Treatment of stomatitis

Stomatitis is an inflammatory disease of the oral mucosa that occurs against the background of infections, allergies, systemic diseases, injuries and burns. It is characterized by the appearance of ulcers and inflammations in the mouth, causing pain when eating or talking. Rashes on the mucous membrane not only increase unpleasant symptoms, but also increase the risk of developing secondary infections.
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Why does stomatitis appear?

Stomatitis is not considered a contagious disease. The exception is herpetic stomatitis, which is transmitted by airborne droplets and contact.

In most cases, stomatitis occurs due to exposure to external and internal irritants that activate the immune system. Let's look at the main causes of stomatitis.

  • Mechanical damage to the mucous membrane - bites on the inside of the cheek or tongue, injuries from sharp edges of teeth or dentures
  • Chemical or thermal burns caused by eating too hot food, sour drinks, alcohol
  • Nicotine exposure from cigarette smoking
  • Insufficient oral care, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms
  • Allergic reactions to certain foods, medications or hygiene products

Viral and bacterial infections are common causes of stomatitis in children. They enter the oral cavity from unwashed hands or dirty toys. The disease can also be caused by minor injuries, such as biting the cheek or scratching after eating hard foods.

In adults, the development of stomatitis can be triggered by chronic diseases, acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), helminthic infestations, and HIV infection.

Why does stomatitis appear?

How does the disease manifest itself?

Symptoms of stomatitis can vary significantly depending on its form and stage of development. The onset of the disease is often characterized by redness of a certain area of the oral mucosa. Such a spot usually does not protrude above the surface of the mucous membrane, has a round or oval shape, pink or white color. Gradually, swelling forms around the affected area, which is accompanied by pain.

Later, at the site of the original spot, an aphtha (ulcer) is formed - a superficial defect of the mucous membrane, which has a round shape and is covered with a grayish fibrinous coating. Aphthae are usually localized in the following areas:

  • Transition fold
  • Lateral surface of the tongue
  • Mucous membrane of the cheeks and lips

When removing necrotic plaque from the aphthae, bleeding may begin.

In more severe cases, the amount of fibrinous plaque on the surface of the ulcers increases. An infiltrate appears at the base of the ulcer, which consists of cellular elements of blood and lymph. This leads to the following signs of stomatitis:

  • Pain
  • Burning and itching
  • Bad breath
  • Increased saliva production

Eating becomes difficult, and the general condition worsens. The patient may complain of increased body temperature and general weakness.

In the most severe cases, multiple deep ulcers occur on the mucous membrane, which cause significant discomfort. Such ulcers are surrounded by an inflammatory infiltrate and have jagged edges. They often lead to inflammation of the submandibular lymph nodes, their increase in size and pain on palpation.

Classification of stomatitis

According to the type of lesion

The World Health Organization (WHO) divides stomatitis into several main types, each of which has its own characteristics and potential risks. What do different types of stomatitis look like in the mouth:

  • Catarrhal stomatitis is the most common type, in which swelling and redness of the mucous membranes are observed. A yellowish-white coating often occurs, which causes discomfort in the mouth
  • Aphthous stomatitis - characterized by the formation of blisters that burst and turn into grayish ulcers with red edges. This type is considered more painful and causes significant discomfort when eating and talking
  • Ulcerative stomatitis – plaque is present, which may cause bleeding when removed

Advanced forms of ulcerative stomatitis can lead to otitis media, pleurisy, and endocarditis.

Based on causes

In addition to classification by type of lesion, stomatitis is divided into 5 types according to the reasons for its occurrence:

  • Bacterial - often develops against the background of other diseases caused by bacterial infections, for example, sore throat or sinusitis
  • Herpetic - occurs in carriers of the herpes virus when the immune system is weakened
  • Candida – develops as a result of activation of fungi of the genus Candida, usually against the background of decreased immunity
  • Allergic – most often appears after contact with pollen or mold spores. Fillings and prosthetic crowns made from low-quality materials also contribute to the development of the disease
  • Mechanical - occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the mucous membrane

If the disease occurs regularly, it can become chronic. Advanced stomatitis is accompanied by bad breath and increased body temperature. It is painful for the patient to eat, drink and talk, a lot of saliva is produced, and a tingling sensation in the mouth bothers him.

General information about the procedure


At the initial appointment, the doctor carefully examines the patient’s oral cavity, paying attention to the condition of the mucous membrane. He checks what are the first signs of stomatitis, how extensive are the ulcers, and whether there is redness or plaque. The patient's complaints, general health condition and medical history are also taken into account.

If stomatitis is suspected of being infectious, the doctor will issue referrals for laboratory tests. A swab is taken from the oral cavity to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms. It is also necessary to take a blood test to detect antibodies to infectious pathogens, an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) or a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for a more accurate determination of infectious agents.

If the patient has an elevated body temperature, general blood and urine tests are prescribed. These studies help assess the general condition of the body and identify possible internal pathologies.

If there is a suspicion of diseases of the internal organs, the patient is recommended to make an appointment with a therapist, gastroenterologist, or immunologist.

If stomatitis cannot be treated and is recurrent, a comprehensive examination is carried out. It allows you to identify systemic diseases that could provoke the development of stomatitis.

Treatment of the disease

To eliminate the symptoms of stomatitis, it is important to visit a dentist and have the sharp edges of your teeth corrected. At the appointment, the doctor gives recommendations on oral care and diet. The patient needs to exclude from the daily menu foods that injure or irritate the mucous membrane, for example, spicy, sour and rough foods.

Local treatment includes the use of medications. Kamistad gel, which contains lidocaine and chamomile extract, helps reduce pain. Chlorhexidine or furatsilin are used to disinfect the oral cavity.

If stomatitis is caused by a fungal infection, the doctor prescribes drugs based on clotrimazole. They are used in the form of a solution or gel. One of the most effective is the drug "Candide".

If stomatitis occurs against the background of a bacterial or viral infection, the patient is shown Imudon lozenges. To speed up the healing of affected areas and protect the mucous membrane, use rosehip, sea buckthorn, sunflower oil, vitamin A, dental paste with solcoseryl, as well as Aftofix and Gerpenox gels.

Mouth rinsing is one of the main stages of treatment. For this purpose, decoctions based on the following herbs are used:

  • St. John's wort
  • Yarrow
  • Chamomile
  • Calendula
  • Willow bark
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • Plantain

It is recommended to carry out the procedure 3 to 6 times a day. In addition, you can use a soda solution. It reduces inflammation and disinfects the mucous membrane, accelerating healing. It is enough to mix 1 teaspoon of soda in 200 ml of hot water, cool until warm and rinse your mouth 7-8 times a day.

Laser treatment for stomatitis

Laser therapy is a modern and effective method of treating stomatitis. During the procedure, the mucous membrane is exposed to a laser beam, which destroys pathogenic microorganisms and stops inflammatory processes.

Laser treatment is effective for stomatitis of various origins and promotes accelerated tissue regeneration. The procedure is painless and safe, so it can be performed not only on adults, but also on children.


Prevention of stomatitis is to prevent factors that contribute to the development of the disease. Basic prevention methods include:

  1. Rational oral care. Regular brushing and flossing prevent bacteria buildup and plaque formation
  2. Maintain personal hygiene. It is necessary to wash your hands before eating and avoid using other people's hygiene products
  3. Strengthening the immune system. Physical activity, a balanced diet and coping with stress improve immunity

Prevention of stomatitis in children is especially important, since their immune system is not yet fully developed. Parents should ensure that children do not put dirty objects and toys in their mouths or eat unwashed vegetables and fruits. When feeding your baby breast milk, it is important to keep your nipples and breasts clean.


One of the common complications of stomatitis is the further spread of infection, especially if the disease arose under the influence of bacterial or viral agents. Ulcers can affect other areas of the mouth, lips and facial skin, which can lead to serious complications. Among them:

  • Spread of infection to adjacent tissue
  • Formation of deep ulcers
  • Secondary infection of ulcers
  • Spread of infection to other organs and systems, for example, the gastrointestinal tract
  • Deterioration in general health
  • Complications when swallowing food

The likelihood of developing more serious infectious diseases - pharyngitis or tonsillitis - also increases.

Among other potential complications of stomatitis, it is worth highlighting:

  • Formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane, requiring antibacterial therapy
  • The development of periodontitis is a disease in which the tissues surrounding the teeth become inflamed. Without treatment, teeth begin to loosen and fall out.
  • Impaired diet due to pain when eating. This provokes a general weakening of the body and nutritional deficiency
  • Bleeding and inflammation of the gums, aggravating oral health

For consultation and diagnostics, contact the K+31 clinic. Experienced doctors will conduct a consultation and prescribe laboratory tests.

Duration of treatment

In case of timely consultation with a doctor and correctly selected medications, the duration of treatment for acute stomatitis varies between 3-10 days. Sometimes the course lasts up to 2 weeks. In the presence of immunodeficiency, the duration of treatment may increase significantly.

Frequent relapses are considered a feature of stomatitis. Repeated rashes may occur 7-10 days after treatment or every 3-4 months. The frequency and severity of relapses depend on the state of the patient's immune system and his ability to resist infection.

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