Individual vaccination plan

Everyone, adults and children, can easily and easily avoid many kinds of infections and colds. It is enough to introduce a special vaccine (antigenic material) into the body. Vaccination helps to wake up the immune system and make it work against infection or to maximize the weakening of complications, which is important for every person to undergo in a timely manner.

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By contacting a reliable private clinic in Moscow in order to reliably protect themselves and loved ones from seasonal and other diseases, all residents of the capital have the opportunity to get any preventive vaccination - the choice of our vaccines is self-sufficient. It:

  1. Vaccination is seasonal (for example, in the autumn-winter period, when you need to get vaccinated against influenza or against coronavirus or other infections that traditionally occur in autumn and winter).
  2. Vaccination for people with chronic diseases or tourists who are going on a trip.
  3. Vaccinations for high-risk patients with chronic diseases.
  4. Vaccination during pregnancy planning and during pregnancy.
  5. Emergency vaccination and others.

What types of vaccinations are offered in our clinic

In our specialized center, high-quality and proven domestic and imported vaccines are always available, which can be used on the territory of the Russian Federation against:

  • Influenza, coronavirus and rotavirus.
  • Pneumococcal and meningococcal infections.
  • Whooping cough, mumps and diphtheria.
  • Tetanus.
  • Hepatitis (A and B).
  • Poliomyelitis.
  • HPV.
  • Typhoid fever, chickenpox, measles and rubella, and many other diseases.

What is revaccination and who needs it

Unlike substances administered once and for life (say, from poliomyelitis), other materials have their own expiration date. So, measles is vaccinated once every 10 years, from tick-borne encephalitis - once every 3 years, from influenza - annually.

Since the protective properties and immunity are gradually weakened, and the number of antibodies decreases, revaccination is needed, which will help to live without fear for some time.

With the coronavirus, it's almost a similar situation. At the moment, the Russian Federation does not yet have herd immunity from coronavirus. Therefore, according to the temporary recommendations of the domestic Ministry of Health, the rules of "emergency revaccination" began to operate in the country - one should now be vaccinated once every six months.

These six months begin to count from the moment the second component of the drug is introduced. Let's say the first component was introduced on March 5 this year, the second on the 26th. This means that you should appear for revaccination after September 26th.

In the format of the so-called "routine" vaccination can be done once a year.

The effect of vaccinations

If you get vaccinated on time, you can be sure that it will save children and adults not only from diseases and serious complications, but also from premature death.

The introduction of antigenic material into the body allows:

  • Form and strengthen the immune system for years to come.
  • Minimize the possibility of developing an infection.
  • To carry the disease against which the drug was administered in a mild form.

Is it possible to minimize the risk of complications from vaccination

It is possible if paid vaccination is carried out in compliance with all requirements. After all, all people are different, and everyone reacts differently to the introduction of a special substance. Others, due to the risk of adverse reactions and post-vaccination complications, deny the usefulness of vaccination.

Meanwhile, it is enough to carry out it taking into account not only the health of a person, but also the state of his immune reactivity and the nuances of the response of the immune system to the injected substance, and there will be no problems.

What substances do we have

These are specialized certified products of high quality not only from domestic manufacturers, but also from foreign ones. They have been fully tested, proven to be effective and stored in accordance with sanitary and other requirements.

How to prepare for vaccination

Vaccination rules for any infection are almost the same. In general, in order to successfully vaccinate with us without allergies and other complications after the administration of the vaccine, you need to obtain permission from a therapist or pediatrician for:

  1. Patient health conditions.
  2. The presence of contraindications (allergy to food, drugs, already administered vaccine, etc.).
  3. Identification of existing or emerging diseases, as well as the characteristics of the body.
  4. Appeared reactions after the previous introduction of the material.
  5. Carrying out thermometry and so on.

It is important that the person does not have colds for a certain amount of time prior to vaccination. If there is a suspicion of a deterioration in the condition or a risk to health, the patient should not be vaccinated and he may be prescribed certain tests (urine, blood).

What is vaccination in our performance: features

To find out all the details and get vaccinated with us at an affordable cost, it is enough to pre-register for a consultation.

For patients, paid vaccination has many advantages and guarantees, including comfortable prices and high-quality vaccines approved by the WHO. Our specialists:

  • They professionally approach the provision of services, applying all modern achievements in the field of immunology and laboratory diagnostics, achieving the maximum effect in reducing or eliminating the risk of developing possible problems after vaccination.
  • Patients are offered to undergo special diagnostic studies and tests to assess the state of health.
  • Carry out strict medical control during preventive vaccinations, assessing information about the patient's health, his immunity, and drawing up a vaccination plan for him.
  • They are based in their work on state laws, regulations and decrees regarding epidemiological safety, etc.

Patients who have concomitant pathologies can undergo other examinations, laboratory and functional diagnostics, receive additional consultations (ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, dermatology, endocrinology, traumatology and other areas).

Service record


All specialists
Natalya Vasilevna

Head of the Department of Internal Medicine, general practitioner

Olga Sergeevna

Head of the Pediatrics Clinic, Pediatrician