
Modern acupuncture is a direction of Chinese traditional medicine, it is also called acupuncture or acupuncture. This method allows a specialist to act on biologically active points on the patient’s body in various ways: with a special needle, laser, magnet, electric pulse, heat, etc.

The advantages of the method include a wide range of diseases in which therapy is recommended. First of all, acupuncture has a relaxing effect akin to massage, while stimulating blood circulation and improving mood. Due to its good tolerance and the ability to act on several organs and systems at once, the procedure is often prescribed in addition to other treatment methods.

Indications and contraindications, the number of sessions, their frequency and duration, type of exposure and the number of points are determined by the doctor individually at the first appointment and are subsequently adjusted as necessary. On average, a session lasts about 20-30 minutes, takes place every day or once every two days.

Special preparation for the procedure is usually not required. It is recommended to come 5-7 minutes before the session in order to have time to tune in. During the session, you must turn off the mobile phone, as well as other sources of loud sounds and distractions. The key to a successful procedure is complete relaxation, perhaps only in silence. The doctor uses disposable sterile material in individual packaging, the skin at the site of exposure is treated with an antiseptic. After completing the session, you can return to the usual rhythm of life.

Acute contraindications include:

  • All malignant and benign neoplasms (including uterine fibroids, thyroid, mammary gland nodes).
  • Life-threatening conditions (including acute stage of myocardial infarction, asthmatic status, bleeding).
  • Sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis and a number of other infectious diseases.
  • Mental disorders.
  • State of alcohol or drug intoxication.
  • Patients with an unknown diagnosis until the completion of the examinations.

Service record



All specialists
Konstantin Viktorovich

Academician, professor, Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Ivan Sergeyevich

Head of the department of rehabilitation treatment, physical therapy physician, physiotherapist

Alexei Anatolevich

Physical education instructor

Ivan Vladimirovich

Physical education instructor

Andrew Viktorovich

Physical education instructor

Alexander Viorelovich

Osteopath, neurologist, manual therapist

Anastasiya Alekseevna

Инструктор-методист Лфк