Surgery to remove veins for varicose veins

According to statistics, varicose veins affect up to 60% of the adult population - mainly women. This disease not only causes cosmetic discomfort, but is also dangerous due to the development of severe complications, some of which can be fatal. In particular, against the background of varicose veins, there is a high risk of developing thrombophlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall with the formation of a blood clot in its lumen). Also, the risks of developing venous trophic ulcers and bleeding from varicose nodes are quite high. Proper and timely treatment helps prevent the development of these consequences. Today, the only effective method of treating varicose veins is surgical treatment.
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Indications for surgery for varicose veins

The doctor prescribes surgery to remove veins on the legs for varicose veins in cases where conservative treatment methods (wearing compression stockings, drug therapy) do not give the desired effect.

The following indications for intervention are distinguished:

  • Pain and heaviness. These symptoms are associated with significant dilation of the veins. Usually they indicate serious progression of the pathology
  • Swelling of the extremities. Persistent edema (an increase in tissue volume due to fluid accumulation) is one of the signs of advanced varicose veins. If swelling does not go away after rest, the patient requires urgent surgical treatment
  • Inflammation and thrombosis of veins (thrombophlebitis). When the vein wall becomes inflamed, a blood clot (thrombus) forms immediately in its lumen. Urgent intervention in this case helps to avoid the development of dangerous complications (in particular, pulmonary embolism)
  • Trophic ulcers. Long-term non-healing wound on the leg caused by venous insufficiency
  • Bleeding from nodes. Rupture of a varicose vein is very dangerous and can lead to massive blood loss
  • Deformation of veins. With significant deformation of the venous vessels, there is a threat of thrombosis and rupture. Timely surgery for varicose veins helps restore normal blood flow

Each case is considered individually. The decision about the need for intervention is made by an experienced phlebologist (a doctor specializing in vein diseases).

Indications for surgery for varicose veins


Sometimes surgery to remove varicose veins is considered dangerous or ineffective. Contraindications include:

  • Local and systemic infectious and inflammatory processes. Any current infectious diseases (for example, pneumonia, bronchitis) and local inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the planned intervention make the operation risky. This is because the immune system is already weakened. That is, additional load increases the risk of complications
  • Decompensated diseases of organs and systems. Such pathologies require preliminary stabilization of the condition
  • Deep vein thrombosis. Intervention on the veins can provoke the detachment of a blood clot and the development of pulmonary embolism (PE)
  • Pregnancy. Local anesthesia used during surgery can negatively affect the development of pregnancy
  • Stenotic diseases of the arteries of the lower extremities. Compression hosiery, which is used in the postoperative period, can negatively affect existing problems of the arteries of the lower extremities
  • Impaired walking function in various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, as well as after a stroke. Physical activity in the postoperative period is very important, this is the prevention of the development of postoperative thrombosis
  • Obesity. It is a relative contraindication to surgery. Excess body weight increases the risk of postoperative complications and contributes to the recurrence of varicose veins

Another contraindication is allergic reactions to anesthetics.

Types of operations to remove varicose veins

Today, there are thermal (temperature) and non-thermal methods of surgical treatment of varicose veins. The gold standard of treatment is thermal techniques. These include EVLO/EVLK (Endovasal laser obliteration/endovasal laser coagulation) and RFA (Radiofrequency ablation). The techniques are very similar, distinguished by the equipment used. Also, thermal techniques can be supplemented with miniphlebectomy or sclerotherapy, it all depends on the prevalence of varicose veins.

Endovenous laser obliteration (EVLO)

Unlike the “classic” operation to remove the veins of the lower extremities, this is a rather delicate procedure. IN During the EVLO (endovenous laser obliteration) process, a laser light guide (thin optical cable) is inserted into a vein.

Laser energy causes a thermal effect on the inner surface of the vein. As a result of heating, coagulation (clotting) of proteins of the venous wall. This leads to obliteration (closure) of the vessel.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and ultrasound control. Recovery time after such an intervention is 1-2 days.

Evaluation of EVLO results:

Parameter Norm Deviations from the norm
Obliteration Complete closure of the vein lumen Incomplete closure, recurrence of varicose veins
Soreness Minimal, goes away quickly Prolonged pain, intense pain
Edema Insignificant, subsides quickly Severe swelling that does not go away
Bleeding Absent Hemorrhage, hematomas
Infectious complications None Infections at the puncture site or along the vein

Radiofrequency ablation (RFA)

The process of RFA (radiofrequency ablation) uses a catheter that transmits radiofrequency waves. These waves cause the walls to heat up to a temperature at which coagulation and contraction of the vein occurs.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and ultrasound guidance. RFA is minimally invasive and allows patients to return to normal life in 1-3 days.

Evaluation of RFA results:

Parameter Norm Deviations from the norm
Obliteration Complete closure of the lumen Incomplete closure, recurrence of varicose veins
Soreness Minimal, goes away quickly Prolonged pain, intense pain
Edema Insignificant, subsides quickly Severe swelling that does not go away
Bleeding Absent Hemorrhage, hematomas
Infectious complications None Infections at the puncture site or along the vein


Phlebectomy is the surgical removal of veins through small incisions in the skin. The intervention is performed on large veins. Its main task is to prevent further development of varicose veins.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor performs the procedure under visual control. Recovery after removal takes 3-5 days.

Evaluation of the results of phlebectomy - intervention:

Parameter Norm Deviations from the norm
Removal Complete destruction of affected areas Residual varicose veins, recurrence of varicose veins
Soreness Minimal, goes away quickly Prolonged pain, intense pain
Edema Insignificant, subsides quickly Severe swelling that does not go away
Bleeding Absent Hemorrhage, hematomas
Infectious complications None Infections at incision sites
Wound healing Fast, without complications Prolonged healing, scar formation
Return to normal activities A few days after Long recovery period
Overall result Elimination of bad blood vessels, improving quality of life Presence of residual symptoms, unsatisfactory result
What type of treatment for varicose veins is the most modern and effective?

Sclerotherapy and transcutaneous laser are often used to treat small spider veins (telangiectasias). During sclerotherapy, a sclerosant (special solution) is injected into the affected vessel.

It causes the walls of the vessel to stick together. This leads to the closure of the lumen of the vessel and its subsequent disappearance. The doctor performs the procedure under visual control - it does not require anesthesia.

One of the most effective methods of treating varicose veins is a transcutaneous (percutaneous) laser. In the process, laser energy is directed through the skin directly to the vessel. Laser light causes thermal damage to the vascular wall. This leads to the closure of the vessel without damaging surrounding tissue.

Comparison table for treatment methods for varicose veins:

Method Operating principle Anesthesia Recovery Scars Additional Features
Endovenous laser obliteration (EVLO) The laser light guide heats the walls, causing coagulation Local 0-1 day No Ultrasonic inspection, high precision
Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) Radiofrequency waves heat the walls, causing it to close Local 0-1 day No Ultrasound guidance, minimally invasive
Sclerotherapy The introduction of a sclerosant causes the walls of blood vessels to stick together and disappear. Local (if necessary) 0-1 day No Effective for small spider veins
Transcutaneous laser The laser acts on blood vessels through the skin, removing them without damaging tissue Local (if necessary) 0-1 day No High cosmetic result

How is vein surgery performed?

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Diagnosis of varicose veins

Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to determine the degree of venous disease, the location of the affected areas and the state of blood flow.

Duplex scanning

Duplex scanning allows you to assess the condition of the venous system. The technique combines two types of ultrasound: B-mode (visualization of vascular structures) and Dopplerography (assessment of blood flow).

The study of veins in the legs involves the use of an ultrasound sensor that scans the vessels. The patient is in a lying or standing position. The sensor moves across the skin, transmitting images and blood flow information to the screen.

The doctor assesses the condition of the artery walls, checks the presence of blood clots, the functioning of the valves and the speed of blood flow.

Evaluation of duplex scanning results:

Parameter Norm Deviations from the norm
Structure Smooth veins, without knots or deformations Knots, tortuosity, wall deformation
Presence of blood clots None Presence of blood clots
Valve operation Complete closing and opening of valves Valve insufficiency, reflux (reverse flow)
Blood flow speed Within normal limits (depending on the area of study) Increased or decreased blood flow rate

Ultrasound navigation during surgery

Ultrasonic control is used to accurately perform surgical interventions.

Navigation results are recorded in the form of ultrasound images and video recordings of the process. This ensures high accuracy of the procedure and minimizes the risks of complications.

Evaluation of the results of ultrasound navigation during the elimination of varicose veins on the legs:

Parameter Norm Deviations from the norm
Tool position Precise placement in a given area Incorrect placement, deviation from the specified trajectory
State Minimal injuries, no damage Damage to the venous walls or adjacent tissues
Result Complete elimination of the pathological area Incomplete destruction of the pathological area, complications

Advantages of varicose veins removal at the K+31 clinic

One of the main advantages of treatment at the K+31 clinic is the high level of expertise. We employ vascular surgeons with extensive experience and high qualifications. Our specialists regularly undergo training and certification according to international standards. This guarantees a high level of medical care.

Additional advantages:

  • Recognition and awards. Clinic “K+31” has been awarded prestigious awards (2GIS award and “Good place” according to Yandex)
  • Individual approach. We offer each patient an individual treatment program based on a thorough diagnosis and taking into account all the characteristics of the body

Another advantage of ours is the affordable cost of the intervention. The price of surgery for varicose veins of the lower extremities in our clinic is average in Moscow. In addition, customers are often provided with discounts and promotional offers.

Advantages of varicose veins removal at the K+31 clinic

Answers to popular questions

Doctors at the K+31 Medical Center answered the most common questions about vascular treatment.

Do I need to wear compression stockings after leg surgery?

Compression stockings should be worn after vein surgery. They improve blood circulation, reduce swelling and the risk of blood clots. It is recommended to wear them continuously for the first week. You should not use them for longer than your doctor recommends, as excessive pressure can interfere with blood flow and damage the skin.

How often should you wear compression stockings?

Compression hosiery of compression class 2 should be worn daily. This helps improve venous outflow and reduce the intensity of postoperative symptoms.

During pregnancy, its use requires caution, since changes in blood circulation can negatively affect the effect of wearing it.

How to prepare for surgery?

To prepare for surgery for varicose veins, you need to take blood tests and undergo an ultrasound examination. A few days before the intervention, you should stop taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) and alcohol. Be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations and tell him or her about any allergies or chronic conditions.

How to relieve symptoms at home?

Use local gels and ointments (Lyoton or horse chestnut ointment). Rest with your legs elevated for 20 minutes every day. To improve muscle tone, take magnesium supplements.

What to do if veins swell and spider veins appear during pregnancy?

Varicose veins during pregnancy develop against the background of hormonal changes. After childbirth, the woman’s condition returns to normal. Treatment in this case involves laser therapy or sclerotherapy. For the prevention and treatment of varicose veins during pregnancy, it is recommended:

  • Wear compression garments that support blood vessels and improve blood circulation
  • Avoid prolonged standing or sitting with lowered limbs (when lying down, it is useful to keep your legs elevated)
  • Go for short walks more often (this is necessary to stimulate blood circulation)

If alarming symptoms appear (these should include severe pain and swelling), you should contact a phlebologist.

What is sclerotherapy and when should it be done?

Sclerotherapy is a modern method of treating varicose veins. In the process, the doctor removes the dilated arteries. This helps improve blood flow and eliminate abnormal backflows of blood (reflux).

How to avoid complications?

To avoid complications of varicose veins, after the intervention you should strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations. Wear compression stockings and avoid strenuous exercise and prolonged standing. Perform recommended exercises regularly to improve blood circulation.

What can be done for prevention?

It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle: exercise, walk more and avoid prolonged standing or sitting. Control your weight, watch your diet, avoid salty and fatty foods. Wear comfortable low-heeled shoes, exercise regularly, and avoid hot baths and saunas.

Is it possible to avoid varicose veins during sedentary work?

Yes, you can. To do this, you should change position every 2-3 hours, get up and walk. Warm-up and special exercises will help improve blood circulation and reduce the risk of varicose veins.

What role does uncomfortable posture play in the development of the disease?

Uncomfortable posture, for example, cross-legged, impairs blood circulation and contributes to the development of the disease. This is due to the fact that sitting in one position for a long time increases the load on the blood vessels.

Our doctors

Pustovoyt Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Experience 15 years
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Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Phlebologist, cardiovascular surgeon
Ivanchik Inga Yakovlevna
Experience 19 years
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Inga Yakovlevna
Surgeon, phlebologist
Shpilevoy Nikolay Yurievich
Experience 19 years
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Nikolay Yurievich
Cardiovascular surgeon, surgeon, ultrasound specialist
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2GIS Award

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«Good place» according to Yandex

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К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
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К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

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Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
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Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
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Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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