Soft tissue tumors

What are soft tissue tumors?

Soft tissue tumors are benign or malignant neoplasms of muscle, synovial, fatty tissues, tendons and ligaments, i.e. tissues located between the epithelial layer and the bones. Most often, soft tissue tumors are benign, but in 1-2% of cases there are malignant tumors, or soft tissue sarcomas. Usually patients find them on the lower and upper extremities.

Tumors that affect soft tissues have nonspecific and, as a rule, unexpressed symptoms. A patient with a similar pathology usually seeks help after finding tissue compaction in a certain place in his body.

Benign soft tissue tumors are slow growing, contain only certain types of cells, and are clearly demarcated from the tissues that surround them. Such soft tissue tumors are dangerous only if they put pressure on nerves or blood vessels. But in some cases, they can degenerate into malignant neoplasms.

Malignant tumors - soft tissue sarcomas grow rapidly, can penetrate into neighboring tissues and destroy them, which provokes bleeding and the formation of distant metastases that spread with blood and lymph fluid.

Classification of soft tissue tumors

Soft tissue tumors are classified according to the type of cells from which they are formed:

  • fibroma, fibrosarcoma - from fibrous tissue cells;
  • lipoma, liposarcoma - from adipose tissue;
  • leiomyoma, leiomyosarcoma, rhabdomyoma, rhabdomyosarcoma - from muscle tissue;
  • synovioma, synovial sarcoma - from synovial tissue;
  • lymphangioma, lymphosarcoma - from lymphatic tissue;
  • hemangioma, angiosarcoma - from blood vessel cells;
  • ganglioneuroma, neurinoma, paraganglioma - from the nervous tissue.

The names of benign soft tissue tumors end with "-oma" and the names of malignant soft tissue tumors end with "-sarcoma".

Malignant tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, are divided into three types according to the degree of maturity of the cells of which they consist:

  • Highly differentiated tumors - their cells practically do not differ from healthy cells, i.e. have a clear structure and shape. These soft tissue tumors respond well to treatment.
  • The average degree of differentiation - more modified cells, which are already a little like healthy.
  • Low degree of differentiation - the cells have lost all structure, they are all on the same face. These soft tissue tumors are very aggressive, grow rapidly and metastasize, making their treatment more difficult.

Causes of soft tissue tumors

The causes of the formation of soft tissue tumors have not yet been fully elucidated. But there are risk factors:

  • frequent injury to soft tissues;
  • cicatricial changes in the connective tissue;
  • heredity;
  • human papillomavirus, tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis;
  • bad ecology;
  • radioactive exposure;
  • smoking and alcoholism.

Symptoms of soft tissue tumors

The following symptoms are characteristic of soft tissue tumors:

  • painless neoplasm;
  • with a significant size of the tumor, redness or cyanosis of the skin over the formation may appear;
  • with large sizes, there are also symptoms of damage to the nerves on which the tumor exerts pressure: pain, numbness of the skin area;
  • with a common process, hyperthermia, weakness, weight loss occur.

Sarcoma is a type of soft tissue tumor

Soft tissue sarcomas are a group of oncological diseases that combine different types of malignant tumors located in soft tissues and bones. These malignant tumors can occur in different parts of the body. They are able to form in the tissues that connect, surround and support the organs and structures of the body - in muscles, nerves, as well as in blood vessels, fat, tendons, etc.

Soft tissue sarcomas are rare. They account for about two percent of the total number of malignant tumors. Most often affected by pathology are people aged from thirty to sixty years. But, about thirty percent of patients are younger than thirty years of age.

In total, over seventy different types of sarcomas are distinguished. The type of soft tissue sarcoma depends on the treatment plan. Also, the choice of treatment is determined by the location of the pathology and a number of other factors.

Appearance of soft tissue sarcoma

Soft tissue sarcoma is a sedentary, painless nodule of a round or oval shape, gradually increasing in size. If it is located on the limbs, as well as the chest or abdominal walls, then it can be felt. Its surface may be smooth or bumpy and may be soft or dense. yu consistency, depending on the type.

Symptoms of soft tissue sarcoma to look out for:

  • a lump or induration of tissue palpable through the skin (often painless);
  • pain in the bone, if the formation is localized in the bone;
  • pain in the abdomen if the tumor is located there;
  • suddenly occurring bone fractures (with minor injuries or no traumatic factors at all);
  • Unreasonable weight loss, fever.

The development of soft tissue sarcoma is provoked by:

  • the impact on the body of certain types of viruses;
  • prolonged exposure to chemically aggressive substances;
  • lymphedema (chronic swelling) of the extremities;
  • previous radiation therapy for cancer;
  • previous injuries;
  • diseases of the skeletal system;
  • scars;
  • genetic predisposition.

Diagnosis of soft tissue tumors

Diagnosis and treatment of soft tissue tumors is carried out by specialists from the fields of surgery and oncology. During the reception, the doctor examines the patient, palpates the neoplasm. If a tumor is suspected, he prescribes the following additional diagnostic tests to the patient:

  • Angiography to get an idea of the neoplasm's blood supply and its borders with neighboring healthy tissues.
  • X-ray - helps to determine the structure of the soft tissue tumor and the features of its connection with the bones of the skeleton located nearby.
  • Magnetic resonance, computed tomography - allow you to get information about the prevalence of the oncological process, its germination in various internal organs.
  • An aspiration biopsy that removes soft tissue tumor tissue and analyzes it using histological examination and immunohistochemistry, obtaining information about the type of tumor.

As part of the diagnosis, a blood test (general and biochemical), urinalysis and other laboratory tests are also prescribed. To make a diagnosis and choose a method of treatment, it is necessary to obtain information about the localization of a soft tissue tumor, its size, type of growth, and degree of malignancy. We need data on the origin and degree of differentiation of soft tissue tumor cells, its morphological structure, benign or malignant nature, the presence or absence of distant metastases.

Methods of treating soft tissue tumors

All types of anticancer treatment are used in the treatment of such tumors. If the soft tissue tumor can be removed, surgery should always be performed. As with other types of malignant tumors, in addition to the surgical method, radiation therapy and drug treatment are also used. Often, treatment includes not only the above antitumor methods, but also aesthetic correction, as well as a rehabilitation stage.

Radiotherapy and chemotherapy regimens for each patient are developed individually, depending on the type of soft tissue tumor. Specialists not only treat the underlying disease, but also provide patients with professional support, correction of side effects of anticancer treatment, psychological support, which increase the productivity of treatment and improve the prognosis of the disease.

Benign soft tissue tumors are most often treated surgically. After a short period of rehabilitation, the patient can return to his usual way of life.

Malignant tumors, soft tissue sarcomas, in most cases are also removed surgically, which is very effective in 80% of cases and the survival prognosis is optimistic, especially in the early stages. Soft tissue sarcomas stage 2 and 3 are treated with radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. These methods are combined. Initially, 1-2 courses of preoperative chemotherapy or radiation therapy are performed, due to which the size of the soft tissue tumor is reduced, then the tumor is removed. Then again, several courses of radiation therapy or chemotherapy are carried out and the healing process is monitored. If it is impossible to perform a surgical operation (in the late stages of soft tissue sarcoma, due to the strong invasion of the tumor into vital organs), symptomatic therapy is carried out.

In some cases, patients are contraindicated in radiation therapy if they have a low tolerance of some organs to its use. In addition, radiation therapy can cause side effects and complications. But it is very effective in the fight against tumors. And sometimes radiation therapy can be carried out right during the operation in cases with deep-seated tumors in the retroperitoneal space. This approach may be taken when the risk of conventional radiotherapy is too high.

Peculiarities of treatment at the K+31 clinic

  • Quality medical care and a high level of service.
  • The full cycle of medical care: from the appointment of a specialist to high-tech treatment.
  • Modern medical equipment from the world's leading manufacturers.
  • All types of drug therapy (chemotherapy, targeted hormone therapy and immune therapy).
  • Highly qualified medical staff with extensive experience.
  • Accessibility of treatment for patients with disabilities.
  • Multiprofile comfortable hospital.
  • Own lab.

Preventive measures

The main problem of tumors affecting soft tissues is a long period of their inconspicuous and painless course. People with these benign or malignant growths often arrive at the hospital when the tumor has grown large and treatment becomes difficult. ny, many months.

To prevent this from happening, it is very important to have regular check-ups. Passing a check-up or annual medical examination helps in the prevention of the disease and the detection of pathologies in the early stages. Only early diagnosis makes it possible to conduct timely treatment and allows the patient to completely get rid of soft tissue sarcoma.

In addition to soft tissue tumors, our center treats breast cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer, uterine cancer, bone cancer and other organs and tissues. We use modern technology, on which the diagnosis is carried out most accurately and modern proven methods of treatment in the field of oncology. Contact our medical center, call the admissions department or sign up for a consultation on the website, and we will call you back.

Service record



All specialists
Igor Alexandrovich

Deputy chief physician for oncology, oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Konstantin Viktorovich

Academician, professor, Doctor of Sciences, PhD

Ksenia Igorevna

Head of department, oncologist


Sergey Yuryevich

Head of oncology projects, oncologist

Doctor of Sciences, PhD, professor