have a bowel movement. This creates increased pressure on the pelvic floor, which over time weakens the muscles and ligaments. Chronic constipation is especially dangerous - it creates an abnormal pattern of muscle function, forcing them to work to the point of wear and tear.
  • Chronic cough and smoking What happens? Long-term coughing creates multiple pressure surges in the abdominal cavity, literally "beating" the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. Constant tension leads to tissue stretching. Smoking aggravates the problem - it reduces the oxygen level in the tissues, worsening their ability to recover.

Symptoms and consequences of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction

How do you know if your musculoskeletal system is weakened?
  1. Urinary incontinence. When sneezing, coughing, laughing or exercising, uncontrolled urine leakage occurs. The urge to urinate has become more frequent, and it is more difficult to run to the toilet
  2. A feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Especially in the evening, after standing for a long time or exerting yourself. This is a signal that the organs have begun to descend
  3. Discomfort or decreased sensitivity during sex. Due to weak muscles, the vaginal walls lose tone, which reduces sensitivity and can cause discomfort
  4. Lower back pain for no apparent reason. Weakened muscles do not support the organs, and this creates additional stress on the lumbar region

Problems with the intestines are also a “warning bell”. Frequent constipation, the need to strain hard, a feeling that the intestines are not completely emptied.

What will happen if left untreated?
  1. Progressive urinary and fecal incontinence. If the muscles do not hold urine when coughing or laughing, the problem will only get worse over time. In severe cases, control is lost not only over the bladder, but also over the intestines
  2. Prolapse of the pelvic organs (prolapse). In the early stages, the organs begin to shift slightly downwards. This is felt as a pulling sensation or discomfort. If the process continues, the uterus, bladder or rectum can descend so much that they begin to protrude beyond the vagina
  3. Chronic pain. Due to constant pressure on the nerves and ligaments, pain appears in the lower back, pelvis and abdomen
  4. Complete prolapse of the uterus. In advanced cases, the uterus extends beyond the vagina and requires surgery

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Diagnosis and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles

When and who needs treatment and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles?

You need to get checked for pathologies:

  1. After childbirth. During pregnancy and childbirth, muscles are greatly stretched and weakened. It is especially important to restore them if there were ruptures or a difficult birth. Weakening can lead to urinary incontinence, discomfort and decreased sensitivity during sex with a man
  2. Before pregnancy. If the muscles are in good tone, pregnancy is easier, and the risk of ruptures during childbirth is lower. In addition, recovery after childbirth is faster
  3. During menopause. With age, muscles lose elasticity, which can lead to prolapse of organs and urinary incontinence. Regular exercise helps to avoid these problems
  4. With urinary incontinence. If even occasionally unpleasant situations arise when coughing, laughing or physical activity - this is already a sign that the muscles have weakened. The sooner you start training, the easier it is to correct the situation
  5. With frequent constipation. If you have to push often, the muscles become overloaded, which can lead to organ prolapse. Strengthening the pelvic floor helps reduce the load and improve bowel function
  6. After pelvic surgeries. If you have had a gynecological operation, such as a hysterectomy, the muscles may weaken and the organs may shift. Exercises help keep them in the correct position
  7. For lower back and pelvic pain. These muscles are connected to the spine and abdominal muscles, so their weakness can lead to back pain, a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, and problems with posture
  8. If you have lost sensitivity during sex. Weakened muscles make the vagina less elastic, which affects sensations. These are not just age-related changes - the situation can be corrected. Exercises improve blood circulation, restore elasticity, and increase sensitivity

The main thing is not to put it off and start taking care of your health.

How to check your pelvic floor muscles?

We tell you about the most important examinations in diagnostics.

Sphincterometry – checking muscle strength

This diagnostic option helps to determine how strong and resilient the muscles are, as well as how the sphincters that control urination and defecation work.

How it goes:

  • The doctor inserts a small sensor into the rectum or vagina – it measures how the muscles react
  • The patient tenses the muscles, and the device records their strength
  • Additionally, it measures how long the muscles can remain tense

Sphincterometry shows whether there is weakening or, conversely, excessive tension in the muscles, which can cause unpleasant symptoms.

ENMG – assessing nerve function

Electroneuromyography (ENMG) checks whether the nerves are transmitting signals to the musculoskeletal system correctly. If there are failures in this system, the muscles may not work properly, which leads to discomfort and problems.

How the diagnostics are performed:

  • Small electrodes are attached to the skin in the perineal area - they record nerve impulses
  • The patient tenses and relaxes the muscles on the doctor's command, and the device records how the signals are transmitted
  • If a more accurate diagnosis is required, thin needle electrodes are used, which are inserted directly into the muscle

ENMG helps to detect nerve damage, determine whether there are muscle spasms or weakness, and understand how well the muscles work under the control of the nervous system.

How can a woman strengthen her pelvic floor muscles?

There are two main ways to restore their strength: exercises and special exercise machines.

Method #1. Kegel exercises

This approach was developed by doctor Arnold Kegel, who noticed that women's pelvic floor muscles weaken after childbirth. As a result, problems with urine retention, discomfort, and decreased sensitivity arise. Exercises help to return everything to normal.

How can a woman understand which muscles need to be trained?

Try to stop the flow during urination. The muscles that you strain at this moment are the ones that need to be trained.

How to do the exercises:

  1. Tighten your muscles as if you want to hold back urination
  2. Hold the tension for 5-10 seconds, then relax
  3. Repeat 10-15 times. Do 2-3 sets per day

The convenience is that you can exercise at any time and in any place: while driving, in line, at work. The main thing is regularity. If you do the exercises occasionally, there will be no effect.

Method #2. Exercise machines for strengthening the pelvic floor muscles

If it is difficult to understand whether you are doing the exercises correctly, or the muscles are too weak, special exercise machines will help.

What are they:

  1. Vaginal cones are small weighted capsules that you hold inside. If the muscles are working correctly, the cone will not fall out. It is similar to strength training, but for intimate muscles
  2. Electro-stimulators are devices that send electrical impulses, causing muscles to contract. A good option if it is difficult to train on your own
  3. Biofeedback trainers are gadgets that show on the smartphone screen how well you are straining your muscles. This helps to monitor progress and adjust technique

Trainers are especially useful if the muscles are already very weak or you want to see results faster.

How are weak pelvic floor muscles treated?

If the muscles have just begun to weaken, exercises and physical therapy help. In difficult cases, special devices are connected.

BFB therapy - training with feedback

BFB (biofeedback) is a treatment option that helps learn how to properly tense the muscular-ligamentous apparatus. Many women do Kegel exercises, but do not feel which muscles should work. BFB therapy solves this problem.

How the treatment is carried out:

  1. The doctor explains which muscles are involved and how to properly train them.
  2. Sensors are installed (vaginal, rectal or superficial on the skin of the perineum). They record muscle contractions.
  3. The woman tenses and relaxes the muscles, and the device shows on the screen how correctly this is happening. If contractions are weak or incorrect, the system helps to correct the technique.

Over time, the muscles become stronger and their control becomes habitual.

Biofeedback therapy helps with urinary incontinence, organ displacement, recovery after childbirth and during menopause. Usually, 8-12 sessions are required for the muscles to start working correctly.

Physiotherapy and hormones: what else helps?

If the muscles can still work, but are weak, they can be pushed to recovery with the help of physiotherapy and hormonal support.


When the muscles are too weak and cannot contract on their own, they can be “awakened” with the help of electromyostimulation.

How the treatment is performed:

  • The skin of the perineum or vagina is connected to electrodes
  • The device delivers soft impulses, causing the muscles to contract
  • The woman feels light pulsations that help restore muscle tone
  • The procedure lasts 15-30 minutes, and the full course takes 10-15 sessions

The algorithm is especially useful after childbirth and during menopause, when the muscles lose elasticity and stop working as before.

Hormonal treatment

After 45 years, there is less estrogen in the body, which means that the tissues become thinner, drier, less elastic. This accelerates the weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus.

In such cases, doctors may prescribe treatment:

  • Local estrogens (in the form of creams and suppositories) - they help strengthen the vaginal mucosa, restore tissue elasticity and support muscles
  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) - is selected individually if, in addition to weakening of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus, there are pronounced symptoms of menopause (hot flashes, dryness, insomnia)

A competent approach helps to avoid urinary incontinence, discomfort and maintain quality of life.

Surgical treatment: when surgery is unavoidable

If the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is too weak and the organs have begun to droop, exercises alone will not solve the problem. In such cases, surgical treatment helps.

Levatorplasty – restoration of the pelvic floor muscles

This operation helps to restore the vaginal muscles and muscular-ligamentous apparatus to their previous tone and correct position.

How is the treatment performed:

  • Under local or general anesthesia, the doctor tightens the weakened muscles through the vagina
  • Excess stretched tissue is removed, and the entrance to the vagina is slightly narrowed
  • As a result, the muscles return to normal, and the organs receive the necessary support

The entire procedure takes from 30 to 60 minutes. After it, 2-4 weeks of recovery are required.

Levatorplasty is recommended if, after childbirth or age-related changes, sagging of the vaginal walls, loss of tone and discomfort in the intimate area appear.

Sling operations - a solution to the problem of urinary incontinence

If the muscular-ligamentous apparatus has weakened so much that they do not hold urine when coughing, laughing or exercising, doctors use a special supporting loop - a sling - for treatment.

How is the treatment carried out:

  • A soft synthetic loop is installed under the urethra (urinary canal). It helps to hold urine and prevents its involuntary leakage
  • The operation lasts only 15-30 minutes and is performed through small punctures, without incisions

This approach is especially effective for stress urinary incontinence - when leakage occurs under any load.

How to restore the pelvic floor with prolapsed organs?

When the muscular-ligamentous apparatus loses strength, the internal organs - the uterus, bladder, intestines - can begin to shift downwards. This causes a feeling of heaviness, pressure, and sometimes even discomfort when walking and moving. In such cases, regular exercises will no longer help, and the doctor selects options that will help return everything to its place.

What types of surgeries are there for treatment?

  • Colporrhaphy is a tightening of the vaginal walls. If the anterior wall has dropped, the operation supports the bladder. If it is posterior, the position of the intestine is corrected.
  • Mesh implants are a special medical mesh that strengthens the ligamentous apparatus, preventing recurrent sagging.
  • Removal of the uterus (hysterectomy) is an extreme option if the organ has dropped so much that it interferes with normal life and other methods cannot correct the situation.

After surgery: what to expect and how to recover?

In the first days after surgery, there may be nagging pain in the lower abdomen, swelling, and slight bloody discharge - this is a normal reaction of the body. If the surgery was performed under general anesthesia, weakness and dizziness may be felt during the first 24 hours.

Usually, the patient is left in the hospital for 1-3 days so that the doctor can monitor the healing process and make sure that everything is going without complications.

How to behave in the first days after treatment:

  • Do not overexert yourself. You can get up and walk, but without sudden movements.
  • Take painkillers if there is discomfort (usually paracetamol or ibuprofen).
  • Control urination. Sometimes after surgery the bladder is "lazy" and the doctor needs to make sure that everything is working as it should.

Full healing of the stitches takes 4-8 weeks, but restoration of muscle tone can take up to six months.

During this period of treatment, you cannot:

  • Lift weights heavier than 2-3 kg
  • Exercise and do strength training
  • Take hot baths, visit baths and saunas
  • Start sexual activity (usually prohibited for 6-8 weeks)
  • Use tampons and douche

After 4-6 weeks, you can gradually return to everyday activities and light activity, but sudden loads are prohibited. It will take 3-6 months for the muscular-ligamentous apparatus to fully recover. If you follow all the recommendations, the result will be long-term, and the problem will not return.

Prevention of pelvic floor muscle dysfunction

What will help keep your muscles toned:

  1. Do Kegel exercises. Find the right muscles (try to stop the flow of urine), tense them for 5-10 seconds, relax. Repeat 10-15 times, doing 2-3 sets per day. Important: do not tense your buttocks and abs
  2. Control your weight. Extra pounds increase the load on the perineal area. Even a small weight loss reduces the risk of urinary incontinence and prolapse of organs
  3. Lift weights correctly. Before lifting, tighten your pelvic floor muscles, keep your back straight, do not hold your breath, and distribute the load smoothly
  4. Monitor your diet to avoid constipation. Eat more fiber (vegetables, fruits, cereals), drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day, reduce coffee and alcohol, as they dehydrate the body
  5. Breathe correctly. When coughing, lifting weights and playing sports, do not hold your breath - exhale smoothly to reduce the load on the perineal area
  6. Do not go to the toilet "just in case". Frequent trips without urge disrupt the functioning of the bladder. The optimal interval is once every 3-4 hours
  7. Watch your posture. Slouching and forward bending weaken the perineal area. Keep your back straight, especially if you sit a lot.
  8. Choose the right physical activity. Yoga, swimming, Pilates and water aerobics strengthen the perineal area without overloading. Running, jumping and heavy training can weaken them
  9. Don't overwork your muscles after giving birth. Recovery takes up to 6 months, so start with light exercises and increase the load gradually

Important! Monitor your hormonal background during menopause. After 45, muscles weaken due to decreased estrogen levels. Your doctor may prescribe creams or suppositories with estrogen to maintain tone.


Answers to popular questions

Doctors from K+31 (Moscow) comment:

When will the results of the exercises appear?

If you do them regularly, the first changes will be noticeable in 3-4 weeks. For the effect to be consolidated, training should become a habit.

Is it possible to train muscles during pregnancy?

Yes, if there are no contraindications. This helps to prepare for childbirth, reduce the risk of ruptures and recover faster after childbirth.

At what age should you start strengthening your pelvic floor muscles?

The sooner the better. Even if you're under 30, exercise will help keep your muscles strong. It's especially important after childbirth and during menopause.

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Reviews 10

A wonderful specialist. Very pleasant, competent, attentive doctor. He carries out the procedure perfectly, painlessly, sterile, everything is on time. You go out and feel relaxed)) I recommend contacting. I completed a course of 10 sessions in combination with other methods. I'll be happy to come again.
Petrova Olga Yurievna
Pavel Alekseevich is an excellent doctor, a professional in his field. He is very attentive to details, explains everything, which inspires absolute trust. There is a feeling of sincere interest in the patient, a desire to do the maximum to obtain the best result. I recommend!
Antonova Irina Fedorovna
Andrey Viktorovich is an excellent specialist and professional in his field. He gives a perfectly selected set of exercises, is very attentive to their implementation, and tells you how to do them correctly so that all movements are meaningful and as effective as possible. A bonus is always a positive attitude and a great sense of humor :). I recommend!
Antonova Irina Fedorovna
An excellent specialist, thoughtful, gentle, caring!
Bogacheva Irina Yurievna
Huge thanks to the doctor! I don’t remember in what year I applied for the first time, but more than 5 years for sure. Always, without exception, the result is above expectations! I come when everything is already so launched that a little more and no longer came, but they would have brought it. I always leave with the desire, “Oh, why don’t I walk home on foot?”, Some 4 km)) Oleg Vladimirovich, you are a magician! Thank you for everything.
Eledinova Victoria Valerievna
Vitaly Teymurazovich is an excellent professional in his field, he will help, tell you what to do in the future. Definitely recommend only him.
Evgeny Ivanovich, an excellent specialist. The massage is excellent, the back is worked out perfectly. I definitely recommend.
Leus Vitaly Viktorovich
Andrey Viktorovich, a professional specialist and a pleasant person to communicate with. The exercises are well chosen. Andrei Viktorovich pays great attention to technique and memorization of exercises (we record the technique with comments on video), this allows you to repeat the exercises at home and consolidate the result. Definitely recommend!
Leus Vitaly Viktorovich
Vitaliy Taimurazovich is a professional and a very pleasant person to communicate with! After the first procedures, the pain in the shoulder became much less and the dynamics is positive in other issues. I heartily recommend!
Leus Vitaly Viktorovich
Oleg Vladimirovich, a professional in his field, improvements are noticeable after the first procedures. Definitely recommend
Leus Vitaly Viktorovich
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