Chemotherapy in K+31

Chemotherapy is a medicinal method of fighting malignant tumors. The patient is prescribed a course of drugs that kill rapidly dividing cells, which include, first of all, cancer cells.
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Chemotherapy: Basic Concepts and Protocols

Cancer cell is a pathological unit prone to chaotic, uncontrolled division. At the same time, a cancer cell, like a healthy one, grows and multiplies quickly, which poses a real threat to life and health. Tumor cells grow, multiply, and then penetrate through the bloodstream into other organs and tissues, creating a new malignant node - metastasis.

Chemotherapy in oncology is the main treatment method aimed at achieving stable remission, improving quality and preserving life. Chemotherapy treatment can be used before and after surgery, or instead of surgery. Modern cancer medical centers use innovative methods and drugs, targeted and immunotherapy protocols, as well as other modern treatment methods.

About chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a medicinal effect on a cancer tumor in order to destroy the formation and prevent metastases. There are basically two types of chemotherapy:

  • Cytostatic – treatment slows down regeneration and cell division, stops tumor growth
  • Cytotoxic – aimed at destroying cancer cells and tumor necrosis

Treatment of malignant tumors with chemotherapy is more effective in combination with other methods. Administration of drugs is carried out in the following ways: introduction into the serous cavity, endolymphatic, systemic.

The course of treatment is prescribed only after a complete diagnostic examination in order to avoid complications. If necessary, corrective therapy is prescribed.

Features of chemotherapy

When is chemotherapy used?

Depending on the type of cancer and the goals of treatment, the tasks facing this treatment method may differ significantly.

Treatment of malignant diseases is carried out with the aim of curing the patient (curative chemotherapy), prolonging life or alleviating the symptoms of the disease (palliative chemotherapy).

In some cases, cytostatic chemotherapy is prescribed without the presence of a visible tumor, when there is only the possibility of micrometastases. Most often after surgery in order to prevent recurrence of cancer or delay it as much as possible. This is so-called adjuvant chemotherapy.

It is not uncommon for chemotherapy to be prescribed in anticipation of a planned operation in order to reduce the size of the tumor - induction or neoadjuvant preoperative chemotherapy.

How is the treatment carried out?

Regardless of the chosen regimen, the treatment is the same and consists of several stages.

Before each course, the patient must undergo a series of tests: general and biochemical blood tests, general urinalysis and ECG. In some cases, the list of tests may be changed by the attending physician. Additional examination methods may also be required.

The oncologist checks the results of all examinations, measures weight, pulse, blood pressure, asks about general health, and listens to complaints. The doctor will also find out how the recovery process went after the previous course.

If everything is in order, the patient begins antitumor treatment. First, he is given preparatory treatment in the form of an intravenous infusion to prevent unpleasant side effects of chemotherapy. Immediately after the end of preparatory therapy, antitumor drugs are administered intravenously over several hours. If preparatory treatment is carried out correctly and the required doses and regimen of administration of chemotherapy are observed, then, as a rule, a person does not experience any unpleasant sensations during treatment. The next step is to assess the patient’s general well-being after a course of chemotherapy. If everything is in order, he is given a date for his next visit and goes home.

The peculiarity of this treatment is that subjective deterioration in the form of weakness, nausea and loss of appetite occurs after a few days, when the patient is at home, often tens and hundreds of kilometers from the clinic. In this case, it is important to be able to receive advice from the attending physician and the necessary instructions at any necessary time.

As a rule, in the interval between courses it is required to take a general blood test to assess the condition of the blood. The number of courses and their frequency are set individually for each person and may change during the course of treatment.

To objectively assess the effectiveness of antitumor treatment, instrumental assessment methods are used. Typically, these are computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and other methods may be used depending on the specific case.

Chemotherapy allows you to:

  • Reduce tumor size before surgery or radiation therapy
  • Improve the results of other types of treatment
  • Destroy cancer cells that may remain after surgery
  • Fight metastases and tumor relapses

Chemotherapy is one of the three key treatments for cancer, along with surgery and radiation therapy. They are often used together. For advanced stages of malignant disease, chemotherapy is the only effective treatment method.

Unfortunately, such treatment affects not only the foci of the disease, but also healthy cells, especially hair follicles, bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract, etc. This causes negative side effects that are temporary and can be minimized with the help of competent corrective therapy.

Chemotherapy allows you to:

Chemotherapy at the K+31 clinic

  • Highly qualified specialists
  • Conducting an oncology consultation
  • International protocols – taking into account foreign and Russian standards
  • The latest generation of drugs, foreign and Russian, without extra charges
  • Modern accompanying treatment that minimizes possible side effects
  • Hospitalization in a 24-hour hospital (if desired/necessary)
  • Detailed diagnostics (in-house laboratory, MRI, CT, mammography, biopsy)
  • Ability to provide round-the-clock assistance, monitoring and diagnostics
  • Monitoring the patient’s condition between treatment cycles
  • Full intensive care unit

You can check the cost of the course by sending an email* :

  • Protocol of chemotherapy treatment course indicating height and weight
  • If there is no protocol, you should contact an oncologist in person

*By sending documents, you confirm your consent to processing personal data.

General information

Types of chemotherapy treatment and protocols

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy

Neoadjuvant chemotherapy - preoperative chemotherapy may be prescribed if the doctor is concerned that it will be difficult to remove the tumor. When the desired effect of reducing the size of the tumor is achieved, the patient then undergoes surgical treatment. During therapy, the sensitivity of malignant tumor cells to the drug used is also assessed.

Adjuvant chemotherapy

Adjuvant chemotherapy - postoperative chemotherapy, carried out if the entire tumor could not be removed, or the doctor fears that tiny particles of cancer remain in the body. During therapy, cytostatic drugs are used that kill malignant cancer cells.

The treatment has contraindications, so consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Basic chemotherapy protocols

Planning a chemotherapy protocol is determined by a number of factors:

  • Type, stage of cancer
  • Clinical history
  • Patient age
  • Previously used treatment protocols

It is important to consider the dosage of medications for treatment. Too small doses and a short course will not lead to results, and excessive dosage will lead to the development of side effects and complications that will outweigh the benefits and safety of therapy.

All treatment protocols are drawn up in accordance with uniform international standards, based on many years of experience in managing cancer patients. Oncologists offer a wide range of diagnostic and treatment measures aimed at destroying cancer cells and tumors and preserving the life and health of cancer patients.

Preparing for chemotherapy

The main part of preparing for chemotherapy is the use of certain drugs that will help protect healthy organs from the harmful effects of drugs, as well as increase the body's endurance and reduce the occurrence of negative consequences.

As a rule, the complex of drugs includes: antiemetic drugs, hepatoprotectors, hormonal drugs and antiallergic drugs.

Lifestyle changes

Many courses of chemotherapy are a serious test that requires a person to radically change their lifestyle, give up bad habits and adhere to a number of other rules of a healthy lifestyle.

It is advisable for the patient to adhere to a balanced diet rich in a variety of minerals and vitamins. This recommendation is especially relevant for those who are wondering how to prepare for chemotherapy for stomach or intestinal cancer.

It is not recommended to eat heavy, fatty foods, especially on the eve of treatment. This may make nausea and/or vomiting worse. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, and dairy products should be regularly on the patient's table. You should definitely eat steamed fish and boiled meat. Among the drinks, chamomile, ginger, and mint teas are especially desirable.

Another important recommendation for preparing for chemotherapy for cancer is to drink plenty of clean drinking water (about 2.5 liters per day). This will help speed up metabolism and remove medicinal metabolites faster.

On the eve of the course of treatment, it is important to get enough sleep and be full of strength and energy. In general, it would be great to develop a useful habit - sleep at least 8 hours a day, go to bed before 22:00, and wake up before 08:00.

Psychological aspects of treatment

All of the above recommendations include physical preparation for chemotherapy. However, the moral side of the process is no less important. The patient should be prepared for a long struggle that must be won at all costs.

If a person feels that he is unable to cope with his feelings about his diagnosis on his own or is losing faith in healing, he should immediately seek help from a psychotherapist.

Treatment methods

Chemotherapy for lung cancer

For lung cancer, adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy or chemoradiotherapy are prescribed. Targeted therapy is indicated for a separate group of patients. Thus, the drug Opdivo (active substance nivolumab) was registered and licensed in domestic medicine.

Almost all drugs for the treatment of lung cancer are a solution for intravenous administration, less often - in tablets. The general treatment cycle is 14, 21, 28 days.

Treatment for stomach cancer

For stomach cancer, adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy is also performed. For metastases, chemotherapy is often the only adequate method of combination treatment. The therapy inhibits the viability of pathogenic cells, reduces the size of the tumor, slows its growth, and leads to stable remission.

Chemotherapy drugs for stomach cancer are administered intravenously or in tablet form. The cycle lasts 14, 21 or 28 days.

Chemotherapy course for breast cancer

Chemotherapy drugs for breast cancer are administered intravenously slowly over a long period of time or about a few minutes. The duration of the cycle is 2 – 3 weeks.

Therapy can be combined, when some drugs are administered at the beginning of the cycle, and others in the middle or at the end. Adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy can even last for six months.

For metastases due to breast cancer, monotherapy with one drug is used, while in the early stages multicomponent treatment is used.

Chemotherapy for uterine cancer

Uterine cancer requires the combined use of drugs based on paclitaxel, doxorubicin, cisplatin, and carboplatin. Most often, two or more drugs are used in therapy.

To enhance the therapeutic anti-cancer effect, drugs are combined with each other in one cycle. Sometimes after a course of chemotherapy, treatment is supplemented with radiation followed by repetition of chemotherapy.

Anticancer therapy for ovarian tumors

Ovarian cancer requires three or even six cycles of chemotherapy due to the hormone dependence of the pathological process. The drugs most often combined are platinum, docetaxel, and paclitaxel. Intravenous administration is repeated every 3 to 4 weeks.

Protocol for colorectal cancer

If possible, treatment begins with adjuvant or neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Cyclicity every 2 – 4 weeks. The number and combination of drugs is determined by the stage and severity of the clinical situation.

In advanced stages, metastases, or lack of response to other treatment methods, palliative chemotherapy is prescribed.

All protocols use liquid forms of drugs in various forms of cancer. In order to treat metastases in the liver and organs of the hepatobiliary system, intra-arterial administration of chemotherapy drugs is used.

In clinical cancer centers, treatment methods are prescribed that correspond to the patient’s medical history, severity of the disease, age of the patient and other criteria. The goal of chemotherapy is to achieve remission, restore blood biochemistry, regulate the body's condition, and improve the quality of life. Don't neglect treatment - in most cases, cancer can be cured.

Our doctors

Merkulov Igor Alexandrovich
Experience 33 years
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Igor Alexandrovich
Deputy chief physician for oncology, oncologist
Ershova Ksenia Igorevna
Experience 22 years
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Ksenia Igorevna
Head of department, oncologist
Abashin Sergey Yuryevich
Experience 42 years
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Sergey Yuryevich
Head of oncology projects, oncologist
Kalakutskaya Natalia Lvovna
Experience 27 years
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Natalia Lvovna
Rasner Pavel Ilyich
Experience 31 year
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Pavel Ilyich
Consultant in urology, urologist
Malygin Sergey Evgenyevich
Experience 30 years
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Sergey Evgenyevich
Oncologist-mammologist, surgeon
Pshikhachev Ahmed Mukhamedovich
Experience 22 years
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Ahmed Mukhamedovich
Urologist, Oncologist
Shevchuk Alexei Sergeyevich
Experience 25 years
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Alexei Sergeyevich
Oncogynecology consultant, obstetrician-gynecologist
Chichkanova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Experience 24 years
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Tatyana Vladimirovna
Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist
Ovsiy Oksana Gennadievna
Experience 13 years
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Oksana Gennadievna
Katz Ksenia Vladimirovna
Experience 11 years
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Ksenia Vladimirovna
Dermatovenerologist, oncologist
Korshikova Kamila Mukhtorovna
Experience 4 years
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Kamila Mukhtorovna
Ter-Arutyunyants Svetlana Andreevna
Experience 26 years
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Svetlana Andreevna
Radiotherapist, oncologist
Udin Oleg Ivanovich
Experience 31 year
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Oleg Ivanovich
Deputy chief physician for surgery, surgeon
Kogonia Lali Mikhailovna
Experience 51 year
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Lali Mikhailovna
Volkova Daria Mikhailovna
Experience 16 years
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Daria Mikhailovna
Head of the radiation therapy department
Mikhail Alexandrovich
Consultant in oncogynecology, obstetrician-gynecologist
Grishin Igor Igorevich
Experience 32 years
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Igor Igorevich
Achba Maya Otarovna
Experience 17 years
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Maya Otarovna
Radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, oncologist-mammologist
Lukyanenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
Experience 17 years
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Vladimir Alexandrovich
Dubinina Yulia Nikolaevna
Experience 12 years
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Yulia Nikolaevna
Head of the oncology department of antitumor drug therapy, oncologist, hematologist
Okhapkin Sergey Olegovich
Experience 3 years
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Sergey Olegovich
Khailova Maria Sergeevna
Experience 4 years
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Maria Sergeevna
Peshkova Marina Sergeevna
Experience 2 years
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Marina Sergeevna
Yakovleva Yana Sergeevna
Experience 7 years
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Yana Sergeevna
Leira Railevna Akhmetova
Experience 2 years
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Railevna Akhmetova
Ivanova Olga Vladimirovna
Experience 25 years
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Olga Vladimirovna
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К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

Our clinics

K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

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Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
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Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 Petrovskie Vorota

1st Kolobovsky pereulok, 4


Tsvetnoy Bulvar
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Moving along Petrovsky Boulevard, turn onto st. Petrovka, right after - on the 1st Kolobovsky per. Municipal parking
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


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Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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