Vaccination against hepatitis A

Why get vaccinated against hepatitis A?

Hepatitis A is a dangerous disease of an infectious origin that affects the liver. It is caused by an RNA-containing virus.

Children tolerate this disease in a mild form, acquiring lifelong immunity. In cities, it more often affects adults and adolescents. They have hepatitis A more severe, often the disease is accompanied by relapses.

When and to whom is hepatitis A vaccinated?

In a number of countries (Israel, Spain, USA, Italy, etc.), hepatitis A vaccination is massive. The vaccine is given to children aged 1-2 years. The second dose of the vaccine is administered six months to a year after the first.

Vaccination allows you to protect children from this disease for a long time, to ensure the protection of people who did not get sick with it in childhood. Epidemiologically indicated vaccination makes it possible to quickly extinguish an outbreak.

Vaccination is indicated for catering workers and people with chronic liver diseases. They also vaccinate the military who have been in the field for a long time.

You can get this vaccine at any age.

Features of vaccine prophylaxis in K+31:

  • Experienced therapists, pediatricians, immunologists.
  • Quality medicines.
  • Comprehensive reception and diagnosis before vaccination.
  • Post-vaccination control.
  • Drawing up an individual vaccination schedule.

Consequences of refusing to vaccinate

Chronic liver damage after infection with hepatitis A develops rarely, the disease is infrequently fatal. However, after infection, the patient's immunity can significantly weaken, which can provoke the development of fulminant hepatitis, accompanied by acute liver failure. This disease is characterized by a fairly high mortality rate. It is protracted and difficult to treat.

Features of vaccine prophylaxis against hepatitis A

Vaccination is an effective way to combat this disease, which is characterized by cyclical outbreaks. Routine immunization offers the opportunity to provide long-term protection.

Vaccination provides a protective effect within a week after vaccination. Antibodies to the causative agent of hepatitis appear in 90% of children and 95% of adults (after the first dose) and in 100% after a second injection. Several types of vaccines are currently in use against this disease. They are similar in effectiveness and side effects.

How is hepatitis A vaccinated?

Many countries use a two-dose vaccination schedule, but some prefer single-dose immunization. In Russia, hepatitis A is vaccinated for epidemic indications. Vaccinations are given to people living in areas affected by this disease. Also vaccinate those workers who are at risk of occupational infection.

These include:

  • Paramedics.
  • Public service providers.
  • Food industry employees.
  • Workers serving sewerage and water supply networks, equipment and structures.

Also, the vaccine against hepatitis A is given to people who are going to leave for regions unsuccessful for this disease, in which there is an outbreak of hepatitis.

Service record


All specialists
Natalya Vasilevna

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, general practitioner

Olga Sergeevna

Head of the Pediatrics Clinic, Pediatrician