Speech therapist

In order for the child to develop harmoniously, it is better to identify all factors that can have a negative effect even in childhood. Early detection of disorders will help to avoid secondary complications, for example, a delay in mental and speech development. If the critical factors of the development of children of the first years of life are discovered in time, it will be possible to create the basis for their successful socialization.

At a specialist consultation, you will receive the following information:

  • how to create a harmonious environment and a comfortable environment for the full development of the child;
  • main methods focused on comprehensive development.

Also, taking into account the characteristics of the baby and the wishes of the parents, we will develop an individual program for the development of the child.

Early help of a speech therapist-psychologist

The goal of early intervention is to provide children with functional impairments with assistance and comprehensive development support. We have developed several methods of preventive and correctional type. The specialist will help to overcome existing defects, or prevent their occurrence in the future.

Examination by a specialist takes place in a game form, it can:

  • diagnose disorders of a different nature in infants;
  • provide psychological and pedagogical support to infants with developmental defects (genetic disorders, congenital malformations, disability, neuropsychiatric and psychoemotional disorders);
  • provide assistance to children who are at high risk of developmental disabilities, to assist in adaptation and socialization in society;
  • assist parents and children in adaptation.

Speech therapy

At the initial appointment, based on family requests, an initial examination of the child will be carried out. It will help to identify the speech and mental characteristics of the baby. After that, the ways of corrective work will be determined. For each family, the most convenient timetable for attending classes is developed, usually twice a week, or more often as needed.

The specialist will conduct speech therapy correction of speech disorders of any complexity. In addition, the specialist will provide the following assistance to parents:

  • psychological, correction of the parent-child relationship, adaptation to new relationships with the child;
  • informational, the family learns about all the features of the speech problems of the baby;
  • pedagogical, new ways of education and training, adequate means of communication.

Each child is provided with individual psychological and pedagogical assistance. It is aimed at developing the skills of social interaction and self-control, and is also intended to increase the cognitive competence and functionality of the baby.

Work with non-speaking children under 2.5 years old

The sooner violations in children of this age are detected, the more effective help can be provided by a specialist. Constant monitoring of the development of the child is recommended - this will help to identify the presence or absence of work results, as well as adjust the classes.

There are certain specifics when working with non-speaking children:

  • classes are held only in a playful way;
  • constant change of activity - so that the kids do not get tired and can concentrate;
  • observation and tracking of results.

Speech therapist for children 2-3 years old

The specialist conducts classes on the development of speech, where the kids learn to build phrases correctly, constantly replenish and expand their vocabulary. Classes are held in a playful way and include the following tasks:

  • onomatopoeic games;
  • speech therapy massage;
  • articulation gymnastics;
  • activation of vocabulary;
  • poems and songs, with the connection of movements;
  • games for the development of fine motor skills.

Speech therapist-defectologist will help the baby get rid of speech problems, which will increase his ability to learn.

Service record


  • Certificate 076/y
  • Pediatric traumatologist-orthopedist
  • Pediatric gastroenterologist
  • Pediatric neuropsychologist
  • Children's dentistry
  • Pediatric ultrasound doctor
  • Pediatric cardiologist
  • The child urinates frequently
  • Children's hospital
  • Pediatric endocrinologist
  • Pediatric dermatologist
  • Hiccups in a child


All specialists
Irina Valentinovna

Allergologist-immunologist for children, pediatrician

Olga Sergeevna

Head of the Pediatrics Clinic, Pediatrician


Eldar Imamutdinovich

Pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist

Omar Makhachevich

Dentist-therapist, pediatric

Leila Tagirovna

Pediatric ophthalmologist


Oleg Anatolevich

Doctor pediatric surgeon, pediatric urologist andrologist


Yulia Valerievna

Pediatrician, allergologist

Madina Kubanovna

Endocrinologist, pediatric

Elena Borisovna

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Lyudmila Borisovna

Ultrasound doctor, pediatric

Lyubov Gennadievna

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor, pediatric

Kirill Alexandrovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Liliya Sergeevna

Otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist

Anna Mikhailovna

Otolaryngologist, pediatric otolaryngologist

Ivan Mikhailovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Oksana Sergeevna

Ophthalmologist, pediatric