Orthopedic rehabilitation

Orthopedic rehabilitation of patients is an extensive complex of therapeutic measures aimed at restoring or correcting joint mobility, as well as motor function in general after or during the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Seeking medical rehabilitation in our clinic, you can be sure that a whole team of diversified specialists and instructors will work with you, an individual approach will be applied. This will make your stay in the rehabilitation center as comfortable as possible, and the process itself will be efficient. We use modern equipment and advanced techniques for rapid recovery after orthopedic operations, diseases and injuries, to improve the patient's condition.

Indications for orthopedic rehabilitation:

  • Osteoarthritis of the shoulder or knee joint. A complex disease that can be treated with an integrated approach.
  • Other shoulder and knee injuries and shoulder and knee surgeries.
  • The period after surgery on the shoulder, knee, hip joint, etc.
  • Pathologies of skeletal development.

Goals and features of rehabilitation procedures

Injuries to bones, joints, tendons often require surgery. Similarly, in many cases, congenital defects are treated, leading to a functional impairment of the mobility of the musculoskeletal system. However, the effectiveness of treatment depends not only on the result of the operation, but also on the correctness of the subsequent orthopedic rehabilitation of patients. Among its main goals:

  • elimination of pain and improvement of the patient's condition;
  • restoration of lost motor functions of the upper and lower extremities;
  • reducing the risk of pinched or other nerve damage;
  • correction of the position of body parts;
  • reducing the risk of complications;
  • normalization of muscle functions and body activity.

The duration and number of sessions, the nature of the rehabilitation therapy procedures depend on the complexity of the operation performed, the type of injury received by the patient, and the degree of functional impairment.

In our clinic we carry out:

  • orthopedic rehabilitation after dislocation of joints, ruptures and sprains;
  • orthopedic rehabilitation after fractures of joints, limbs, spine, pelvis;
  • orthopedic rehabilitation after tendon diseases and injuries (including sports);
  • orthopedic rehabilitation after joint arthroplasty;
  • orthopedic rehabilitation after surgery, removal of intervertebral hernias, etc.;
  • Medical rehabilitation may also be needed in cases where complex treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine is carried out.

We carry out very accurate diagnostics, use mechanotherapy, ergotherapy, robotic therapy, therapeutic walking and gymnastics, training on simulators, effective methods of pain reduction.

Individual rehabilitation programs

A rehabilitation program to restore lost functions in our center is developed for each patient individually, strictly according to the indications of the attending physician. There are no universal methods that would be equally effective for all disorders of the joints and spine in all patients. The rehabilitation program may include the following procedures, depending on the patient's condition:

  • a set of physical therapy exercises and massage;
  • different types of electrical stimulation;
  • shock wave therapy;
  • computer traction;
  • UHF exposure;
  • darsonvalization;
  • special meals.

It is a complex of procedures that is needed for a full rehabilitation. Our center employs specialists from many areas who have all the necessary skills for the treatment and recovery of patients using a wide range of procedures and activities, from physical therapy to occupational therapy. Classes are held in well-equipped rooms, the center has created conditions for people with movement restrictions.

Orthopedic rehabilitation after arthroplasty

The installation of an endoprosthesis is considered a complex operation that requires certain skills and experience from the surgeon. And during rehabilitation after surgery, in order to restore the functionality of a body part with a prosthesis, it is necessary to undergo a course of special medical procedures, a set of exercises and massage, and adjust nutrition. All this will help to avoid the development of postoperative edema, restore joint mobility, and restore adjacent muscles. With the right approach, significant results can be achieved: the ability to perceive loads, increase overall endurance. That is, after rehabilitation in our center, the patient will be able to return to his normal life.

The timing of the orthopedic rehabilitation program for patients in orthopedics and traumatology varies depending on the type of bone or joint that has been replaced. For example, after hip arthroplasty, recovery of health will take at least three months, and if we are talking about a knee or elbow, then a month less. Here it is also very important to take into account the age of the patient, the presence of concomitant diseases, the level of physical development and the features of the operation performed.

Orthopedic rehabilitation after fractures

  • Rehabilitation after a hip fracture. A hip fracture is a dangerous injury that often occurs in older patients. It can chain a person to bed for a long time, especially without special procedures.
  • Rehabilitation after a knee fracture. Due to the long fixation required for the treatment, it is required to return the motor function later.
  • Rehabilitation after a hip fracture. Recovery and treatment is long (about a year) and complex. Without the help of specialists, it drags on even longer.
  • Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture. A very common ankle injury. May be accompanied by a dislocation or rupture of the tendons.
  • Rehabilitation after a fracture of the radius. Depending on the complexity, recovery can take anywhere from a few weeks to a year. Rehabilitation procedures allow you to fully recover from this injury.

Properly carried out therapy allows you to reduce the time of treatment and rehabilitation after surgery or injury, illness, broken leg, arm or other parts. The standard recovery program after complex fractures in our rehabilitation center may include the following procedures:

  • physiotherapy exercises, warm-ups, passive exercises, moderate physical activity after cast removal;
  • physiotherapy, UHF, electrophoresis, ultrasound, hydrotherapy;
  • services of masseur and psychologist (if necessary).

Experienced rehabilitation specialists of our clinic will definitely help the patient return to normal life after illnesses, injuries or operations. At the same time, we care not only about physical rehabilitation, your psychological health is also very important to us.

The hospital in our rehabilitation center offers accommodation in comfortable and spacious rooms that have all the conditions for people with limited movements, the medical staff is always polite and attentive. You can sign up for a consultation with us at the clinic by calling the number indicated or by visiting the reception directly. We guarantee efficiency and affordable prices.

Our rehabilitation center also allows patients during hospitalization to undergo recovery programs after a stroke, full rehabilitation after surgery, adaptation after amputation of a limb, a difficult illness. An individual approach to treatment is used. We employ specialists of various profiles: exercise therapy instructors, physiotherapists, psychologists, neurologists, orthopedists, etc. We are committed to the privacy policy.

You can contact us by phone or send submit an application on the site. Cost - from 2500 rubles.

Service record



All specialists
Lev Olegovich



Rami Jamalevich

Head of the department of traumatology and orthopedics


Nikolay Vasilevich

Director of FSBI Nat. Honey. Research Center of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Names and N.N. Priorova

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor

Norayr Grairovich



Alan Vasilevich

Orthopedic Traumatologist

Alexei Todorovich

Orthopedic Traumatologist


Rasul Nikolaevich

Head of the Department of Traumatology-Orthopedics, Traumatologist-Orthopedist


Vladimir Mikhailovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, hand surgeon

Denis Olegovich


Andrey Nikolaevich


Marina Nikolaevna


Andrey Nikolaevich


Elena Borisovna

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Armenak Serezhaevich



Kirill Alexandrovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Vadim Fedorovich


Lev Ilyich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, chiropractor

Roman Alexandrovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, chiropractor

Anastasia Alekseevna



Georgii Alexandrovich


Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Petr Sergeevich



Ivan Mikhailovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Alexander Lvovich
