Conchoplasty (Conchotomy)

Respiratory dysfunction causes discomfort and impairs quality of life. Helps solve this problem modern method of correction of nasal turbinates (conchotomy).

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What is conchoplasty (conchotomy)?

The inferior turbinates (bone structures in the nose covered with mucous membrane) moisten and purify the inhaled air. As they increase, it becomes more difficult to breathe through the nose.

Conchoplasty (conchotomy) comes to the rescue in this case. This is a surgical procedure aimed at partial or complete correction of conchae. The purpose of conchotomy is to reduce the size of enlarged shells (bones) and restore normal breathing through the nose.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. During the operation, the doctor uses a laser or radio waves. Sometimes surgical removal of part of the tissue is used.

What is conchoplasty (conchotomy)?

Types of conchotomy

There are several types of conchotomy. Here are the main ones:

  • Traditional conchotomy. In this case, surgery is performed using a scalpel. To improve air flow, the doctor removes part of the bone or cartilage. This is an effective treatment, but it carries a high risk of bleeding and a long recovery period
  • Laser conchotomy. The use of a laser allows you to more accurately influence tissue and minimize trauma to surrounding areas. Laser radiation evaporates part of the tissue and its size is thus reduced. Due to the coagulation effect of the laser, the risk of bleeding is reduced
  • Radio wave conchotomy. During the operation, a surgical loop is used, to which high-frequency radio waves are applied. This is a minimally invasive procedure that allows the patient to quickly return to normal life
  • Vasotomy. In the process, the overgrown choroid plexuses that led to hypertrophy are destroyed

In some cases, cryosurgery is performed. This procedure, based on the use of extremely low temperatures, allows you to “freeze” tissue. The effect of cryosurgery occurs gradually. In this case, the “frozen” tissues die and are rejected.

How is endoscopic conchoplasty performed?

Endoscopic conchotomy includes several stages. They look like this:

  1. Insertion of an endoscope equipped with a camera and light. This tool allows the doctor to see the internal structure of the nose on a monitor in real time
  2. Condition assessment. The doctor carefully examines the bones of the nose and assesses the condition of the mucous membrane. This is necessary to determine the amount of work to be done
  3. Intervention. Special surgical instruments (microforceps, lasers, ultrasonic aspirators) are introduced through the endoscope. With their help, the doctor carefully removes or changes the shape of the bone and cartilage tissue of the nasal concha

The instruments are then carefully removed from the nasal passage. Next, the doctor treats the nose with special solutions. This helps reduce swelling and prevent the risk of infection spreading.

Patient Information

Indications for conchoplasty surgery

Conchoplasty of the nasal turbinates is prescribed for chronic rhinitis that does not respond to conservative treatment. The operation can also be performed against the background of recurrent infectious pathologies of the upper respiratory tract.

Advantages of endoscopic conchoplasty

The main advantage of endoscopic conchoplasty is minimal trauma. Recovery after endoscopy occurs quickly (on average within 1.5-2 weeks), complications rarely occur.

In addition, some types of endoscopic conchoplasty are performed on an outpatient basis. That is, there is no need for hospital treatment in such cases.

How is the operation of endoscopic conchoplasty

Endoscopic conchotomy includes several stages. They look like this:

  1. Insertion of an endoscope equipped with a camera and light. This tool allows the doctor to see the internal structure of the nose on a monitor in real time
  2. Condition assessment. The doctor carefully examines the bones of the nose and assesses the condition of the mucous membrane. This is necessary to determine the amount of work to be done
  3. Intervention. Special surgical instruments (microforceps, lasers, ultrasonic aspirators) are introduced through the endoscope. With their help, the doctor carefully removes or changes the shape of the bone and cartilage tissue of the nasal concha

The instruments are then carefully removed from the nasal passage. Next, the doctor treats the nose with special solutions. This helps reduce swelling and prevent the risk of infection spreading.


Impedance testing is not prescribed against the background of active inflammation of the eardrum. Additional contraindications

Endoscopic conchoplasty is a relatively safe procedure. The risk of complications is 10-15%.

In particular, after endoscopic conchoplasty there is a possibility of:

  • Bleeding. This complication is caused by damage to the vascular capillaries of the nose.
  • Severe tissue swelling. Swelling after surgery usually subsides within a week. But in some cases it lasts longer.

In approximately 8-10% of cases after conchoplasty, atrophy of the nasal mucosa is observed. This is a secondary complication. It occurs against the background of excessive tissue removal.


Before deciding to carry out an intervention, the specialist makes sure that there are no contraindications. These include:

  • Active respiratory infections (acute rhinitis, sinusitis). After surgery, the course of these pathologies often worsens
  • Malignant neoplasms in the area of ​​the proposed operation. The presence of cancerous tumors in the nose or adjacent tissues significantly complicates endoscopic conchotomy
  • Severe systemic diseases (unstable diabetes, cardiovascular disorders). Against this background, the risk of complications during and after conchoplasty increases
  • Recently performed surgery on the face or nose (before the next surgical intervention, it is necessary to give the tissue time to fully recover)

If the patient has any of these conditions, the doctor recommends postponing surgery or choosing alternative treatments.

Answers on questions


Before endoscopic conchoplasty, a consultation with a doctor is carried out. The doctor conducts a full examination, gets acquainted with the patient’s medical history, discusses his symptoms and complaints.

Next steps:

  • Preoperative examination. Before conchotomy, the patient is prescribed laboratory blood tests (general and biochemical). A coagulogram (blood clotting test) is also performed. In order to accurately visualize the condition of the nasal bones, the doctor additionally refers the patient to an x-ray or CT scan of the sinuses
  • Meeting with an anesthesiologist. Before performing a conchotomy, the specialist assesses the patient’s health status and selects the most appropriate type of anesthesia
  • Home preparation for conchotomy. The day before surgery, the patient is advised to avoid taking medications that affect blood clotting (aspirin, ibuprofen). Also during this time it is necessary to refrain from smoking and drinking alcohol

On the day of surgery, the patient comes to the clinic. After this, he is placed in the preoperative room. Before the operation itself, a second consultation with the doctor is carried out. At the same time, the specialist once again explains the process of conchotomy and answers the patient’s questions.

Rehabilitation after conchotomy

After the conchotomy, the patient is under observation in the ward for some time. During this period, medical staff monitors his vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate). In order to reduce pain, the patient is prescribed analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

During the first 24 hours after surgery, you must remain in bed and avoid physical activity. To reduce swelling and reduce the risk of bleeding, doctors recommend keeping your head elevated.

At home, as part of postoperative nasal care, it is recommended to do regular rinsing with saline solutions. Additionally (in order to moisturize the mucous membrane), the patient is prescribed special ointments or sprays.

The next day after the operation, you must come for a follow-up examination. The doctor will evaluate the healing process and, if necessary, make recommendations for further care.

During the first few weeks after conchotomy, you should avoid active sports, visiting the bathhouse (sauna) and flying. In addition, you should try not to smoke or drink alcohol. Otherwise, the healing process slows down and the risk of complications increases.

In order to prevent infections, immediately after conchotomy, the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics. Antihistamines help reduce mucosal reactions. Physiotherapy (UHF, laser therapy) helps improve blood circulation and speed up the healing process.

To sign up for surgery in our clinic (Moscow), fill out the application form. You can clarify any questions (including the cost of conchotomy) by phone.

Our doctors
Ilya Sergeyevich
Head of the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngologist
Zalina Muratovna
Head of the department of otorhinolaryngology, otorhinolaryngologist
Anastasia Andreevna
Otolaryngologist, audiologist
Andrew Stanislavovich
Chief Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology
Maria Pavlovna
Galina Rustemovna
Otorhinolaryngologist, otoneurologist, audiologist
Liliya Sergeevna
Otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist
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