MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

All types of modern and safe MR diagnostics of diseases, inflammation and injuries without radiation load on the body.
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We work 24/7
In the K+31 clinic on Lobachevskogo you can do MRI and CT even at night
From leading brands from the USA and Germany
All types of diagnostics
From X-ray to the most complex radiation techniques

What is MRI?

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most effective diagnostic methods. MRI has a number of important advantages. The main one is the absence of X-ray radiation and, therefore, the absence of harmful effects on the human body. The study is carried out using a magnetic field, which has a minimum number of indications. During diagnostics, the device emits radio waves that are not as harmful as X-rays (CT).

Every day, doctors at the K+31 medical center in Moscow detect and help determine a large number of pathologies and diseases using MRI diagnostics with and without contrast. These are various inflammatory processes and tumors, disorders of the nervous and circulatory systems, diseases of the spine and joints.

Thanks to the latest high- and ultra-high-power tomographs, as well as leading radiologists, the magnetic resonance imaging department is one of the leading medical areas of K+31.

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The latest tomographs with power up to 3 Tesla

K+31 clinics in Moscow are equipped with state-of-the-art MRI systems. SIGNA™ Architect AIR™ Edition is a premium MRI system that uses intelligent scanning technology, which allows for convenient patient examinations with excellent image quality and accuracy in a minimum amount of time. MRI 3 Tesla is practically the maximum value available in diagnostic practice today. When scanning with Architect coils, 360-degree coverage is provided - any type of scanning for patients of all sizes. This type of MRI ensures stable image quality, high accuracy in conditions of reduced examination time. Thanks to a wide tunnel (700 mm) and a field of view of 500x500x500 mm, it is possible to perform examinations of patients with a large build and high weight (up to 227 kg). In addition, visualization of anatomical structures located far from the center (shoulder, forearm, thigh) can be performed.

MRI in sleep

For those patients who find it difficult to remain motionless for more than 20 minutes - children, the elderly and people suffering from claustrophobia - we offer examinations under anesthesia.

MRI in sleep is a safe and painless procedure, carried out under the close supervision of leading doctors.

Undergo an MRI examination at a clinic convenient for you K+31

High-field and ultra-high-field closed-type MRI scanners are available in all K+31 clinics:

  • SIGNATM Architect AIRTM Edition 3 Tesla in K+31 on Lobachevskogo
  • Siemens Magnetom Essenza 1.5 Tesla in K+31 Petrovsky Vorota
  • GE Signa Voyager 1.5 Tesla in K+31 West

For your convenience, the K+31 clinic on Lobachevsky works around the clock, so an MRI scan can be done even at night. After the procedure, you will receive a doctor's report describing the pathology and images of the area being studied.


Popular services

MRI under anesthesia

The specificity of MRI is that the patient must remain motionless for 20-90 minutes during the entire scanning period. Sometimes, due to exacerbation of claustrophobia, noise inside the coil or for other reasons, it is advisable to perform tomography under anesthesia. This procedure has its own characteristics.

This type of diagnostics with anesthesia is used in the following situations:

  • Mental disorders, due to which the patient is unable to behave adequately
  • Fear of closed spaces (claustrophobia), a tendency to panic attacks
  • Pain, as a result of which the patient cannot remain still
  • Hyperkinesis, neurological disorders that provoke involuntary muscle movements

Anesthesia always carries certain risks, especially for patients with heart disease, lung disease or drug allergies. Side effects such as nausea, dizziness or weakness after anesthesia are possible. The patient may feel drowsy or weak after anesthesia, so he is advised to rest for several hours. The MRI results are analyzed by a doctor, and based on them, a diagnosis is made or treatment is adjusted. If you or a loved one is going to have an MRI under anesthesia, it is important to discuss all the details with your doctor to minimize risks and ensure a comfortable procedure.


MRI of the brain vessels

Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain is a study that can produce clear images of the brain vessels and tissues in the form of thin sections or a 3D model. MRI is performed using a tomograph operating on the basis of nuclear magnetic resonance, with a voltage of 1.5 Tesla. The technique is more accurate and gentle, compared to computed tomography (PET), which uses ionizing X-ray radiation.

With the help of MRI of the brain and vessels, it is possible to assess structural and functional changes in veins, arteries and soft tissues, and make an accurate diagnosis of pathologies at early stages.

Depending on the type of diagnosis and disease, the doctor may refer the patient to undergo:

  1. Standard MRI of the head and vessels. Primary diagnostics, which is carried out to assess structural changes in brain tissue (BT)
  2. MRI in vascular mode. Assesses the condition of the arteries and veins of the brain and neck - pulsation, volume of filling and outflow of blood, the presence of blood clots, atherosclerotic plaques, blood supply to the nerve receptors of the BT
  3. MRI of the vessels of the brain (veins and arteries) with contrast. An assessment of the shape and patency of the vessels is performed before and after the introduction of a contrast agent. Allows you to get more detailed information about the blood supply to the brain - the size of blood clots, aneurysms, neoplasms
  4. Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). A standard technique that can be used to obtain images of vascular lumens in different projections layer by layer, without the use of contrast agents. MRA with contrast is used for clearer images of veins, arteries and stationary tissues around them

MRI of the brain

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain is a highly informative visualization method, a diagnostic study of brain structures. With the help of this examination, the doctor can identify various diseases and evaluate the processes that occur in the tissues, make a diagnosis, together with other research methods, the method helps to obtain a more accurate clinical picture. This examination is carried out to identify oncological diseases, pathological processes. It is more informative than X-rays or ultrasound. Currently, MRI of the brain ranks first in efficiency and prevalence among diagnostic methods in neurology.

Magnetic resonance therapy is prescribed not only to adults, but also to children, which proves the safety of the method. The drug is based on the magnetic field that surrounds us in everyday life.

What does MRI of the brain show? The diagnostic method allows a specialist to consider the presence of changes in the structure and activity of the brain (GM). This is possible due to obtaining images in different projections.

Different MRI techniques of the brain are used to conduct the study:

  • Topometric. Assesses the condition of the cranial cortex, brain and blood vessels
  • With non-contrast angiography of intracranial arteries. In this case, a special mode is used that makes it possible to distinguish between stationary tissues and mobile ones (blood). This technique helps to visualize the vessels and obtain information about their structure, changes, anatomy of location, as well as determine the degree of stenosis and the width of the lumen in the vessel
  • According to the epileptological protocol. Targeted study of the structures responsible for the occurrence of epileptic seizures

MRI of the lumbar spine

Magnetic resonance imaging is considered the safest method for diagnosing pathologies of internal organs, due to the absence of radiation or radio wave exposure and a small number of contraindications. Lumbosacral spine examination (LBS MRI) is performed to identify structural and functional disorders in the vertebrae, joints, sacrum, surrounding soft tissues, nerves and vessels of this area of ​​the back.

Tomography of the lumbar region can be performed in two ways:

  1. Standard MRI POP. The lumbar region is scanned to obtain a series of layered slices of flat and three-dimensional reconstruction images to identify abnormalities in the structure in case of injuries
  2. With contrast enhancement. MRI of the lumbar region is performed with intravenous contrast for clearer visualization of blood vessels, assessment of the quality of blood flow in tissues

The method of diagnostics is determined by the attending physician - therapist, traumatologist, neurologist, surgeon or other specialist who issued the referral for the examination. The choice of method depends on the preliminary diagnosis, individual indications and contraindications, medical history and general condition of the patient.


MRI of the pelvic organs

MRI of the pelvic organs is the most important examination in making a diagnosis. It allows you to determine with high accuracy the presence of pathologies of the pelvic organs even at the earliest stages of development. In K+31, examinations of the ovaries, vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes, bladder and tissues of the pelvic organs are available. Magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive, and therefore absolutely painless method of radiation diagnostics. MRI in K+31 is absolute comfort and safety for each patient.


MRI of the knee joint

Magnetic resonance imaging is an effective method for diagnosing knee joint diseases, which is more informative than CT or X-ray. The study is prescribed to confirm the initial diagnosis or to assess the condition after treatment.

What the doctor can see in a series of layered MRI images of the knees:

  • Bone and cartilage damage, meniscus, kneecap due to trauma of any duration
  • Blood vessel condition
  • Knee joint diseases - arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis, Baker's cyst, synomyoma
  • Damage to ligaments and tendons
  • Tumors with differentiation into benign and malignant, metastases
  • Inflammatory processes and tissue necrosis
  • Meniscus ruptures and impingements

A standard examination includes layered images of the knee in different projections (in flat and three-dimensional space).

If cancer is suspected, the doctor recommends an MRI with contrast enhancement. With the help of this type of diagnostics, a specialist can accurately study the structure of blood vessels, damaged tissues and neoplasms. In the presence of cancerous tumors, it is possible to determine their clear boundaries and sizes, the presence of metastases.

In case of bone injury (dislocation, fracture), a more indicative diagnostic method is X-ray or computed tomography. MRI is focused on studying the condition of tissues, blood vessels, cartilage and neoplasms.


MRI of the temporomandibular joint

A popular diagnostic method of MRI of the temporomandibular joint TMJ is a non-invasive hardware study of bones and soft tissues in the area of ​​the junction of the distal lower jaw with the base of the skull. The anatomy of the structures is an obstacle to diagnosis, and only the MRI method can identify the causes of all joint dysfunctions that arise.

The diagnostic clinic "K+31" performs all types of diagnostics, including the head, brain, joints, spine, neck vessels, abdominal and pelvic organs, endocrine glands. Modern equipment allows you to get accurate results that contribute to the correct diagnosis and timely adequate treatment.

The technique is based on the phenomenon of nuclear magnetic resonance. Hydrogen atoms in living tissue cells react to radio frequency pulses in an electromagnetic field, and each type of cell has its own characteristic response. This picture is processed by a computer in the form of slice images, which allow a layer-by-layer study of the condition of the area under study. The 3D format is convenient for examining the structure from different sides, which is impossible in other diagnostic techniques.

MRI of the jaw and joints provides complete information on the condition of all structures, tissues, pathological foci and changes, functionality, histological features of the altered tissue.

Thus, it is possible to diagnose benign and malignant neoplasms, injuries, damage to the articular meniscus, arthritis, arthrosis, vascular dysfunction, congenital deformities.


MRI of the heart and coronary vessels: what the study shows

Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart is the most popular and effective diagnostic method in cardiology. Given the existing limitations (constant mobility of the organs being examined), the technique allows you to obtain all the necessary information. Thanks to visualization of the organ using a tomograph scan, the doctor can assess the condition of the heart chambers and blood vessels, study intracardiac dynamics, and evaluate hemodynamic parameters.

According to WHO statistics, up to 10% of all heart diseases occur in people under 40 years of age. With age, the number of diseases associated with disorders in the cardiovascular system increases. The situation is worsened by the fact that in the early stages of heart and vascular pathology, they do not manifest themselves in any way or are accompanied by nonspecific symptoms. This is why accurate diagnostics are so important for the treatment of these diseases.

MRI of the heart and coronary vessels allows you to obtain detailed, layered images of the area being examined. Thanks to this, the doctor can:

  • Assess the anatomy and function of the heart chambers and valves for normality
  • Obtain information about the characteristics of blood flow in large vessels, as well as surrounding structures, such as the pericardium (the sac surrounding the heart)
  • Study the structural features of the myocardium
  • Assess the consequences of changes after surgery
  • Diagnose cardiovascular diseases, including neoplasms, infections and inflammatory processes
  • Investigate the consequences of coronary artery disease, such as limited blood flow to the muscle and scarring after a heart attack
  • Monitor and make adjustments to the patient's therapy for various pathologies of the cardiovascular system
  • Investigate the anatomy and function of the cardiovascular system in children and adults with congenital defects hearts

MRI helps in preoperative preparation, treatment planning for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and detection of neoplasms.


MRI of the abdominal organs

MRI of the abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space is a hardware examination of internal organs using a magnetic field with computer processing of images. The study is very informative, allows you to replace several alternative diagnostic methods.

Advantages, types of magnetic tomography

MRI of the abdominal organs visualizes not only the anatomical structures, ducts, blood flow system, but also the cause of the pathology, the primary focus of the process, the stage, the nature of pathological changes in the tissues.


  • Visualization can be performed in multiple sections
  • Can detect neoplasms of 2-3 mm
  • The study is safe, non-invasive, without radiation exposure

Types of magnetic resonance imaging:

  1. Native, without contrast
  2. Abdominal MRI with contrast

When choosing a study with contrast enhancement, the doctor must first do an allergy test and instruct the patient on preparation.


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Main research areas

MRI of the soft tissues of the face MRI of the cervical spine MRI of the lumbar spine MRI of the sacral spine MRI of the sinuses MRI of the pelvic organs MRI of the knee MRI angiography of cerebral vessels Whole body MRI
Equipment of the department
SIGNATM Architect AIRTM Edition 3 Tesla at K+31 Lobachevskogo
Siemens Magnetom Essenza 1.5 Tesla at K+31 Petrovskie Gates
GE Signa Voyager 1,5 Tesla at K+31 West

Our doctors

Sinitsyn Valentine Evgenyevich
Experience 41 year
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Valentine Evgenyevich
Chief Consultant in Radiation Diagnostics, Radiologist
Maso Michael Lvovich
Experience 18 years
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Michael Lvovich
Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician
Puzakov Kirill Borisovich
Experience 8 years
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Kirill Borisovich
Leading Consultant in Radiology, Radiologist
Bigwawa Nino Valeryevna
Experience 18 years
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Nino Valeryevna
Chichkanova Tatyana Vladimirovna
Experience 24 years
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Tatyana Vladimirovna
Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist
Bolshakova Irina Alexandrovna
Experience 25 years
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Irina Alexandrovna
Snetkov Victor yurevich
Experience 39 years
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Victor yurevich
Pavlikova Elena Yuryevna
Experience 24 years
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Elena Yuryevna
Vishnevskaya Anna Vadimovna
Experience 21 year
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Anna Vadimovna
Dushkova Darya Vladimirovna
Experience 14 years
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Darya Vladimirovna
Kondratyev Eugene Valerevich
Experience 15 years
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Eugene Valerevich
Leading CT Specialist, MRI
Sychenkova Irina Yuryevna
Experience 16 years
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Irina Yuryevna
Leading MRI Specialist
Schulz Eugene Igorevich
Experience 10 years
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Eugene Igorevich
Leading neuroradiologist in MRI and CT diagnostics
Bronov Oleg yurevich
Experience 16 years
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Oleg yurevich
Vasilieva Yulia Nikolaevna
Experience 15 years
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Yulia Nikolaevna
Radiologist, leading specialist in radiation diagnostics
Neledov Dmitriy Viktorovich
Experience 22 years
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Dmitriy Viktorovich
Gruzdev Ivan Sergeevich
Experience 8 years
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Ivan Sergeevich
Kulabukhova Elena Anatolievna
Experience 34 years
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Elena Anatolievna
Medvedev Alexander Sergeevich
Experience 17 years
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Alexander Sergeevich
Yagizarov Imran Rasulovich
Experience 11 years
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Imran Rasulovich
Head of the department of radiation diagnostics, radiologist
Zakharov Roman Sergeevich
Experience 15 years
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Roman Sergeevich
All specialists
2GIS Award
2GIS Award

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.

«Good place» according to Yandex
«Good place» according to Yandex

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings. It means that the place is known, loved, and definitely worth visiting.

Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award
Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.


Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain
from 9 700 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of soft tissues
from 12 500 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (lumbar and sacral)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal organs
from 18 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvic organs
from 13 500 ₽
Magnetic resonance venography (veins of the brain)
from 4 850 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the paranasal sinuses
from 11 000 ₽
Magnetic resonance angiography of intracarnial vessels
Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the orbit
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord (one section)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (cervical)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the spine (coccyx)
from 8 700 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the joints (knee joint)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the joints (elbow joint)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the joints (wrist joint)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the joints (hip joint)
from 9 550 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the hand
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the joints (shoulder joint)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the joints (ankle joint)
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the foot
from 11 350 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the joints (temporomandibular joint)
Magnetic resonance imaging of the retroperitoneal space
from 11 900 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the scrotum
from 12 950 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the heart and great vessels
from 25 200 ₽
Magnetic resonance imaging of the adrenal glands
from 12 950 ₽
MRI of the mammary glands with contrast (screening)
MRI of the whole body with contrast (cancer search)
from 35 400 ₽
MRI of the abdominal organs with intravenous administration of a hepatotropic contrast agent (Multihans)
MRI of the abdominal organs with intravenous administration of a hepatotropic contrast agent (Primovist)
Intravenous drug administration (contrast injection) for MRI
from 9 050 ₽
Magnetic resonance venography (cerebral veins)
from 4 850 ₽
Program "MRI diagnostics of the whole body"
from 86 300 ₽
Pituitary MRI
from 11 350 ₽
MRI of eye sockets (orbits)
from 10 300 ₽
MRI of the brain
from 9 700 ₽
MR angiography of cerebral arteries
MRI of the brain and pituitary
from 11 350 ₽
MRI of the brain and paranasal sinuses
from 10 300 ₽
MRI of soft tissues of the head
from 12 500 ₽
MRI of the spine (one section)
from 11 350 ₽
MR arteriography (single area)
MRI joints (one joint)
MRI hip joints (pair)
from 9 550 ₽
MRI foot
from 11 350 ₽
MR cholangiopancreatography
from 13 900 ₽
MRI of the scrotum
from 12 950 ₽
Adrenal MRI
from 12 950 ₽
MRI of the kidneys
from 10 900 ₽
Abdomen MRI
from 4 500 ₽
MRI of the pelvic organs
from 13 500 ₽
MRI of the retroperitoneal space
from 11 900 ₽
More price

Answers to popular questions

What implants can be used for MRI?

With ceramic-metal dentures, crowns. They are not considered as implants. Also, MRI results do not depend on the presence of an intrauterine device. Any metal or ferromagnetic implants are questionable. This also applies to cochlear prostheses in the inner ear. In these cases, it is necessary to provide the doctor with an implant passport.

Is it possible to do an MRI during pregnancy and how does MRI affect the fetus?

Among the contraindications for MRI are the first 3 months of pregnancy, when the fetal organs are laid down. During this period, the procedure can be carried out by pregnant women, usually only in case of urgent need and only in the direction of a doctor. The device does not emit X-rays, as with computed tomography or X-rays. The magnetic field with which MRI works does not affect the development of the fetus in any way, and for 30 years of using the technology, negative cases have not been identified. Otherwise, the MRI method is the safest procedure and is used to diagnose the health of both the mother and the fetus. The device is able to detect a variety of malformations, diseases and collect all the information about the development of the fetus.

Does MRI affect the body while breastfeeding?

The electromagnetic waves and the magnetic field generated during the study do not affect the body of the nursing mothers and do not cause any changes in the composition of milk. After the MRI, you can immediately start feeding.

What is an MRI procedure?

The assistant helps the patient to sit on the table of the device. One of the conditions is the fixation of the examined area of the body to ensure immobility. For this, soft belts and rollers are used. The patient does not experience any discomfort he can blink, swallow, and talk to a doctor. The part of the body to be examined is located in the coil of the apparatus, emitting and receiving reflected magnetic waves.

Examination of one organ or part of the body takes 30-40 minutes, however, if it is a complex case, more time will be needed. The process itself is a series of shots that last for a few minutes each. During the operation of the device, you can not move, in the intervals a small movement is allowed, but the examined part of the body must remain motionless. Otherwise, the next series of shots will not match the previous one. To take a series of shots, the doctor will ask you to hold your breath for 10-15 seconds.

How is an MRI with contrast performed?

In some cases, only in the direction of a doctor, the procedure involves the use of a contrast agent. This method is used for suspected oncology, oncological processes and for the early detection of metastases that require immediate treatment. A special substance is first injected into a vein in the patient's arm through a catheter. It is an absolutely safe solution, which for some time makes the vessels of the organ under study (for example, the brain) visible to the MRI machine. It does not cause allergic and adverse reactions. During the day, the substance is completely excreted from the body in a natural way.

How does an MRI feel?

The procedure is completely painless. The only thing that can cause a feeling of discomfort is the need to be on time. studies alone in the office. But the doctor will be in the control room and talk to the patient on the speakerphone. Patients with a fear of confined spaces also have nothing to fear. Our apparatus leaves enough open space. In addition, the Siemens tomograph is characterized by an extremely low noise level during operation. If an MRI study is performed with a contrast agent, then when it is administered, the patient may feel cool, a slight rush blood, associated with the entry of a substance into the vessels. The sensations last no more than a couple of minutes.

Do I need to prepare for an MRI?

No, no special preparation is required. But the doctor needs to know about your past illnesses, recent injuries, surgeries, etc. If you are wearing metal jewelry or other metal items, you will need to remove them. If the doctor did not limit the intake of drugs, food before the MRI, no changes does not occur in the usual daily routine.

MRI at K+31

K+31 presents MRI machines in each clinic.

Siemens Magnetom Essenza 1.5 Tesla in K+31 Petrovsky Gates.

SIGNATM Architect AIRTM Edition 3 Tesla at K+31 Lobachevsky str.

GE Signa Voyager 1.5 Tesla in K+31 West.

MRI can be done with contrast (in the diagnosis of tumors and small anatomical structures) and without contrast, in a state of sleep or without anesthesia:

  • Thyroid
  • Liver
  • Gallbladder and ducts
  • Pancreas
  • Kidney
  • Spleens
  • Joints
  • Mammary glands
  • Spinal Cord
  • Arteries and veins of the head, neck, abdominal region
  • Pelvic organs
  • Soft tissues
  • Lumbar
  • Etc

Make an appointment at the medical center for an MRI or a doctor by phone: +7 (495) 162-66-97.

Conducting an MRI study

MRI is most often prescribed (in combination with other data from laboratory and instrumental studies), to clarify or establish a diagnosis, identify vascular anomalies, for early diagnosis of diseases brain, intervertebral discs, with multiple sclerosis, with suspected neoplasms (tumors), determining the pathology of internal organs, to assess surgical intervention and the consequences of injuries.

On average, an MRI examination lasts from 15 minutes to 1 hour, when using contrast, the time increases by 15 minutes.

Duration of MRI diagnostics:

  • MRI of the knee joints – 20 minutes.
  • MRI of the head, brain and MRI of neck vessels – 15 minutes.
  • MRI of the mammary glands – 30 minutes.
  • MRI of the abdominal cavity – 40-45 minutes.
  • MRI of the lumbosacral spine - 15 minutes.
  • MRI of the thoracic spine - 15 minutes.
  • MRI of the cervical spine - 15 minutes.
  • MRI of the pelvic cavity – 40 minutes.
  • MRI of the bladder - 35 minutes.

During the examination, you must remain completely still. This should be taken into account in patients with severe pain. If, due to severe pain, it is not possible to remain in a forced position for a long time, then before the study it is necessary to perform seek pain relief from your doctor or come for an examination after relief of acute pain. If necessary, MRI is performed under sedation with the assistance of an anesthesiologist.

After MRI examination

A written conclusion and a computer disk with the obtained images are issued to the patient on the day of the examination. In the pictures, areas of healthy tissues differ from those in which any changes occur, but interpret the images and give based on them, only a specialist can provide certain recommendations for further actions. After examination, based on the results of the scan, the doctor may recommend to consult by a neurologist, traumatologist, surgeon, urologist, gynecologist, etc. The final diagnosis is made your doctor and prescribes the appropriate treatment according to him.

Contraindications for MRI

MRI is not always a suitable diagnostic method, especially if there are certain contraindications. There are absolute guidelines for performing MRI. and relative contraindications. If the patient has absolute contraindications, the study cannot be performed, if there are relative contraindications, the question of conducting the study is decided individually with the MRI physician performing the examination.

Absolute contraindications to MRI:

  • Presence of a pacemaker
  • Insulin pumps
  • Cerebral vessel clips after surgical treatment
  • Large metal implants and fragments in the body
  • Presence of metal shavings and splinters in the eye area
  • Middle ear implants (fixed hearing aids)
  • Weight limit - no more than 130 kg

Relative contraindications to MRI:

  • Heart valve prostheses
  • Pins
  • Neurostimulants
  • Claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces)
  • Decompensated heart failure
  • Hemostatic clips (except for cerebral vessels)
  • For women - first trimester of pregnancy (first 13 weeks)
  • Renal failure (on MR examination with contrast)
  • Having an inner ear prosthesis
  • Presence of tattoos, especially in the area being examined
  • The need for cardiac monitoring
Rules for preparing for MRI studies
Preparation for MRI study
Preparation for MR-Enterografia
Preparing for a full-body MRI scan

Reviews 10

Регулярно обращаюсь к Татьяне Владимировне для плановых осмотров и могу сказать, что теперь живу спокойно. Она всегда проявляет внимание и заботу, за что я ей очень благодарна. Ее профессионализм на высоте, а отношение к пациентам — искренне доброжелательное. Татьяна Владимировна — врач с большой буквы! Огромное спасибо за вашу поддержку и внимание!
Валентина Х.
Хочу выразить свою благодарность Татьяне Владимировне! Я попала к ней на дообследование, и врач, который направил меня, сразу сказал, что она во всем разберётся. Так и оказалось. Татьяна Владимировна провела все необходимые исследования и подробно всё объяснила. От неё исходит уверенность, доброта и оптимизм, что очень важно в такие моменты. Редко встретишь таких врачей, которым хочется довериться на все 100%. Благодарю за профессионализм, поддержку и душевное спокойствие!
Алёна Б.
Mazo Mikhail Lvovich, a doctor you can trust! I contacted the doctor at the clinic K+31 on the recommendation of an oncologist for diagnostics, in connection with the discovery of a formation in the mammary gland. I was examined on the tomosynthesis device and based on the results, a biopsy was done. Mikhail Lvovich and his colleagues conducted the examination at the highest level, very attentively, professionally, and most importantly humanely! I am very glad that I contacted him, I definitely recommend him. I will only be examined by him myself. Many thanks to Mikhail Lvovich.
Trifonova Tatyana Borisovna
I express my sincere gratitude to the doctor Viktor Yuryevich Snetkov and note his highest professionalism. He is the only one who identified a fracture in the image, which 4 other doctors (traumatologists and radiologists) could not detect! Health, success, prosperity to this person and further professional development!
Vitaly Sergeevich
Thanks a lot! Doctor from God! I was worried, but the doctor is very gentle. Thank you
Lidia Pavlovna
Superb, caring support from manager Yuliya Kulak. Both before and after and during treatment. Thanks a lot! At all stages I have a very positive impression of the interaction with the staff. And in Dr. Mazo M.Yu. I had no doubts.)
I would like to express my gratitude to Mazo Mikhail Lvovich (Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor) for high-quality treatment, high professionalism and kind attitude. The latest technologies developed and applied by him allow people to improve the quality of life and instill hope for a further happy life. When I entered the office, the fear disappeared somewhere, because the doctor is so able to calm the patient down that it becomes absolutely not scary. The procedure was performed under anesthesia and everything went well. Mikhail Lvovich is a professional in his field.
A wonderful specialist, I was so afraid to do research, but he reassured, he did everything competently and quickly. thank
If you need professional advice, help, you need to go to Tatiana Vladimirovna. For a person who faces health problems, the approach and attitude of the doctor is critical. Tatiana V. is a professional with a capital letter. I am very glad that I found “my” oncologist / mammologist. Thanks you!!!!!
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Почему К+31?
К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

Our clinics

K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

Prospect Vernadsky Station
By a car
Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
Parking pass
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 Petrovskie Vorota

1st Kolobovsky pereulok, 4


Tsvetnoy Bulvar
By a car
Moving along Petrovsky Boulevard, turn onto st. Petrovka, right after - on the 1st Kolobovsky per. Municipal parking
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


By a car
Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00