Hearing correction

Hearing provides us with the ability to perceive and interpret sounds. When it is lost, a person's ability to communicate is limited. However, thanks to modern hearing correction methods, many people can hope for a significant improvement in their quality of life.
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Indications for hearing correction

Hearing correction in adults is carried out against the background of deterioration in the perception of sound information. Correction is also recommended for people suffering from central hearing disorders caused by infectious diseases.

In addition, hearing correction is carried out in the presence of tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears). In all cases, this procedure helps to adapt to the sound environment.

Indications for hearing correction
Methods of hearing restoration and correction

Surgical treatment for conductive hearing loss

Modern medicine offers various methods for restoring and correcting ear health. The right approach to therapy helps to restore or significantly improve hearing function.

Typically, hearing treatment involves the use of special devices. However, in complex cases, surgery is prescribed.

With conductive hearing loss, the sound wave is blocked and does not reach the auditory nerve. This is often caused by problems with the eardrum and ear bones.

Surgical hearing correction - tympanoplasty - helps solve the problem of hearing loss. The purpose of the operation is to restore the damaged eardrum. This helps sound waves freely reach the inner ear.

If hearing loss occurs due to damage to the ear bones, they are replaced with artificial implants. This helps restore normal sound transmission.

Hearing aids and cochlear implantation for chronic sensorineural hearing loss

Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when the nerve cells of the inner ear are damaged. This is the most complex type of hearing loss.

In this case, hearing aids use special devices that enhance sound transmission and make it more accessible for perception.

If this approach does not bring results, the doctor suggests cochlear implantation. This procedure involves inserting an implant directly into the cochlea. The implant bypasses the damaged hair cells and directly transmits sound signals to the auditory nerve. This method allows you to restore hearing even with severe degrees of hearing loss.

Treatment of sudden and acute sensorineural hearing loss

With sudden sensorineural hearing loss, a sharp deterioration in hearing is observed in one of the ears. The first stage of treatment for this type of hearing loss is taking steroids.

These drugs help reduce internal inflammation and promote the restoration of normal hearing. Steroids for hearing loss are usually taken in tablet form. However, sometimes they are injected directly into the damaged organ.

If steroid therapy does not help or is not suitable for medical reasons, the doctor offers alternative methods of treating hearing loss. For example, in order to improve blood circulation in the affected organ, the patient is prescribed antiviral drugs. In the most severe cases of hearing loss, a specialist refers the patient to oxygen treatment in a pressure chamber.

Treatment of mixed (combined) hearing loss and auditory neuropathy

Restoration of hearing in this type of hearing loss involves a combination of conservative and surgical techniques. During the operation, the specialist replaces the pathologically altered bone (stapes) with a miniature prosthesis.

If there are contraindications to surgery, as well as against the background of persistent hearing loss and poor speech intelligibility against the background of hearing loss, the doctor recommends wearing a special device.


The first step in diagnosing hearing problems in adults is a consultation with a specialist. He conducts an initial examination and collects anamnesis. The doctor also clarifies the symptoms that the patient complains of.

Audiometric tests help to clarify the type and cause of hearing loss.

If necessary, the specialist refers the patient to other procedures. For example, measuring otoacoustic emission helps to determine how effectively the inner ear responds to noise. In order to exclude structural damage, the doctor refers the patient to visualizing hearing tests (MRI, CT).

  • Tonal audiometry The ability to hear sounds of different frequencies and volumes is measured
  • Speech audiometry The doctor checks how the patient perceives and repeats words at different volumes
  • Tympanometry The work of the eardrum is studied, the presence of fluid in the middle ear is determined

Stages of hearing correction in the clinic "K+31"

Hearing correction at the K+31 clinic (Moscow) begins with an initial consultation. The next stage of hearing correction at the clinic is an examination. Then the center's specialist suggests which hearing aid to buy. The third stage of correction is the selection of the correct values ​​of the hearing device. The adjustment is made in accordance with the client's audiometric data.

If necessary, as part of hearing correction, the patient is offered to attend classes with a speech therapist. This allows you to improve speech skills and adapt to a new way of perceiving sounds.

Patients suffering from hearing disorders and wearing special devices continue to regularly visit the clinic for check-ups. This allows you to adjust the device settings in time, if necessary.

You can sign up for a consultation and clarify the price of the service at the hearing correction center (Moscow) by phone.

Stages of hearing correction in the clinic

Answers to popular questions

People who experience hearing problems often ask questions about the causes of hearing loss and treatment methods.

Is it possible to restore hearing with hearing loss?

Restoration of hearing with hearing loss depends on its type and degree. After drug treatment of conductive hearing loss, hearing is partially or completely restored.

Complete restoration of hearing against the background of sensorineural hearing loss caused by damage to hair cells or the auditory nerve occurs with the help of cochlear implants.

What are the causes of hearing loss?

Hearing loss is often caused by age-related changes. Other causes include:

  • Constant exposure to loud sounds
  • Genetic predisposition
  • Infections (otitis)
  • Ear or head injuries

Hearing also decreases due to diseases that affect blood circulation (such pathologies include diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies).

How is hearing loss treated in children?

Depending on the cause and degree of hearing loss, treatment involves the use of hearing aids, sign language training, and speech therapy. If hearing is not restored, the doctor prescribes cochlear implants for the child.

How often should you check your hearing?

Regular hearing tests are recommended for all age groups. This is especially true for people over 60 years of age, as well as for those who are regularly exposed to loud sounds. Audiometric testing should be done every 1-2 years.

What methods of hearing protection exist when exposed to noise frequently?

To protect your ears when exposed to loud sounds frequently, it is recommended to use special personal protective equipment (anti-noise headphones, earmolds). By creating a barrier, they reduce the intensity of noise. In addition, to preserve your hearing, you need to “unload” your ears from time to time (for this, it is enough to be in silence for half an hour).

Can headphones damage your hearing?

Using headphones in itself is not harmful if you take precautions. The risk to your hearing increases when listening to music at high volume for a long time.

To avoid problems, it is recommended to follow the 60/60 rule. That is, you can listen to music at 60% of the maximum volume for no more than 60 minutes a day. It is also recommended to use headphones with a noise-cancelling function - they also help preserve your hearing.

Our doctors
Ilya Sergeyevich
Head of the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngologist
Zalina Muratovna
Head of the department of otorhinolaryngology, otorhinolaryngologist
Anastasia Andreevna
Otolaryngologist, audiologist
Andrew Stanislavovich
Chief Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology
Maria Pavlovna
Galina Rustemovna
Otorhinolaryngologist, otoneurologist, audiologist
Liliya Sergeevna
Otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist
All specialists
2GIS Award

2GIS Award

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings, a large number of requests from this site, and in the absence of critical violations.

«Good place» according to Yandex

«Good place» according to Yandex

This award is given to clinics with the highest ratings according to user ratings. It means that the place is known, loved, and definitely worth visiting.

Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

Our doctors are laureates of the ProDoctors Award

The ProDoctors portal collected 500 thousand reviews, compiled a rating of doctors based on them and awarded the best. We are proud that our doctors are among those awarded.

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К + 31 — full-cycle multidisciplinary medical centers, including the possibility of providing medical services of European quality level.
К + 31 — are leading doctors and diagnostics using high-tech equipment from world manufacturers (Karl Storz, Olympus, Siemens, Toshiba, Bausch&Lomb, Technolas, Zeiss, Topcon).
К + 31 — is ethical. The staff of K+31 clinics maintain open relationships with patients and partners. An individual approach to each patient is the basis of our service standards.
К + 31 — is modernity. On call 24/7: call center operators will answer your questions at any time and book you an appointment with doctors. Contact us by phone, through the feedback form on the website and WhatsApp.
Our clinics
K+31 on Lobachevskogo

st. Lobachevskogo, 42/4

+7 499 999-31-31

Prospect Vernadsky Station
By a car
Lobachevsky, we pass the first barrier (security post of the City Clinical Hospital No. 31), turn right at the second barrier (security post K+31)
Parking pass
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Saturday: 09:00 – 19:00
Sunday: 09:00 – 18:00
K+31 Petrovskie Vorota

1st Kolobovsky pereulok, 4


Tsvetnoy Bulvar
By a car
Moving along Petrovsky Boulevard, turn onto st. Petrovka, right after - on the 1st Kolobovsky per. Municipal parking
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 19:00
K+31 West

Orshanskaya, 16/2; Ak. Pavlova, 22


By a car
Moving along Orshanskaya street, we turn to the barrier with the guard post K+31. You do not need to order a pass, they will open it for you
Opening hours
Mon-Fri: 08:00 – 21:00
Sat-Sun: 09:00 – 18:00
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