Dental treatment under anesthesia in children

Dental treatment under anesthesia in children at the K+31 dental clinics in Moscow. No fears, pain and tears! Psychologically comfortable and gentle treatment of primary and permanent teeth in children and adolescents during sleep.
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Children undergoing dental treatment under general anesthesia (in a state of medicated sleep) receive specialized care from a doctor who has undergone professional training in the field of sedation dentistry. In addition, your child’s condition during the procedures is monitored by an anesthesiologist-resuscitator, who is assisted by a nurse with specialized education who provides assistance if necessary.

In our clinic, we ensure absolute safety for young patients during dental treatment for children under anesthesia. Our doctors strictly follow all treatment protocols, work with modern equipment, use safe medications, use proven methods and high-quality consumables. They have extensive experience working with children and patients under general anesthesia and treat any dental and oral disease. We guarantee that we can solve practically any problem as quickly as possible, in a comfortable environment.

To find out prices for dental treatment or make an appointment, call us or leave your number on the website so that we can contact you ourselves. You can be sure that your data is protected in accordance with the privacy policy.

Pediatric dentistry under anesthesia

Advantages of dental treatment in children under anesthesia

  • The child sleeps during the operation, does not cry or be afraid, and does not experience any negative emotions during dental treatment
  • The pediatric dentist, during treatment under anesthesia, is not in a hurry, is not distracted by the child’s restless behavior, but carefully carries out all manipulations, which is especially important, for example, when installing fixed dentures, when treating deep caries with pulpitis and periodontitis, etc. .
  • Significant and extensive dental treatment can be performed in one visit to the dentist. During one visit, you can perform several procedures at once and solve a large number of problems
  • Anesthesia with sevoran is ideal for children with negative experience of previous treatment who are not ready to contact the attending physician
  • Dental treatment can be done in a dream for patients with severe pathologies of the nervous system, for example, cerebral palsy, epilepsy
Dental treatment in children under general anesthesia is recommended:
Children under 3 years of age who cannot sit still, motionless and cooperate with the dentist. The inability of children to remain still can seriously complicate and affect the quality of dental treatment
In situations where a large volume of treatment is planned (more than two teeth), several procedures at once, complex manipulations (removal of temporary or permanent teeth, supernumerary teeth, etc.), which will take a lot of time (endodontic dental treatment) and require precision (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 946n dated December 3, 2009: “Sanitation of children under 3 years of age with multiple caries complications is carried out under general anesthesia in a specialized dental department (office) of a children’s dental clinic...”)
If your child has an insurmountable fear of the dentist (dental phobia), a very pronounced gag reflex, or is allergic to local anesthetics that are used for dental treatment under general anesthesia in children
Children with certain neurological pathologies and developmental disabilities, when it is impossible to establish contact between the doctor and the young patient. And also for children with bronchial asthma, developmental defects, etc.
Before deciding to perform dental treatment in children under general anesthesia, doctors consider different options, discuss them with parents, conduct examinations and consult with specialists in other fields.

Types of anesthesia

In the process of dental therapy under anesthesia in children, several methods are used for analgesia (pain relief). Traditionally, deep and oxygen sedation are used, as well as local and general anesthesia.

The drug Sevoflurane is usually used in the process. It is used when general anesthesia is required (during treatment during sleep). This effective inhalation anesthetic is characterized by a high level of safety. Propofol is used for intravenous anesthesia - this drug provides deep sedation.

The choice of anesthesia method is carried out taking into account the patient's age, medical indications and the scope of upcoming dental procedures.

The methods of administering the drug before dental therapy under anesthesia for children in Moscow are as follows:

  • Application anesthesia For the purpose of local blockade ("freezing") of nerve endings, an anesthetic is applied to the gums
  • Injection anesthesia The anesthetic is administered through a cartridge syringe with a very thin needle
  • Children's mask Used to inhale anesthetic gas or nitrogen mixture

General information

Contraindications for dental treatment in children under general anesthesia

  • Rare syndromes
  • Hereditary diseases
  • Chronic diseases in the acute phase
  • Acute infectious diseases
  • Serious diseases of the immune system
  • Vaccination carried out shortly before dental treatment under anesthesia
  • Allergic reactions to anesthetic drugs

Preparation for dental treatment under anesthesia in children

Before anesthesia, you will need to undergo an examination by a pediatrician, take a general blood test and do an ECG. If you have any diseases, you need to be examined by a specialized specialist.

General anesthesia during dental treatment is performed only on an empty stomach. You can feed the child 6 hours before the start of the procedure, water 4 hours before.

It is important to ensure that the baby cannot eat or drink something without the parents noticing.

Any changes in your child's health, especially cold symptoms, are extremely important information for the anesthesiologist, and parents should definitely inform the doctor about this.

It is important to discuss all possible conditions after anesthesia with your doctor after dental treatment. If symptoms do not go away soon or become too pronounced, consult a doctor.

How is dental treatment performed in children under anesthesia?

The little patient communicates with the attending physician and undergoes adaptation either before or on the day of the operation during this period - acquaintance with dental instruments and equipment in a playful way. Carefully, during the game, a mask for inhalation anesthesia is put on the child.

The child inhales a special drug through a mask, the mother is nearby and helps our team, so the child falls asleep within a few seconds. We glue sensors to the fingers, to the chest, mount the cuff - we carry out all the necessary preparation.

This work of anesthesiologists before the start of dental treatment of teeth under anesthesia in children takes from 7 to 15 minutes.

At the same time, the clinic's team of experienced doctors constantly monitors your child's vital signs, including breathing, heart rate, temperature and blood pressure.

As soon as the patient falls asleep, dental treatment begins. The time for the entire set of measures is related to the volume of work; the greater the number of problems, the longer the anesthesia; for example, the complex removal of baby teeth takes a little longer than the treatment of dental caries. When it is completed and the anesthesia wears off, the child will need 10 minutes to an hour to wake up. At this point, all the sensors that monitor the condition have already been removed, and the child wakes up after anesthesia in much the same way as it does after a “quiet hour.” After dental treatment under anesthesia, the little patient is under observation for some time, and during this time our dentist can give parents advice on the rules of behavior after anesthesia, to minimize the associated risks, rules of dental care and the prevention of dental diseases and indications for an early visit specialist

Stages of dental treatment under anesthesia

The use of anesthetics has a temporary effect on the central nervous system (CNS). Therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to clarify the presence of medical contraindications. To do this, the doctor collects an anamnesis, and then refers the patient with sore teeth for hardware diagnostics. After this, therapy begins.

The stages of dental treatment of children's teeth under anesthesia look like this:

  • Introduction of the selected drug
  • Therapy. The dentist treats the teeth, and the resuscitator monitors the vital functions of the sleeping patient
  • Recovery from anesthesia. The child wakes up, his condition stabilizes within an hour

The clinic's specialists recommend the use of general anesthesia only if there are serious indications. These include the baby's fear of dental procedures. In other cases, it is sufficient to use inhalation sedation with local anesthesia.

Behavior after anesthesia

The little patient wakes up 15–20 minutes after anesthesia. As a rule, he feels comfortable, like after a nap. You can give the drink 30 minutes after anesthesia. You should start eating liquid food 2 hours after anesthesia.

If procedures such as tooth extraction were performed during dental treatment, then local anesthesia is used to avoid pain after anesthesia and gas supply being stopped. Because of this, the child may experience temporary numbness of the soft tissues. You can learn about all these points during a consultation with a doctor before starting dental treatment of children’s teeth under anesthesia.

Is dental treatment in children under general anesthesia safe?

Dental treatment under general anesthesia is safer than the stress that children often experience during the appointment. All medications that we use for treatment under anesthesia have passed the necessary tests and are approved for use in pediatric dentistry.

Dental treatment is carried out under the careful supervision of doctors in order to reduce possible consequences to zero. Your child’s body temperature, cardiovascular system (ECG), blood pressure, respiratory function, and tissue oxygen saturation are monitored. We monitor the concentration of the anesthetic drug and conduct gas monitoring during dental treatment under anesthesia in children.

General anesthesia is always prescribed only if it is the most suitable option. The decision to recommend dental treatment for a child under anesthesia is made only after the conclusion of a pediatrician and an anesthesiologist.

Dental treatment for children during sleep has been practiced all over the world for many years, including dental treatment for children from birth. In our clinic, dental treatment for children under anesthesia is a procedure that we perform daily, all its stages have already been adjusted and worked out.

A rare complication that can occur during treatment under anesthesia is malignant hyperthermia (malignant hyperpyrexia) - a sharp increase in temperature above 39°C, which is life-threatening. This complication cannot be predicted, but it occurs in children with a frequency of one case per 3,000–15,000 anesthesias. Has a genetic predisposition. Our clinic has means to relieve this condition. Its prevention is also facilitated by examinations that the child undergoes before dental treatment under general anesthesia.

Other stress-free methods of dental treatment for children

Dental treatment in children can be performed under sedation using nitrous oxide. The child remains conscious, responds to the dentist’s calls to him, but is relaxed and with reduced pain sensitivity. The dentists at our clinic prefer to use local anesthesia or anesthesia with sedation during dental treatment to ensure that the little patient remains conscious. But in some cases it is impossible to do without general anesthesia.

Dental treatment for children under anesthesia at the K+31 clinic

  • Our clinic has the latest dental equipment for the treatment of baby teeth, anesthesia machines, modern monitoring systems for the condition of small patients
  • Our doctors use only high-quality, proven drugs for treatment under anesthesia, which have passed all tests and have quality certificates
  • During dental treatment, we use disposable consumables, only an individual set for each patient
  • We carefully monitor all vital body functions and changes in the child’s condition during dental treatment under general anesthesia using advanced anesthesia monitoring equipment
  • The doctors of our clinic conduct a thorough examination of small patients before dental treatment under general anesthesia, which allows us to predict all possible complications. And we are ready to cope with any difficulties if they suddenly arise during the procedure
  • We have an experienced and highly qualified team of pediatric dentists, anesthesiologists, and resuscitators
  • Dental treatment takes place in a cozy office by kind and attentive dentists who know how to communicate with children, calm them down and gain their trust
Dental treatment for children under anesthesia at the K+31 clinic

Our pediatric dentistry clinic provides treatment of teeth and gums for children of any age. Dental treatment for children without pain includes sedation with nitrous oxide, dental treatment during sleep using the drug Sevoran, and dental treatment under anesthesia. The drug sevoran acts quickly, does not irritate the respiratory tract, does not excite the central nervous system, does not cause allergies and is quickly eliminated from the body. To find out more about dental treatment under anesthesia for children and adults, call us by phone or leave a request for a call back call on the site.

Our other pediatric dentistry services: diagnostics of permanent and baby teeth, treatment of baby teeth, treatment of permanent teeth, treatment of gums in children, treatment of pulpitis of baby teeth, treatment of caries, treatment of multiple caries, restoration with crowns, treatment of stomatitis, surgery, teeth cleaning , restoration of baby teeth, bite correction, braces, implants, etc.

Answers to popular questions

Doctors at the K+31 center have analyzed the most common questions parents have about treating children's teeth during sleep. Here are their answers.

What types of anesthetic drugs are used?

The following types of anesthetic drugs are used in dentistry: Sevoflurane (inhalation anesthetic) and Propofol (intravenous anesthetic). Nitrous oxide is used for mild sedation.

At what age can a child be treated under general anesthesia?

Procedures under general anesthesia are performed from the age of three.

What diagnostics are necessary before treatment?

Before applying anesthesia, it is necessary to take a complete blood count and biochemical blood test, as well as perform an electrocardiogram (ECG).

How quickly will the child wake up from general anesthesia?

The time to wake up from general anesthesia depends on the duration of the procedure and the drug used. Usually, this happens within 20-60 minutes.

Are there any possible complications during treatment under anesthesia?

Possible complications include allergic reactions to drugs and short-term cognitive impairment.

How to prepare a child for the procedure?

The child should not eat 6 hours before the procedure and should not drink liquids 3 hours before it. To reduce the child's anxiety, it is recommended to discuss the upcoming procedure with them in advance.

What are the alternatives to treatment under general anesthesia?

The main alternative is local anesthesia using anesthetic gels and injections. Inhalation sedation with nitrous oxide is also possible.

What are the recommendations after the surgery?

After the surgery, it is recommended to limit physical activity for 24 hours and ensure the child gets enough fluids.

What precautions should be taken after the procedure?

After dental surgery under general anesthesia, the following precautions should be taken:

  • Avoid hot food and drinks for the first few hours
  • Avoid vigorous physical exercise and play on the first day after the procedure
  • Maintain oral hygiene (avoid intense tooth brushing in the treated area for the first few days)

It is also necessary to regularly take anti-inflammatory and analgesic medications prescribed by the doctor.

How to monitor a child's condition after anesthesia?

During the first few hours after the procedure, it is necessary to monitor the child's breathing, skin color, and behavior. The following signs are considered dangerous:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Paleness or bluish skin color
  • Unusual behavior
  • Excessive sleepiness

If these symptoms appear, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

What to do if the child feels pain after the procedure?

If the child experiences tooth pain after a dental procedure, give them an analgesic recommended by the doctor.

Can children with a dry cough undergo anesthesia?

The answer from a K+31 clinic doctor: “If a child has episodes of dry cough but no other symptoms (fever, runny nose, inflamed mucous membranes, or a red throat), anesthesia can be performed without delay. However, before making a final decision, the doctor will conduct a complete examination of the child. This helps to exclude the risk of possible complications associated with anesthesia in the context of a dry cough. Special attention is paid to auscultation of the lungs (listening).”

The K+31 clinics network has qualified pediatric dentists who easily find an approach to young patients. If necessary, we are ready to treat your child's teeth under general anesthesia. To make an appointment, fill out the application form. Check the prices for pediatric dental treatment under anesthesia on the website and by phone.

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Shcherbakova Valentina Frantsevna
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Valentina Frantsevna
Head of the Department of Dentistry, dentist
Elfimova Natalya Vladimirovna
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Natalya Vladimirovna
Head of the dental department, dentist-surgeon, implantologist
Cherkasov Alexei Andreevich
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Alexei Andreevich
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Bogdashin Sergey Vladislavovich
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Yanislav Alexandrovich
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Samoilova Nana Nugzarovna
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Nana Nugzarovna
Dentist-therapist, microscope
Ivashkevich Sergei Georgievich
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Sergei Georgievich
Dentist-surgeon, implantologist
Podshekoldina Elena Nikolaevna
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Elena Nikolaevna
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Matevosyan David Aramovich
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David Aramovich
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Samartseva Natalya Victorovna
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Natalya Victorovna
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Eloev Arthur Tamerlanovich
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Arthur Tamerlanovich
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Vladislav Olegovych
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Pivovarova Natalya Sergeevna
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Natalya Sergeevna
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Bagaev Omar Makhachevich
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Omar Makhachevich
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Zakharyan Georgy Karenovich
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Georgy Karenovich
Kuznetsova Larisa Nikolaevna
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Larisa Nikolaevna
Sukhareva Darima Tsyrenovna
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Darima Tsyrenovna
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Grigoryeva Regina Bogdanovna
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Regina Bogdanovna
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Melkumyan Ivan Mikhailovich
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Ivan Mikhailovich
Golubev Vitaly Viktorovich
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Vitaly Viktorovich
Pavliy Yulia Vitalievna
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Yulia Vitalievna
Najaryan Liana Artyomovna
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Liana Artyomovna
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Sharifov Eldar Rasimovich
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Eldar Rasimovich
Sanikidze Nino Nugzarovna
Experience 13 years
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Nino Nugzarovna
Dentist Orthodontist
Ibragimova Olesya Kayinbekovna
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Olesya Kayinbekovna
Dentist-therapist, microscopist
Sahakyan Arpine Argishtovna
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Arpine Argishtovna
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Geraskina Inna Igorevna
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Inna Igorevna
Nikolaeva Irina Yuryevna
Experience 30 years
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Irina Yuryevna
Dentist surgeon, periodontist
Avdeeva (Sokolova) Anastasia Eduardovna
Experience 11 years
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Avdeeva (Sokolova)
Anastasia Eduardovna
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Shapran Sergey Olegovich
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Sergey Olegovich
Lebedeva Natalia Mikhailovna
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Natalia Mikhailovna
Ozerova Elena Valerievna
Experience 23 years
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Elena Valerievna
Taisia Mikhailovna
Dentist-therapist, pediatric dentist
Ponomarchuk Anastasia Sergeevna
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Anastasia Sergeevna
Dentist-surgeon, periodontist
Shomakhov Alibek Mukhamedovich
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Alibek Mukhamedovich
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Reviews 10

I had 2 wisdom teeth removed, absolutely no pain, carefully, no recovery, didn't even take painkillers. Excellent doctor!
Alina Igorevna P.
I had 4 wisdom teeth removed by Artur Tamerlanovich, everything went great! A very competent and calm doctor, he carefully carries out all manipulations and explains the entire course of the operation. Recovery was easy and painless) An excellent doctor, I recommend!
Natalia P.
Wonderful doctor! I treated many teeth with complex caries with Darima Tsyrenovna, the quality of work is excellent, and the appointments themselves are super. The doctor explains all the manipulations and advises how best to do them. And also a very pleasant person to talk to with a sense of humor) I recommend!
Natalia P.
This is the best dentist. He removed a very complicated tooth for me without sedation, so I didn't feel anything. I also want to note the work of the assistant girls and the dental department as a whole, it's a pleasure to be with you.
Alisa Alexandrovna O.
I can't stand advertising - both listening to it and making it. And Sergey Georgievich doesn't need it. I'm more concerned about people who want to get rid of the rot in their mouth, the unpleasant odor, the gastritis caused by the same rot: if you need an adequate, professional surgeon who patiently explains the situation, offering possible alternatives, then drop all pseudo-important and important matters right now and run, run to S.G. immediately!! And finally, between you and me: if you've noticed even a hint of masochism in yourself, S.G. will disappoint you. Sincerely yours - Raf, who visited S.G.'s office with great pleasure only yesterday and left it with even greater pleasure.
Mezhlumyan Rafik Sumbatovich
I had my canals with inflammation treated under a microscope by this doctor. A complicated upper sixth. Everything went great! After 6 months, I can say that finally the tooth doesn't bother me. The doctor has a very light hand. Now I will only be treated by him.
Susekova Olga
I would like to express my deep gratitude to Alexey Andreevich and his assistant, unfortunately I forgot to clarify her name) They are simply masters of their craft, I have never had such pleasant visits to the dentist, absolute professionals in their field, they removed two wisdom teeth at once, I did not even notice how the process went. The doctor explained everything, answered all questions and gave recommendations, and the whole process took place during a pleasant conversation. I recommend everyone to contact only him!
Kuleshov Kirill Dmitrievich
Valentina Frantsevna is the only doctor I have trusted with my teeth for several years now. An excellent specialist, a professional in her field, always an ideal result. I am very glad that I found my doctor! I recommend
Semenova Elena Alexandrovna
Thank you very much to Dr. Omar for the parental happiness that the doctor gave us!... Where and to whom we took Maxim... We had hysterics, both our Maxim and we were under enormous stress. In other clinics, doctors sang songs to him, danced and showed him all kinds of cartoons, everything was useless. They only told us to do general anesthesia..... And now we get to Dr. Omar.... MAGIC!!!.... Maksimka leaves the doctor with her teeth cured and makes an appointment to meet again as soon as possible!.... So we cured all our teeth with a smile and great gratitude. Every week he asks to meet with the doctor, just to see if new holes have appeared there..... DOCTOR FROM GOD!!!.... I wish there were more such doctors, not only for children, but also for adults. With great respect and love, your regular clients clinics (Zaitsev sisters, Tatiana and Elena)
Zaitseva Tatyana
An excellent doctor. The easiest way to remove an eight. fast and low-traumatic operation. Easy and painless recovery. All this thanks to the golden hands of the doctor.
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К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.

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