Treatment of sore throat in children

Sore throat in children (acute tonsillitis) is an infectious-allergic pathology. This contagious disease is characterized inflammation of the tonsils. In the absence of timely treatment against the background of tonsillitis, they appear as early, and long-term complications.

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Causes of sore throat in children

In 80% of cases, the main cause of childhood sore throat is a bacterial infection (or virus). The causative agent of the disease in children of primary school age is often β-hemolytic streptococcus of group A. In 10% of cases, the cause of the development of pathology is Staphylococcus aureus. Mixed infection, pneumococcus and Haemophilus influenzae can also cause tonsillitis.

Predisposing factors for the development of angina are vitamin deficiency and changes in regional and general immunity during hypothermia. Traumatic tonsillitis develops against the background of surgical intervention in the nasopharynx and posterior parts of the nasal cavity. The endogenous form of the disease often progresses with caries and sinusitis.

Treatment of infectious (and any other) sore throat in children is prescribed by identifying symptoms.

Causes of sore throat in children
Patient Information

Symptoms of sore throat in children often appear suddenly. The main manifestations of the disease include:

  • Sore throat. The child complains of sharp, sharp pain that makes swallowing difficult
  • Changes in the appearance of the tonsils. They become bright red, sometimes you can notice a characteristic coating or plugs of pus on them
  • Elevated temperature. This is one of the most striking signs of sore throat in children. Often body temperature rises to 38-40 degrees
  • General weakness and malaise. The child gets tired, becomes apathetic and irritable
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes under the jaw and around the neck. With a sore throat, they become painful to the touch

The symptoms of a sore throat in a teenager and an adult are the same as in a child who is 1-2 years old. However, childhood tonsillitis is more severe. The temperature in young patients rises to critical levels, and their intoxication is more pronounced. There is also a risk of transition from one form of sore throat to another.

A pediatrician or otolaryngologist is involved in clarifying the symptoms and prescribing treatment for sore throat in children. The first stage of diagnosis is collecting anamnesis. The doctor asks the child questions about the symptoms that are bothering him and their duration. This helps him get an initial idea of ​​the patient's condition.

The doctor then examines the child's throat using a pharyngoscope or laryngoscope. During the process, the specialist clarifies the presence of redness, swelling, plaque and plugs. Then the doctor feels the cervical lymph nodes.

After this, the specialist refers the child for additional examination. It includes:

  • General blood test. This is an effective and quick way to determine the presence of an inflammatory process in the body
  • Bacteriological culture from tonsils. A tonsil scraping can reveal the presence of a bacterial infection (in particular, streptococcus)
  • Rapid test for group A streptococcus antigen

Additionally, before starting treatment for angina in children, instrumental studies are prescribed. For example, in order to assess the condition of the lymph nodes and surrounding tissues of the throat, the doctor refers the patient to undergo an ultrasound scan. If infection is suspected of spreading to the lower respiratory tract, a chest x-ray is performed. Upon completion of the diagnostic process, the doctor discusses the baby’s condition with the parents and draws up a treatment plan.

Treatment of mild and moderate viral tonsillitis in a child is carried out on an outpatient basis. In case of severe tonsillitis, the patient is placed in the infectious diseases department of the hospital.

Treatment of infectious sore throat in children involves the use of drugs to which the pathogen is sensitive. In particular, the following will be treated:

  • Carbapenems
  • Cephalosporins
  • Macrolides
  • Penicillins

Also, treatment of childhood sore throat involves the use of immunomodulators, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and antihistamines. In case of a viral form of the pathology, the doctor prescribes interferon to irrigate the throat. Additionally, the child should take antiviral drugs.

Treatment of purulent sore throat in a teenager involves gargling with herbal decoctions (sage, chamomile and calendula help well). To reduce the temperature, antipyretics (for example, paracetamol) are prescribed.

Treatment of sore throat in children is quick and effective if the patient observes bed rest. It is very important to isolate the patient from other family members and provide him with gentle nutrition and plenty of fluids.


The main goal of prevention is to strengthen the child’s immunity and minimize his contact with infectious agents. The following recommendations will help prevent the disease:

  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Strengthening the immune system is facilitated by a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as regular exercise and adequate sleep
  • Maintain hygiene. Regular hand washing and use of antiseptics (especially after visiting public places and contact with sick people) helps prevent transmission of infection
  • Caution. It is necessary to teach your child to avoid close contact with people who have symptoms of colds. This is especially true during periods of epidemics
  • Prophylactic use of immunostimulating drugs. Medicines to enhance immunity should be taken (only after consulting a doctor) in the autumn-winter period

In addition, it is important to regularly ventilate the room and maintain optimal humidity in all rooms. This helps reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria in the air.


If tonsillitis is not treated, it can lead to serious complications. One of the most serious consequences of this pathology is peritonsillar abscess.

This complication manifests itself in the form of an accumulation of pus around the tonsils. Its symptoms include:

  • One-sided sore throat. It has a “tearing” character and intensifies when swallowing
  • Increased salivation. This manifestation is often accompanied by a strong odor from the mouth
  • Intoxication syndrome. The patient is freezing and complains of weakness and malaise

Treatment involves taking cephalosporins of the II-III generation, aminopenicillins and lincosamides. If there is a formed abscess, the abscess is opened. The doctor then drains the cavity under regional anesthesia.

As a result of the body's autoimmune reaction to an infection caused by streptococcus, another complication develops - acute rheumatic febrile polyarthritis. The disease is characterized by:

  • High (up to 40 degrees) temperature
  • Pain and swelling of the joints
  • Presence of skin rashes
  • Heart pain and heart rate disturbances

Treatment in this case involves long-term use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications. Sometimes, after a streptococcal infection, acute glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) develops. Symptoms of this complication include:

  • Swelling on the face and legs
  • High blood pressure
  • Passing cloudy or bloody urine
  • Decreased urine output

Treatment involves the use of medications to maintain kidney function and a diet limited in protein and salt. It is also necessary to control blood pressure.

Forms of sore throat

There are several forms of the disease. Most often, catarrhal tonsillitis is detected in children. Less common are follicular, lacunar and gangrenous forms of tonsillitis.

Catarrhal sore throat

This is the mildest form of sore throat, which most often occurs in children. It is characterized by the absence of pus. At the same time, against the background of loose and desquamated epithelium, a thin serous film of a whitish hue appears.

Main symptoms of catarrhal tonsillitis:

  • Redness and slight swelling of the tonsils
  • Mild pain (occurs the day after the redness appears) when swallowing
  • General malaise and weakness

In the absence of complications, catarrhal tonsillitis usually lasts from 3 to 5 days. After this, the child gradually recovers.

Follicular tonsillitis

This is a more serious form of sore throat. It is characterized by the presence of purulent pinpoint follicles visible through the epithelial cover of the tonsils. Their size is 2-3 mm. With the development of this form, the pain in the throat often becomes intense.

When swallowing, it intensifies. Additional manifestations of pathology include high temperature (up to 38 degrees), as well as enlarged and painful cervical lymph nodes.

Lacunar tonsillitis

This form is characterized by the appearance of a linear purulent plaque of a yellowish color. It is formed in the lacunae between the lobes of the tonsils.

The main manifestation of the pathology is severe pain in the throat and when swallowing. It is accompanied by high fever and chills. The cervical lymph nodes become greatly enlarged and become painful to the touch.

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Ilya Sergeyevich
Head of the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngologist
Zalina Muratovna
Head of the department of otorhinolaryngology, otorhinolaryngologist
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Otolaryngologist, audiologist
Andrew Stanislavovich
Chief Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology
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Galina Rustemovna
Otorhinolaryngologist, otoneurologist, audiologist
Liliya Sergeevna
Otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist
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