Among the advantages of all on 6 dental implantation, doctors highlight the following:
The technology is excellent for the treatment of total adentia. All implants are installed simultaneously and are immediately loaded with a temporary lightweight bridge, which speeds up the process of their healing and regeneration.
The main contraindication to implantation is the presence of periodontal disease or caries. Doctors recommend first treating all active infections in the mouth, then performing surgery.
Other contraindications include:
Smoking is a risk factor that impairs the healing process and increases the likelihood of implant failure. Bruxism or excessive teeth grinding increases stress on the implants, so patients with such problems should not undergo surgery.
When the implants are fully integrated with the bone, the frameless prosthesis is replaced with a permanent one. At the same time, a prosthesis with a metal frame can serve for many years before being replaced with a permanent one.
After temporary prostheses, doctors install permanent structures. They are made from nickel-chromium alloy, titanium or zirconium. The surface of the crowns is covered with ceramic mass, zirconium dioxide, ceramic composite or metal ceramics. These prostheses have an aesthetic appearance and do not cause discomfort.
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Comparison of All-on-6 and All-on-4 techniques
The All-on-6 and All-on-4 techniques are used to completely restore the dental arch. Both procedures involve the installation of a permanent bridge on the upper or lower jaw, but have distinctive features. Among them:
When choosing a technique, the doctor takes into account the structure of the jaw, general health, budget and patient preferences.