Endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx for children

One of the modern methods for diagnosing ENT diseases in children is endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx. The essence of the procedure is to examine the internal structures using an endoscope. The study has high diagnostic accuracy, does not cause complications and does not require a hospital stay. You can get a nasal endoscopy for a child in Moscow at an affordable price at the K+31 clinic. Qualified and experienced ENT doctors know how to establish a trusting relationship with a child and perform examinations quickly and painlessly.
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Goals of endoscopic examination

The examination is carried out to check the condition of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx, detect inflammation, pathological changes in the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses. In addition, endoscopy helps identify polyps, tumors and congenital anomalies of the nasopharynx, such as choanal atresia (blockage of the openings connecting the nasal cavity to the nasopharynx).

Endoscopic examination is necessary to assess the consequences of previously performed operations, detect relapses of diseases, and monitor the effectiveness of treatment. If necessary, during the procedure, the doctor takes biomaterial from suspicious areas for histological examination and clarification of the diagnosis.

Goals of endoscopic examination
Indications for endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx

Endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx is prescribed if the following symptoms are present:

  • Permanent congestion
  • Snoring, sleep apnea
  • Hoarseness of voice
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Impaired sense of smell
  • Frequent bleeding
  • Discharge from the ears
  • Hearing loss
  • Headache
  • Speech delay
  • Recurrent diseases of the ENT organs

The study allows you to determine the causes of chronic or recurrent symptoms, assess the patency of the nasal passages, and check the condition of the vessels of the mucous membrane. During the procedure, the doctor may identify a foreign body, sinusitis, tonsillitis, or deviated septum. Endoscopic examination of the nose in children does not have a negative effect on the body, so it can be performed several times at the request of the otolaryngologist. You can find out the price for nasal endoscopy for a child and make an appointment at the K+31 clinic by calling the phone number provided on the website.


Endoscopic examination is not performed if there are such restrictions:

  • Acute infectious diseases. If you have a sore throat, otitis media, rhinitis, or sinusitis, you should postpone the examination until complete recovery in order to avoid complications and the spread of infection
  • Allergic reactions. They complicate the procedure and make it less informative
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases. If a child has worsened chronic sinusitis or adenoiditis, endoscopy is postponed until the condition stabilizes
  • Injuries of ENT organs. The procedure may cause pain and worsen the patient's condition
  • Severe bleeding disorders. There is a high probability of bleeding, which will be difficult to stop
  • Increased anxiety, fear. If the child is very afraid of the procedure and cannot cooperate with the doctor, the examination is not possible without the use of sedation or general anesthesia

Before performing an endoscopy, the doctor evaluates the patient's condition and decides whether the procedure can be performed safely. If there are contraindications, other diagnostic methods are selected. Examination using a rigid endoscope is prohibited for children under 1 year of age. Before the age of 3 years, the examination is often carried out using a flexible device.

Advantages of the method

In most cases, no additional research is required to make a diagnosis. An endoscope examination takes place without compromising the integrity of the mucous membrane, therefore it is considered bloodless and safe. When planning surgical interventions, endoscopy helps to accurately assess the extent of the pathological process and perform surgery with minimal risks.

Endoscopic examination of the nose and nasopharynx in a child has a number of advantages:

  • Minimally invasive The procedure is carried out with minimal intervention in the body, which speeds up the recovery period
  • Visualization of hard-to-reach areas Endoscopy allows you to examine areas that are inaccessible during normal examination
  • Quick results The doctor receives the image in real time, immediately assesses the condition and makes a decision on further treatment
  • High diagnostic accuracy Allows you to obtain a clear and detailed image of the inner surface of the nose and nasopharynx, which contributes to a more accurate diagnosis
  • Identification of hidden pathologies The procedure helps to identify pathological changes that do not always manifest themselves with obvious symptoms. These include inflammatory processes at the initial stage, small polyps and neoplasms
  • No pain or discomfort Modern endoscopic instruments and techniques make it possible to carry out the procedure without any unpleasant sensations for the child
General information about the procedure

Preparation for endoscopy of a child’s nasopharynx

No special preparation is required for the procedure. The only caveat is to avoid eating 4-6 hours before the test and drinking 2-3 hours before. It is important not to put medications into your child's nose without direct instructions from your doctor. To check the tendency to allergies, an allergy test is performed. A small amount of anesthetic gel or spray is applied to the nasal mucosa. If allergic swelling does not appear within 10 minutes, diagnostics can begin.

So that the child is not afraid, parents should explain in clear and soothing words that the procedure is carried out quickly and without pain. It is worth dressing the baby in comfortable and light clothes. Before visiting the clinic, it is advisable to take your child’s favorite things: coloring books or toys. They will help you maintain a positive attitude. It is also necessary to inform the doctor about the medications you have taken over the past 2 weeks, especially if the course of treatment included blood thinners.

How to perform an endoscopic examination of the nose and nasopharynx in children

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The child sits in a chair and leans his head back on the headrest
  2. The doctor treats the nasal cavity with anesthetic
  3. The tip of the endoscope tube is carefully inserted into the nose. The device is equipped with a light source and a camera, which allows the doctor to see the image on the screen
  4. The device is slowly advanced, examining the nasal passages and nasopharynx

The duration of the study is from 10 to 20 minutes. During it, it is recommended to sit still so as not to distort the results. If a foreign body is detected, it is immediately removed. Also during the procedure, it is possible to rinse the sinuses to make breathing easier. After completing the examination, the endoscope is removed from the nose. The doctor discusses the diagnostic results with the parents and makes recommendations for treatment.

Survey results

Diagnostics provides information about the condition of the child’s upper respiratory tract and allows you to evaluate the following parameters:

  • Size and condition of adenoids. Overgrowth of the pharyngeal tonsil can cause difficulty breathing, snoring and infections
  • Mucous membrane. Redness, swelling, inflammation and discharge indicate rhinitis. The presence of polyps also causes nasal congestion and recurring infections
  • Nasal passages and sinuses. Foreign bodies, purulent discharge, hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates interfere with normal breathing
  • Neoplasms. Papillomas, cysts, tumors require a biopsy
  • Developmental anomalies. Septal deformities and choanal atresia cause breathing problems
  • Condition of the auditory tubes. Assessing patency is important for recurrent otitis and exudative fluid discharge
  • Hypertrophy of the nasal turbinates. Overgrowth of the mucous membrane and hyperplasia of the glands is accompanied by a runny nose, purulent discharge, and loss of smell

Based on the results of the examination, you can assess the condition of the nasal cavity after septoplasty or removal of the adenoids. Depending on the diagnosis, the doctor at the K+31 clinic prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, and antihistamines to the child. For polyps, neoplasms, and deformities of the nasal septum, surgical intervention is required using gentle techniques that preserve the osteochondral zone.


The recovery period after pediatric nasal endoscopy usually passes without complications with proper care and following the doctor’s recommendations. In the first 2 days, the child should limit physical activity, avoid sharp bends, and not lift or carry heavy objects to reduce the risk of bleeding and injury. Saline rinses are recommended to maintain nasal hygiene and prevent infections. The number of procedures per day is no more than 3.

During rehabilitation, it is important to avoid places with large crowds of people to minimize the risk of infections. Within a week after pediatric endoscopy of the nasopharynx, a follow-up examination is carried out by a doctor. He evaluates the child’s condition and the effectiveness of the procedure. If you experience severe pain, heavy nosebleeds, or fever, you should immediately seek help.

Answers to popular questions

How long does an ENT endoscopy take for a child?

On average, the study takes 10-20 minutes.

Does it hurt children during an endoscopic examination of the nose?

No, the examination is painless, since the doctor uses an anesthetic and carefully carries out the procedure.

Is long-term rehabilitation required after endoscopy of the nose and nasopharynx in a child?

No, not required. During the procedure, the integrity of tissues and mucous membranes is maintained. Within an hour, the child can return to his normal lifestyle.
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Ilya Sergeyevich
Head of the Clinic for Otorhinolaryngology, Otorhinolaryngologist
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Head of the department of otorhinolaryngology, otorhinolaryngologist
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Otolaryngologist, audiologist
Andrew Stanislavovich
Chief Specialist in Otorhinolaryngology
Maria Pavlovna
Galina Rustemovna
Otorhinolaryngologist, otoneurologist, audiologist
Liliya Sergeevna
Otorhinolaryngologist, phoniatrist
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