Hearing test

The ability to hear and perceive sounds not only enriches our experience of communicating with the world, but also affects the quality of life. Over time or due to certain diseases, hearing may deteriorate. However, modern medicine offers effective diagnostic and treatment methods that help improve the perception of the world and restore the joy of communication.
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Indications for hearing testing

A hearing test for adults is often prescribed in the context of ear diseases. The following symptoms indicate a deterioration in hearing function:

  • Problems with understanding speech. With a decrease in hearing acuity, it becomes difficult for a person to distinguish words, especially in a noisy environment.
  • A feeling of congestion in the ears. This sensation is often associated with the progression of the inflammatory process and the accumulation of earwax.

Hearing tests are especially important for older people. This is due to the fact that with age, a natural decrease in hearing is observed.

Indications for hearing testing

What diseases cause hearing loss?

You need to see a doctor for otitis media (inflammation of the middle ear). It can be acute or chronic. Reduced hearing (temporary or permanent) is associated with the accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum.

Noise trauma can also cause problems. Prolonged exposure to loud sounds, such as in the workplace or when listening to loud music, causes irreversible damage to the hair cells in the inner ear.

Other indications for hearing testing include:

  • Meniere's disease This is a chronic disease of the inner ear. It is accompanied by attacks of dizziness, tinnitus and progressive hearing loss. The causes of the pathology include abnormal accumulation of fluid in the labyrinth of the ear
  • Otomycosis This is an infection caused by yeast or mold fungi. The disease is characterized by damage to the external ear canal. Sometimes the pathological process spreads to the skin of the auricle and the eardrum
  • Osteosclerosis The disease is characterized by abnormal growth of bone tissue in the middle ear. This leads to impaired mobility of the bones and hearing loss
  • Acoustic neuroma A tumor of the eighth cranial nerve arises from Schwann cells. The neoplasm often causes unilateral deterioration in hearing
  • Presbycusis It is a progressive deterioration in hearing, which worsens with age. The main symptom of the pathology is a gradual deterioration of hearing. At the same time, speech perception worsens
  • Autoimmune disease of the inner ear (AID) In this disease, antibodies or immune cells attack the inner ear. This leads to a progressive loss of sound perception and often to dizziness. In most cases, there is a significant deterioration in hearing, and then complete deafness
Methods of Hearing Testing


Diagnostics allows you to get accurate information about the state of the auditory system. Based on the results of the test, the audiologist determines the level of hearing, identifies possible problems and prescribes appropriate treatment.

During the hearing test, the audiologist conducts a study using electronic-acoustic devices. This way, the type of loss of sound perception is identified. It can be conductive, sensorineural and mixed.

Before the examination, the patient puts on headphones and listens to sounds of different frequencies and volumes. In this case, he signals when he hears a sound.

Based on the data obtained, an audiogram is compiled - a graph showing which sounds the patient hears well and which ones poorly.

The main advantage of this method is its simplicity. It does not cause discomfort to the patient and allows you to accurately determine the degree of loss of sound perception.


This method allows you to determine the mobility of the eardrum and ossicles, as well as detect the presence of fluid in the middle ear.

When checking your hearing, an ENT specialist analyzes the acoustic conductivity of the ear. This is done by measuring the air pressure in different parts of this organ. A probe is inserted into the patient's ear, which changes the pressure in the passage and measures the resistance to sound waves. In this way, diseases such as otitis and otosclerosis are often detected.


This diagnostic method is used to assess the condition of the middle ear and eardrum. It is usually prescribed if otitis media or other problems with the eardrum are suspected, resulting in poor noise perception.

In the clinic, hearing testing is carried out as follows. A probe is inserted into the ear canal, which changes the pressure and creates sound waves. The device then records how the eardrum reacts to these changes.

The tympanogram graph shows the mobility of the eardrum. In addition, pathological changes are detected in the process: the presence of fluid, perforation or scars.

Auditory Evoked Potentials

This is a modern diagnostic method that allows you to evaluate the brain's response to sound stimuli. It helps to identify ear problems at the CNS level. Auditory evoked potentials help not only to identify disorders, but also to determine their cause.

Electrodes are placed on the patient's head to record brain activity. Sound signals of different frequencies and volumes are transmitted through headphones.

The electrodes record changes in brain activity in response to sound stimuli. After analyzing the data, a graph of evoked auditory potentials is created.

This method does not require active patient participation. Therefore, it is used to examine newborns, small children, and people with special needs.

Tuning fork hearing test

This is a simple and effective method of primary hearing diagnostics, which is used to evaluate the conductivity of sounds through bones and air. It allows you to quickly assess the patient's condition and refer him for more detailed examinations.

The audiologist uses a tuning fork - a metal instrument that produces a clear tone when struck. This device is applied to various points of the head (usually to the bones of the skull) near the ears.

The patient reports whether he hears sound and how well. The doctor compares the perception of sound through bones and air, and this allows him to determine the type and degree of hearing loss.

This is a fairly simple method that does not require special equipment. Therefore, such a study is carried out both in private centers and in state medical institutions.

How is hearing tested at the K-31 clinic?

The first stage of examination at the K+31 clinic (Moscow) is a consultation with an otolaryngologist. During the process, the specialist collects anamnesis and clarifies complaints.

After the initial examination, the doctor refers the patient for hardware examination. After all examinations are completed, the doctor conducts a final consultation. In this case, he discusses the results of the examinations with the patient and offers treatment options. If necessary, the otolaryngologist refers the client for further examination to narrow specialists.

Ear examination at the K-31 clinic is carried out using modern equipment. This allows us to guarantee the accuracy of diagnosis and high quality of medical care. To sign up for a hearing test in Moscow, fill out the application form. You can discuss any questions with the center manager by phone.

How is hearing tested at the K-31 clinic?

Answers on questions

How often should your hearing be checked?

People at risk are advised to have their ears checked regularly. This is relevant:

  • For babies and teenagers. Periodic testing should be done during regular visits to the pediatrician
  • For adults. In the absence of characteristic symptoms, the examination should be done every 3-5 years. In the presence of risk factors, the hearing should be tested once a year
  • For older people. Hearing tests should be done annually

Regular examinations allow you to detect problems at an early stage and take timely measures.

How to prepare for a hearing test?

The day before the examination, if possible, avoid loud sounds and noisy places. Make sure your ears are clean, but do not use cotton swabs to avoid damaging the ear canal. Write down all the symptoms that bother you, indicate the medications you are taking.

Is it possible to improve your hearing if problems are detected?

There are several ways to improve hearing when disorders are detected. Inflammatory ear diseases are treated with medication (antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed).

In case of otosclerosis or damage to the eardrum, surgery is performed. If necessary, a person is prescribed modern hearing aids. They help improve the perception of sounds and speech.

The audiologist also selects a rehabilitation program. Special exercises help improve hearing skills and adapt to life with loss of perception.

What ear testing methods are suitable for babies?

Preschoolers and adolescents are prescribed gentle examination methods. These include:

  • Otoacoustic emission (OAE). A quick and painless method. In this way, disorders can be identified in a newborn child
  • Control of the reaction to sound. During the process, the doctor observes the child's reaction to sound stimuli
  • Play audiometry. This method of testing children's hearing is adapted to their perception and age characteristics. During the process, children are asked to perform simple actions, for example, to move objects or show the necessary pictures. This allows you to get information about the child's hearing in a playful environment

Children who already speak well are assigned speech tests for the perception of phrases or individual words and for repeating what they heard. Such studies allow you to assess the child's ability to understand and distinguish words.

Our doctors
Ilya Sergeyevich
Head of the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngologist
Zalina Muratovna
Head of the department of otorhinolaryngology, otorhinolaryngologist
Anastasia Andreevna
Otolaryngologist, audiologist
Andrew Stanislavovich
Chief Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology
Maria Pavlovna
Galina Rustemovna
Otorhinolaryngologist, otoneurologist, audiologist
Liliya Sergeevna
Otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist
All specialists
2GIS Award

2GIS Award

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.

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«Good place» according to Yandex

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Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.

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Почему К+31?
К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.
Our clinics
K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

Prospect Vernadsky Station
By a car
Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
Parking pass
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 Petrovskie Vorota

1st Kolobovsky pereulok, 4


Tsvetnoy Bulvar
By a car
Moving along Petrovsky Boulevard, turn onto st. Petrovka, right after - on the 1st Kolobovsky per. Municipal parking
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


By a car
Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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