One of the common reasons for urgent treatment of patients at the Clinic + 31 Medical Center with bouts of severe abdominal pain is acute cholecystitis - inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder. Pain occurs in the upper abdomen, in the right hypochondrium with radiation to the right half of the chest, neck, heart region, accompanied by fever, nausea, vomiting, often jaundice. The disease can develop both rapidly and over a longer period of time, depending on various factors.
Treatment of acute cholecystitis
Acute cholecystitis is a reason for emergency hospitalization. Depending on the form of the disease and the severity of the clinical manifestations, the type of treatment of cholecystitis is determined. As a rule, they always start with conservative measures. Only some forms of the disease require emergency surgery.
The optimal treatment option for acute cholecystitis is the urgent implementation of surgical treatment. The most favorable terms are the first three days from the onset of the attack.