IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is an unpleasant disease that causes abdominal cramps, bloating, increased gas and various digestive disorders (diarrhea, constipation) that are not related to organic bowel damage, but lasting at least 3 months a year. Total syndrome in the world affects about a fifth of the adult population. IBS is most often complained by people aged 23 to 40 years.
Irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by a variety of manifestations. All of them are associated with the experience of various stressful situations. Therefore, to reduce symptoms, you should take care of proper rest, as well as reducing the effects of stress.
- the need to push with most bowel movements,
- abdominal pain, especially in stressful situations;
- a feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
- defecation occurs much less than three times a week;
- uncontrollable urge to defecate (when you need to immediately go to the toilet);
- loose stools (i.e. the need to visit the toilet more than three times a day);
- periodic mucus discharge during a passing bowel movement;
- flatulence and bloating;
- nausea and belching;
- a sudden sensation of severe discomfort in the abdominal region, passing immediately after emptying the colon.
With IBS, the head sometimes hurts, there are problems with sleep, there are depressive states and even sexual desire is reduced.
To understand whether irritable bowel syndrome is treated, you first need to find out its causes. From the point of view of doctors, the main prerequisite for the development of the disease are the many stressful situations that a person regularly experiences. That is why sedatives for irritable bowel syndrome are very popular.

Also, the following are considered the most common causes of the disease:
- sedentary lifestyle;
- various acute intestinal infections that led to the development of dysbiosis;
- sharp or prolonged violation of the daily regimen;
- dramatic changes in nutrition (when a person switches to an unusual diet of foods for him);
- lack of fiber in the menu;
- a large number of hormonal disorders and gynecological diseases that can cause reflex disturbance of intestinal motility;
- taking antibiotics;
- genetic predisposition.
Also, the symptoms of the disease can worsen if there is a lot of white bread and cereals, caffeine, sweeteners, chocolate, junk food, sugary soda or alcohol in the daily diet. Therefore, it is advisable to know in advance what you can eat with irritable bowel syndrome.
Colitis or irritable bowel syndrome manifests itself in two stages: exacerbation of the disease and remission.
Most often, patients go to the doctor precisely during an exacerbation of the syndrome, when all the features of the body’s work characteristic of the clinical picture are amplified. In most cases, drug treatment depends on pronounced signs and test results. At the first manifestations of IBS, it is very important to start following the diet prescribed by the doctor and, if possible, reduce the number of causes of emotional stress.
If you consult a doctor at the beginning of the remission stage, then you will be able to avoid exacerbation of the disease. However, before treating irritable bowel syndrome with medication, you need to take the necessary blood tests and diagnose in a specialized clinic. During remission, many patients do not feel bouts of pain, forget about the disease and the need for treatment of IBS for a while.