
Experienced specialists and advanced methods of treatment of diseases
and damage to the nervous system.
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Evidence-based medicine and a rigorously scientific approach
Qualified doctors with extensive experience
Innovative methods with proven effectiveness
20% discount on MRI at K+31 on Lobachevsky
The timing of the promotion is up to 31 march 2025 year
20% discount on MRI at night from 00:00 to 07:00

At K+31, you are assigned a personal manager who will help you resolve any issues.

You don't have to worry about the correct diagnosis even in the most difficult cases, because we can invite leading Russian specialists to the consultation.

In addition to the day and round-the-clock hospital, we also provide outpatient treatment. The Center has its own laboratory where we carry out all the necessary research.

Fumin Ilya Alexandrovich

How does a consultation with a neurosurgeon proceed?

Consultation with a neurosurgeon at the neurosurgery clinic takes place in several main stages:

  1. Examination of the patient and collection of complaints
  2. Study of medical data, including MRI images, CT, ENMG and the results of other examinations, if they were carried out previously (if not, then depending on the clinical case, the neurosurgeon prescribes certain procedures)
  3. Assessing the patient’s pain syndrome with determining the location of the source of the pain (especially important for problems with the spine)

Based on the results of the collected information, the doctor decides on additional medical examination, if necessary. If there is enough data, then a treatment plan is drawn up after an accurate diagnosis.

Useful information

What is neurosurgery?

A branch of surgery that deals with the surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.

What to expect if surgery is necessary?

We understand that the prospect of any surgery can be unexpected and overwhelming for the patient, and we will try to help you. We've created guides to help you walk through your surgery day process from check-in to discharge so patients can become familiar with the treatment process before they arrive. (here you need a link to the brochures)

What is the difference between a neurologist and a neurosurgeon?

A neurologist and neurosurgeon are similar to a cardiologist and cardiac surgeon: a neurosurgeon can offer surgical solutions to neurological disorders, while a neurologist identifies neurological disorders through diagnostic testing and uses non-surgical treatment options.

How to choose a doctor?

If you haven't been referred to a specific doctor, you may not know which one to make an appointment with. Each of our surgeons has extensive experience in the treatment and diagnosis of neurosurgical diseases. You can also visit the Doctors page to view all of our doctors.

Do I need surgery if I am referred to a neurosurgeon?

Not necessarily. Your referring physician likely believes that you have a disease or disorder that requires a neurosurgeon to diagnose and treat. The decision of whether or not to recommend surgery is a complex one and is best made by your neurosurgeon.

What should you take with you to your consultation?

Take with you all research on your disease and doctors' opinions. It is advisable that the studies are no older than six months. If the test is older than six months, ask your primary or referring physician to repeat the test. Without this information, we will not be able to provide a thorough assessment that best suits your needs.

What to expect at your first consultation with a neurosurgeon?

Your first visit is for an assessment, physical examination, and development of a testing and treatment plan. Try to wear loose, comfortable clothes. A neurosurgeon will see you at the appointed time.

How long does it take to see a neurosurgeon?

It is difficult to estimate how long you will be in an appointment. On average, the reception time is about 30 - 40 minutes, but it may increase. We also recommend that you arrive at least 15 minutes before your scheduled time to register.

Can a doctor assess my condition without being present in person?

A preliminary assessment of your condition is often possible by reviewing your medical history, symptoms, and reviewing diagnostic studies (MRI, CT scan, etc.). This information may be sent to our doctors for review through the question service or online consultation. However, an individualized treatment plan, especially one that may involve surgery, usually requires a thorough evaluation that cannot be done without a quality examination of the patient in the doctor's office.

Does the hospital have parking?

Visitor parking is available. Ask your doctor to issue you a pass.

Can I take relatives to see the doctor?

Yes, it is acceptable for concerned relatives to be present with you in the doctor's office.

What kind of doctor is a neurosurgeon?

A doctor specializing in neurosurgery is a neurosurgeon. Neurosurgeons, in a broader sense, are highly trained medical specialists who diagnose and treat diseases of the entire nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord, skull and spine (bone spine). Sure, they operate on the brain (which is what a neurosurgeon is most associated with), but they actually spend more time helping patients with spinal and peripheral nerve conditions.

What additional examinations are needed before surgery?

Your doctor will ask you to take a preoperative history and undergo a physical examination before your scheduled surgery. The purpose of this examination is to determine if you are at increased risk for complications during and after the procedure. As a rule, it is necessary to undergo laboratory screening, a number of instrumental studies (ECG, X-ray of the lungs, ultrasound of the veins of the lower extremities), consultations with a therapist and anesthesiologist. If you have additional risk factors, this will be taken into account when preparing your pre-operative plan. Your attending physician will provide you with a complete list of necessary procedures.

When will the operation be?

During the consultation, a date for surgery may be suggested. Sometimes this date needs to be changed depending on how busy the operating room is or how busy the surgeon is (his surgical plan). In the case of treatment under VHI, time is required to coordinate treatment with the insurance company. In rare cases, hospitalization is possible immediately after consultation, however, this increases the total time the patient stays in the hospital, since additional time is required for preoperative preparation.

Do I need to take my usual medications before surgery?

Your doctor will tell you about the need to take or stop medications during your consultation. If you are taking blood thinners (Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Plavix, Warfarin, Xarelto and their equivalents), please be sure to tell your surgeon before surgery. Typically, you will need to stop taking these medications about 1 week before surgery.

How long does the operation take?

It depends on what kind of surgery you have. Many surgeries last only a few hours, but the most complex procedures can last 15 hours or more. The operation may take a little longer if you need a blood transfusion or if the surgeon has to change the procedure after it has started.

What are the risks of the operation?

All operations involve risk. Risks depend on the surgical procedure used, the severity of your illness or injury, and your overall health. The surgeon will fully explain the possible risks to you before surgery. Surgical risks include bleeding, risk of infection, and risks associated with anesthesia.

How will the operation take place?

During your consultation, you will be informed by your doctor about the details of your surgery, including the goals, techniques, benefits, and expectations in the immediate postoperative period. The risks and complications of the surgery will also be discussed so that you are fully informed. Most surgeries are performed under general anesthesia, but some procedures may be performed with sedation and local anesthetics.

What does minimally invasive spine surgery mean?

With minimally invasive techniques, patients experience less trauma and pain due to minimal muscle disruption. Compared to more traditional surgical techniques, patients experience minimal scarring due to very small incisions, faster recovery times, shorter hospital stays, and can return to pre-surgical activity levels more quickly. However, it is worth noting that the outcome of the disease, the frequency of relapses and complications does not depend on the chosen surgical method.

What to expect after surgery?

When the surgery is over, you may feel pain. Pain is common after surgery, but it should gradually decrease. Your doctor will prescribe medications for you to reduce pain and make you feel more comfortable. Depending on the type of surgery you have had, you may work with a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, or physical therapy instructors. Nurses and other health professionals will look after you throughout the day and night. You should be able to return home within a few days, but discharge may take longer if you have any complications.

How long does it take to recover after surgery?

Recovery time depends on the type of surgery you had. For example, recovery from brain surgery can take several months. If you have had spine surgery, recovery may take four to eight weeks. During this time, you will need to follow your doctor's recommendations regarding activity restrictions to avoid harming yourself while you are still being treated.

How long will I be on sick leave?

It really depends on your situation. The length of time off from work or restrictions on certain activities varies greatly and will be decided by your surgeon. On average, the period of incapacity can range from three weeks to three months.

When can I drive?

You can only drive once your surgeon gives you permission to do so. It is important that you test your driving readiness on a side street that is not very busy or in an empty parking lot before you drive on a busy road. Limit the time you spend in the car, and if the trip is long, take frequent breaks.

How to care for a postoperative wound

Typically, a sterile dressing is applied to the wound upon discharge from the hospital. At some intervals, it is necessary to treat the wound with antiseptic solutions and change the dressing. This can be done at home with outside help. Brain surgery typically uses staples or non-absorbable sutures and is removed after 7 to 10 days (as recommended by your neurosurgeon). These staples or stitches may be removed by your healthcare provider. In spine surgery, the sutures are usually dissolvable and do not need to be removed. It is permissible to shower and wash the wound after 4-5 days if the wound is healing satisfactorily. Be careful not to rub the wound.
Clinic neurosurgeons
Neurosurgeons of K+31 Clinic deal with the following pathologies in their practice
  • Congenital disorders of the pathology of the brain, its membranes and skull.
  • Diseases of the spine associated with irritation and incarceration syndromes (herniated discs)
  • Impaired cerebral circulation, including those associated with the pathology of the development of cerebral vessels.
  • Oncological pathologies (including tumors of the spinal cord) and vascular anomalies of the spinal cord.
  • Peripheral and central pain syndrome.
  • Trigeminal neuralgia.
  • Tranio-cerebral injury.

Specialists working at the Center for Neurosurgery in Moscow have a higher medical education, many of them are PhDs. The patient is prescribed an effective drug treatment to get rid of chronic pain. If necessary, surgical intervention is performed in the hospital.

diagnostic procedures
The Department of Neurosurgery has a wide range of diagnostic procedures
  • Computed and magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Lumbar puncture
  • Myelography
  • Doppler ultrasound scan.
  • Cerebral angiography.
  • Electromyography
  • Electroencephalography.
  • Echoencephalography.

According to the results of the research, the specialist of the "Surgery Center" will make an accurate diagnosis and select the best treatment plan for you.

General information

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

You can contact a neurosurgeon if you have the following symptoms:

  • Frequent headaches
  • Pain in the cervical, lumbar or thoracic spine (may indicate protrusions and other problems)
  • Changes in level of consciousness
  • Intellectual impairment (may be the result of a stroke, etc.)
  • Weakness in the limbs
  • Severe pain in different parts of the body
  • Epileptic-type seizures
  • Nausea and vomiting accompanied by loss of consciousness, tinnitus, dizziness and/or problems with coordination
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What operations are performed in neurosurgery departments

Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the surgical treatment of diseases and injuries of various parts of the nervous system, including the brain.

All operations in the neurosurgical department can be divided into several main categories:

  • In the cranial cavity (craniotomy)
  • On the spinal cord (laminectomy), for example, removal of a herniated disc
  • On peripheral nerves

There are many reasons why a neurosurgeon may perform surgery, including tumors, trauma, genetic abnormalities, and inflammatory or parasitic diseases of the brain or its membranes.

A major area of ​​work in neurosurgery is solving problems with vascular pathologies of the brain, including:

  • Surgeries for arterial aneurysm or vascular malformation
  • Elimination of the consequences of acute cerebrovascular accident of hemorrhagic type

A distinctive feature of neurosurgical operations is that in most cases the neurosurgeon puts the patient into a state of controlled arterial hypotension. This method allows you to reduce blood loss and reduce the risk of developing cerebral edema and periodic hyperventilation.

The Neurosurgery Center in Moscow uses innovative modern equipment, in particular the latest models of operating microscopes. The technique allows a better view of the operating frame so that a specialist can carry out targeted manipulation (microsurgical intervention) necessary to reduce brain trauma.

Treatment methods

In neurosurgery, there are several main methods for treating diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. The appropriate method is determined by the neurosurgeon depending on the disease and the location of the problem area.

All operations can be divided into 2 groups:

  • Open plan
  • Minimally invasive

In the first case, the neurosurgeon needs to open the skull or spine to gain maximum access to the source of the problem, for example, with a tumor on the brain or spinal stenosis. In the second case, small holes in the bone are prepared for surgical intervention, through which special equipment (microcameras, etc.) is inserted. The resulting image is displayed on the monitor and the neurosurgeon sees all the manipulations he performs.

It is important to note that emergency hospitalization at a neurosurgery center often leads to open treatment, especially for severe traumatic brain injuries. Elective surgical treatment allows doctors to be well prepared and use minimally invasive tools to perform microsurgery. The patient is prescribed the necessary laboratory tests: clinical and biochemical blood tests, coagulogram, ECG, CT, MRI, etc.

The treatment method chosen by the neurosurgeon is influenced by the location and extent of damage to the nervous system. For example:

  • To remove bone spurs and growths (osteophytes), a surgical drill and special instruments are used (minimally invasive interventions)
  • Hernias are removed in the form of thin plates of bone (open surgery)
  • Installation of stimulators into the brain and spinal cord is performed using stereotactic surgery

Neurosurgery is also closely related to other areas of medicine. Therefore, if the disease affects related areas, then treatment or surgery can be carried out jointly with other specialists (plastic surgeon, oncologist, doctor working with the maxillofacial profile, etc.).

On the website of the Neurosurgery Center K+31 you can read articles containing clinical recommendations for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathologies of the nervous system.

Rehabilitation after surgery

The complex of rehabilitation measures in neurosurgery is individual for each patient. Taking into account the exact diagnosis, the type of operation performed, various complications or concomitant diseases, a number of the following measures can be distinguished:

  • Observation and consultation of specialists from other fields (neurologist, oncologist, therapist, endocrinologist, etc.)
  • Prevention of bedsores, venous thrombosis (for patients with restrictions on movement until recovery)
  • Exercise therapy, kinesitherapy, mechanotherapy (patient exercises on exercise machines)
  • Therapeutic massage in separate areas
  • Occupational therapy
  • Classes with a speech therapist (relevant for patients with speech disorders as a result of TBI or stroke)
  • Physiotherapy - physical procedures with analgesics to prevent pain, improve blood circulation, reduce swelling
  • Classes with a psychotherapist, neuropsychologist, etc.

If you need a consultation with a neurosurgeon in Moscow, request a call back - the administrator will contact you as soon as possible. News from the neurosurgery clinic is regularly published on our website, and here you can also see the coordinates of regulatory authorities.

Preparing for spine surgery and recovery after it

Our spinal neurosurgery team will be happy to assist you throughout your stay at our facility. During the treatment process, you will be helped not only by operating doctors, but also by related specialists (neurologists, physiotherapists, exercise therapy instructors), as well as nursing staff and even your family. We will strive to tailor your treatment and recovery program to your needs.

In this booklet you will receive brief information related to the planned operation

Read about the operation
Preparing for and recovering from brain surgery

Our team of doctors from the neurosurgical department will be happy to help you at all stages of your stay in our institution. During the treatment, you will be assisted not only by the operating doctors, but also by related specialists (neurologists, speech therapists, occupational therapists), as well as by the nursing staff and even your family. We will try to adapt the treatment and recovery program to your needs.

In this booklet, you will receive brief information related to the planned operation

Read about the operation


Primary neurosurgeon appointment
from 7 600 ₽
Reception of a neurosurgeon
from 6 900 ₽

Our doctors

Stepanyan Mushegh Agoevich
Stepanyan Mushegh Agoevich
Experience: 31 year
Doctor of Sciences, PhD
More about doctor Sign up consultation
Fumin Ilya Alexandrovich
Fumin Ilya Alexandrovich
Experience: 14 years
More about doctor Sign up consultation
Asyutin Dmitriy Sergeevich
Asyutin Dmitriy Sergeevich
More about doctor
2GIS Award
2GIS Award

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.

«Good place» according to Yandex
«Good place» according to Yandex

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings. It means that the place is known, loved, and definitely worth visiting.

Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award
Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.

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Reviews 3

In the fall of 2024, I went to the K+31 clinic, where I was correctly diagnosed and received the competent treatment that I really needed. I would like to note the highest professionalism of all the doctors who worked with me, and I express my heartfelt gratitude to neurologist Sitnikova O. Yu., gastroenterologist Anikina N. Yu., endocrinologist Pivovarova S. V., cardiologist Kambegova A. A., neurosurgeon Fumin I. A., and the nurses from the procedure room. Thank you very much for your work! Deep bow! I am grateful to you for your understanding, warmth, kindness, and desire to help. I wish you success in your difficult, but very necessary, noble work. Health to you, people in white coats!
Tsybriy L.A.
For a long time I could not solve the problem with numbness in my hands, I turned to different doctors. It was only in the K31 clinic that Dr. Ilya Aleksandrovich Fumin finally relieved me of this problem. Conducted additional research, confirmed the diagnosis and performed an operation. Everything went neatly, efficiently and painlessly. The doctor is very attentive and professional in his field. Thank you very much for your help.
Ekaterina Golubkova
Good day. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Ilya Alexandrovich. A highly qualified specialist, attentive, sensitive, and this is important for the patient. This is the first doctor who explains everything in a very accessible way, so you don't have to ask again and surf the Internet. A doctor who visits his patients even on weekends. A doctor who did not forget about you as soon as the door closed behind you. At the very first appointment, my mother was imbued with Ilya Alexandrovich and said that if you have surgery, then only with this doctor. Therefore, when my mother had an exacerbation, we did not hesitate to choose a clinic and a doctor. Ilya Alexandrovich, our whole family is infinitely grateful to you for everything that you have done for your mother. And a special thank you for your patience with relatives. And I also want to express my gratitude to all the staff of the clinic. The care and attentiveness with which you all surround patients is beyond praise. K-31 is a team of the best. THANK YOU!!!
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Почему К+31?
К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

Our clinics

K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

Prospect Vernadsky Station
By a car
Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
Parking pass
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 Petrovskie Vorota

1st Kolobovsky pereulok, 4


Tsvetnoy Bulvar
By a car
Moving along Petrovsky Boulevard, turn onto st. Petrovka, right after - on the 1st Kolobovsky per. Municipal parking
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


By a car
Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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