Ovarian cancer (female reproductive glands) is a malignant tumor that develops in the ovaries and affects their tissue. Like other forms of cancer, ovarian cancer is a serious and dangerous disease.
The causes of ovarian cancer are not yet fully understood, but risk factors that may influence the appearance of a malignant tumor include the following:
The risk of developing a malignant ovarian tumor increases to a lesser extent in the presence of the following factors:
The development of ovarian cancer can also be provoked by inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs, STDs, and hormonal disorders.
By origin, malignant ovarian tumors can be divided into:
Primary tumors - they form in the cells of the ovary. The most common type of primary ovarian cancer is carcinoma - a tumor that forms due to gene mutations in epithelial cells. Carcinomas can be divided into:
Ovarian cancer less often develops in germ cells (germ cell tumors) or stromal cells (stromal tumors)
Secondary – these are metastases of oncological diseases of other organs that have entered the ovaries with blood or lymph.
The most common classification of ovarian cancer stages distinguishes four stages of its development:
Thyroid diseases
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Hormone therapy
Immunotherapy Palliative care Orthopedic rehabilitation Cancer council Oncologist appointment Prevention of hair loss during chemotherapyRobotic surgery
Targeted therapy Genetic tests for cancer Biopsy under ultrasound guidance Second opinion in oncology Chemotherapy Endocrine therapy
Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer
In the early stages, ovarian cancer is usually asymptomatic. Early signs of malignant tumors may not cause any particular problems for a woman and may not attract her attention. Unfortunately, symptoms that begin to bother her appear in the later stages of ovarian cancer (stages 3 or 4). The most common symptoms of this oncological disease are:
Pain in the lower abdomen and/or back. They may not be strong, aching, usually one-sided, with long periods of calm. The pain may be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, the appearance of harder areas in it.
Changes in the functioning of the bladder (frequent urge to urinate) and intestines. This is due to the fact that ovarian tumors press on the bladder and/or rectum, which manifests itself in constipation and frequent urination, a feeling of incomplete emptying.
Enlargement of the abdomen due to ovarian tumors and their metastases in the peritoneum and other pelvic organs. Neoplasms lead to the accumulation of fluid (ascites) in the abdominal cavity. This condition worsens well-being, shortness of breath and loss of appetite may occur.
In the last stages of ovarian cancer, symptoms characteristic of any oncology appear: weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, etc.
If there are any signs of ovarian cancer, you need to urgently undergo an examination by an oncologist-gynecologist, since the prognosis for treating an advanced disease is very pessimistic.