
The digestive system includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, and gallbladder. Organs process all incoming food, breaking them down with the help of enzymes. In this case, complex substances break down into simple ones - it is in this form that nutrients can be absorbed in the intestines, from where the blood carries them throughout the body, ensuring the normal and full flow of chemical reactions.

Malfunctions in the digestive system adversely affect the state of health - with pathological changes, the breakdown and absorption of nutrients are disrupted, so the body does not receive enough nutrients. Gastroenterology is the study and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you suspect a malfunction of the digestive and excretory functions, you should visit a gastroenterologist.

Diseases and infections of the gastrointestinal tract adversely affect the development of the child. Diseases are often accompanied by pain in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting, which significantly worsens well-being, and the ability to learn decreases. Pathologies of the gastroenterological spectrum in a child are treated by a pediatric gastroenterologist.

Scope of responsibility of a pediatric gastroenterologist

A gastroenterologist who accepts small patients is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases, both in acute and chronic manifestations:

  • Gastritis, including those associated with Helicobacter pylori.
  • Pancreatitis
  • Cholecystitis
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum.
  • Enteritis
  • Colitis, including Crohn's disease.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea.
  • Biliary dyskinesia of hypo- or hyperkinetic type.

Most often, these diseases occur in children of the first year of life with a change in nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods, and in schoolchildren due to irregular food intake and do not require complex treatment. A short-term diet and adjustment of the patient's nutrition solve the problem and eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

Symptoms and signs for which you need to visit a pediatric gastroenterologist

It is advisable to visit the doctors of our medical center together with the child if the following alarming symptoms appear:

  • Pain in the abdomen of any localization and intensity (it is first necessary to exclude acute surgical pathology by examination by a surgeon).
  • Nausea, vomiting, especially persistent.
  • Yellow, brownish, or brown coating on the tongue.
  • Belching, heartburn, frequent hiccups.
  • Change in stool frequency or consistency.
  • Mucus or blood in the stool.
  • Deterioration of appetite.
  • Meteorism.
  • Black stools are a symptom of bleeding in the intestines.
  • Loss of body weight.

Doctors at the K+31 Medical Center carefully listen to little visitors and their companions and provide first aid. The diagnostic procedure includes a thorough examination of the child by palpation (palpation of the abdomen), percussion (tapping of the abdominal wall). Specialists try to get all the necessary information without causing discomfort or pain. To clarify the initial diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe tests.

How a pediatric gastroenterologist examines a child

The doctor applies the methods of laboratory and instrumental research. The most frequently prescribed:

  1. Complete blood count - shows inflammation, anemia, allows you to suspect an autoimmune process, bleeding.
  2. Common urinalysis - detects the presence of bilirubin, which appears with congestion in the gallbladder, liver pathologies.
  3. Biochemical blood test - reflects the work of the pancreas, gallbladder.
  4. General analysis of feces - detects enzyme deficiency, incomplete digestion of food, inflammation in the large intestine.
  5. Stool analysis for dysbacteriosis - determines the number of pathogenic microorganisms.
  6. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs with dopplerography - gives an idea of the state, structure and blood filling of the digestive system.
  7. CT or MRI of the abdominal organs is used for a more detailed diagnosis of pathologies, it is a highly informative method of examination.
  8. Colonoscopy is an endoscopic examination of the lower intestine.
  9. EFGDS (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with biopsy or gastroscopy - under anesthesia, a thin hose is inserted through the mouth or nose, with the help of which the doctor examines the mucous membranes for inflammation, trauma, neoplasms and other signs of pathology. If necessary, tissue sampling is carried out. They are stained, placed on a slide and examined for malignancy.

In clinically difficult cases, a liver biopsy is performed, in which a small amount of organ tissue is taken and sent for cytological examination. Operative intervention is carried out by the best gastroenterologists in Moscow. The doctor examines the biopsy under a microscope for the presence or absence of pathologies. This allows you to learn about the processes occurring in the liver tissues.

The pediatric gastroenterologists of the K+31 Clinic take a responsible approach to the examination and treatment of young patients - in their work, doctors rely on a broad base of evidence-based medicine. This saves children from taking unnecessary tests and allows prescribing drugs only with proven effectiveness.

In our clinic, an online gastroenterologist consultation service is available. It allows you to save time for parents and ask clarifying questions in the course of treatment of the child. However, an online appointment with even the best gastroenterologist in Moscow cannot always replace an in-person visit to a doctor.

Reviews about the work of our doctors are posted on the website of the K+31 clinic.

Service record


  • Certificate 076/y
  • Pediatric traumatologist-orthopedist
  • Pediatric gastroenterologist
  • Pediatric neuropsychologist
  • Children's dentistry
  • Pediatric ultrasound doctor
  • Pediatric cardiologist
  • The child urinates frequently
  • Children's hospital
  • Pediatric endocrinologist
  • Pediatric dermatologist
  • Hiccups in a child


All specialists
Irina Valentinovna

Allergologist-immunologist for children, pediatrician

Olga Sergeevna

Head of the Pediatrics Clinic, Pediatrician


Eldar Imamutdinovich

Pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist

Omar Makhachevich

Dentist-therapist, pediatric

Leila Tagirovna

Pediatric ophthalmologist


Oleg Anatolevich

Doctor pediatric surgeon, pediatric urologist andrologist


Yulia Valerievna

Pediatrician, allergologist

Madina Kubanovna

Endocrinologist, pediatric

Elena Borisovna

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Lyudmila Borisovna

Ultrasound doctor, pediatric

Lyubov Gennadievna

Ultrasound diagnostics doctor, pediatric

Kirill Alexandrovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Liliya Sergeevna

Otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist

Anna Mikhailovna

Otolaryngologist, pediatric otolaryngologist

Ivan Mikhailovich

Traumatologist-orthopedist, pediatric

Oksana Sergeevna

Ophthalmologist, pediatric