Surgical treatment

Surgical treatment involves damage to the skin and internal tissues of the human body. This method is used to remove or correct pathological processes. Surgical intervention not only treats various surgical diseases, but also alleviates the patient's condition and preserves his vital functions.

Operations can be bloody and bloodless. In the first case, medical manipulations are carried out with direct access to internal organs through punctures and cuts. In the second, the organ cavity is not opened (endoscopy, laparoscopy, removal of polyps, etc.).

Types of surgical interventions

Surgery is of various types. The classification depends on the goals, objectives, tools used and the chosen technique. Intervention happens:

  • Diagnostic. Used to confirm a diagnosis. With its help, biomaterial is taken for research.
  • Medical. This method is mainly used in the diagnosis of cancer. It involves the removal of malignant neoplasms that can be localized in different parts of the body. This is done to prevent cancer from spreading further. Often, after curative surgery, the patient is given chemotherapy or radiation therapy to kill cancer cells. This is a radical method, during which a part is cut off or a completely affected organ, a pathological focus, is removed.
  • Supportive. It is used to maintain the patient's condition and preserve the functions of his life. This includes the installation of a probe, port systems during chemotherapy, etc.
  • Laparoscopic. Surgical intervention using an endoscope. Mainly used for urological and gynecological operations.
  • Restorative. The main task is the reconstruction of organs and the resumption of their functions. Such operations are necessary to restore the organs and return them to a normal appearance. The most common example of such a surgical intervention is reconstructive surgery after removal of the mammary glands.
  • Preventive. It is used to prevent the development of malignant neoplasms. Precancerous tumors are removed.
  • Palliative. Allows to alleviate the patient's condition and relieve pain. It is not a cure in the truest sense of the word. It is used in case of inoperable tumors.
  • Minimally invasive. A modern method of surgical intervention for the removal of neoplasms. It involves the use of a special manipulator, which is controlled by the surgeon. The operation is performed through small incisions.

Operation types

Operations are divided into types depending on the type of surgery. They are primary, secondary and repeated treatment. After the diagnosis is made and the therapy plan is drawn up, the primary treatment is prescribed. In case of complications, a secondary one can be performed. Re-treatment - a type of operation that is necessary if the primary one was performed incorrectly or incompletely.

Most often, surgery is performed simultaneously, that is, at one time. But there are cases when the operation is carried out in several stages. An example is sigmoid colon cancer, when the pathological focus is first removed and a colostomy is installed, and only then a reconstructive operation is performed.

Surgical operations can be:

  • Emergency. They are carried out in case of a direct threat to the life and health of the patient. They are made on an emergency basis, without preliminary examinations.
  • Urgent. Surgical intervention, due to which it is possible to prevent the development of the disease. Such operations are carried out in the diagnosis of oncological diseases.
  • Planned. Applicable in cases where the diagnosed pathology does not threaten the life of the patient.

Diagnosis of surgical diseases "Clinic K+31"

Thanks to high-precision diagnostic equipment, the surgeon already at the preoperative stage has the most complete information about the location and distribution of foci of the disease, which helps to choose the optimal amount of surgical intervention.

We treat:

  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Hernias of the diaphragm (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
  • Hernia of the anterior abdominal wall.
  • Inguinal hernia.
  • Umbilical hernia.
  • Recurrent hernia.
  • White line hernia.
  • Acute and chronic appendicitis.
  • Laparoscopic removal of the adrenal gland (Adrenalectomy).
  • Laparoscopic splenectomy.
  • Laparoscopic gastrectomy.

Benign neoplasms of soft tissues:

  • Torso and limb lipomas.
  • Atheromas of various localizations.
  • Soft tissue fibroids.
  • Hematomas.

Purulent surgery:

  • Abscesses.
  • Boils.

Laparoscopic oncological surgery:

  • Malignant tumors of the stomach.
  • Tumors of the cecum.
  • Tumors of the ascending colon.
  • Tumors of the transverse colon.
  • Tumors of the descending colon.
  • Sigmoid colon tumors.
  • Tumors of the rectum.
  • Extraorganic tumors of the abdominal cavity.

Treatment of surgical diseases in Clinic K+31

Modern electrical appliances, high-precision optics, constantly improved medical instruments make it possible to operate practically without blood loss, and to perform difficult interventions on all human organs with little trauma. This significantly reduces the incidence of postoperative complications. Advances in anesthesiology and pharmacology minimize postoperative pain. Rehabilitology helps the patient return to a full life as early as possible.

Surgical diseases are acute and chronic. In both cases, specialist consultation is necessary to determine the need and urgency of surgical intervention. In the case of an acute situation, the sooner you contacted the surgeon, the faster and more correctly the assistance will be rendered.

Surgical treatment consists of several successive stages: preparing the patient for surgery, anesthesia and surgery itself, postoperative rehabilitation.

The professional and attentive attitude of the K+31 Clinic clinic doctors to the patient at each stage allows achieving high results in the treatment of a wide range of surgical pathologies.

The medical center "Clinic K+31" has everything you need to:

  • Correctly and quickly establish a diagnosis.
  • Choose the optimal treatment method.
  • Professionally perform the operation.
  • As soon as possible, return the patient to a full life.

The basic principles of surgical treatment of malignant tumors

The main difference between the surgical treatment of malignant tumors and the removal of benign neoplasms is the observance of four basic principles:

Ablastic - measures aimed at eliminating the scattering of tumor cells from the primary focus along the surgical field. In fact, ablastic is a prevention of local (local) relapses. First of all, this is achieved due to the careful attitude to the removed tumor.

Antiblastics - the removal or destruction of individual malignant cells that have already come off or with a high probability could come off the primary tumor. This factor makes the greatest contribution to the concept of the radicalism of the operation. The more healthy surrounding tissue around the tumor is removed, the more cells that have come off are removed, the more radically the operation is performed and the lower the risk of relapse.

The following two surgical principles in oncology - zoning and case - reflect the anatomical features of operations and also affect their radicality.

Due to the high qualification of oncologist surgeons, who are guided by Russian oncological standards and international recommendations, the volume of surgical interventions in the Oncology Clinic K+31 corresponds to the optimal balance between the radicalism of the operation and the desire to maximize the preservation of healthy tissues, which ensures the most effective result with minimal consequences.

Breast surgery - answers to frequently asked questions

What does it take to make operations successful?

The success of any surgical intervention depends not only on the experience and talent of the surgeon. It includes many factors that need to be taken into account. A huge role is played by the preparation and coherence of the medical team. It should work like clockwork in order to stabilize the situation in case of complications.

Another important person in the operating room is the anesthesiologist. He has many responsibilities. But the main one is the responsibility for the safety of the operation. It is this specialist who monitors the condition of the patient's body, while the surgeon performs all the necessary manipulations directly on the painful organ.

In addition to the human factor and the qualifications of medical personnel, a successful result depends on the technical component. The operating unit and the entire clinic as a whole must be equipped with the latest technology so that in any critical situation the patient can receive high-quality and prompt assistance.

How to prepare for surgery

Any surgical intervention becomes a strong stress for the human body. Therefore, in order for the operation to be successful and quick rehabilitation possible, it is worth thoroughly preparing for it. Experts are convinced that high-quality preparation is the key to a good result.

Preparation for surgery is necessary to minimize the risk of infection in the patient's body, increase immunity, and prepare the body for the upcoming rehabilitation period. It is a treatment and diagnostic measures, the plan of which is drawn up by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of each person and the type of operation.

Preparation for the operation begins with the delivery of all the necessary tests to assess the patient's health, as well as consultations with specialists who will perform the operation. An important factor is also the definition of individual characteristics. The doctor should know what drugs the patient has allergic reactions to and what chronic diseases in history. Additionally, it may be recommended to contact a psychologist, who will also assist in removing the fear of surgery.

2-4 weeks before direct surgical intervention, the patient takes tests and undergoes a medical examination. This allows you to identify those who have concomitant problems that may become a contraindication to surgery, and have time to correct them. A few days before hospitalization, it is recommended to follow a sparing diet, as well as stop taking certain medications. Their exact list can be checked with your doctor.

What is informed consent for surgery?

Informed consent to perform a surgical operation is an inalienable right of the patient, which is enshrined at the legislative level. According to him, the patient or his legal representative must voluntarily accept the treatment plan offered by the doctor. To do this, the specialist clearly explains all the necessary information about the upcoming operation, possible risks and complications, treatment options.

Sometimes the consent of the patient is not required. This mainly applies to emergency operations when there is a direct threat to human life. It is also not required in relation to persons who have committed crimes and those diagnosed with severe mental disorders.

Each patient has the right to refuse any medical manipulations (or their immediate termination). In this case, experts explain the possible consequences. Cancellations must be made strictly in writing.

What guarantees of a positive result can a surgeon give?

The human body during surgery can behave quite unpredictably. Unfortunately, to date, it, as well as various factors affecting it, have not been fully studied. Therefore, the doctor cannot guarantee 100% success of the operation under any circumstances.

Despite all the possible risks, the surgeon guarantees:

  • Using the best and most preferred techniques.
  • Use of all available technical means.
  • Minimize potential complications.
  • Detailed information about the upcoming operation.
  • Performing all manipulations only with the voluntary consent of the patient.

What are the recommendations after the operation

The postoperative period is as important for a complete recovery as a successful operation. The patient must responsibly follow all the recommendations for the restoration of the body, which will be given to him by the attending physician. They depend on the type of operation and other important factors.

General recommendations after surgery include:

  • Limitation of physical activity (do not carry weights, refuse to play sports for a while).
  • Diet (avoid alcohol, fatty and spicy foods. The diet should be balanced).
  • Wound care (do not damage them, treat them with special wound healing agents).
  • Do not visit the pool or bath until the stitches are removed.

The main goal of the stage is to recover as quickly as possible after the surgery. The patient should be attentive to his health and, if alarming signs appear, immediately seek advice from the attending physician. These may include fever, shortness of breath, unusual discharge from the wound, increased pain.

Service record


All specialists
Maria Andreevna

Head of the mammological center


Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Sergey Evgenyevich

Oncologist-mammologist, surgeon

Maya Otarovna

Radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, oncologist-mammologist

Maria Yaroslavovna

Oncologist, radiologist, mammologist

Nadezhda Samvelovna

Radiologist, ultrasound specialist

Lia Eduardovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician

Elena Yurievna

Surgeon, oncologist (mammologist), ultrasound diagnostician, radiologist

Zarina Aslanbekovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor