
An inflammatory process of any origin, localized in the mammary gland, is called mastitis. The mammary glands are composed of fat and glandular tissue - components that are loose in structure. Inside there are ducts for milk removal. Such a structure contributes to the fact that any inflammation will spread faster than in muscles or bones, therefore, in case of discomfort in the chest, it is necessary to see a mammologist or surgeon as soon as possible.

Types of mastitis

By the factor of occurrence, postpartum (lactational) and fibrocystic mastitis are distinguished. The first appears on the 5-8th day after childbirth or caesarean section, when milk production increases sharply. The child cannot yet completely drink it, and the woman cannot express everything to the end, therefore, stagnation, blockage of the ducts occurs. This situation contributes to the development of the inflammatory process.

Fibrocystic mastitis is not associated with the appearance of an infant, it is caused by the penetration of bacteria into the tissue or ducts of the gland and their active growth. Pathogenic biological agents can be introduced with the blood or lymph flow from the source of infection in the body - for example, axillary lymph node, carious tooth.

By the nature of the discharge, mastitis is of two types:

  • purulent - observed when microbes enter and multiply;
  • aseptic - not associated with microbes, develops with chest injury, milk stagnation.

In most patients, the pathology is acute, but in the absence of treatment, late treatment, weakened immunity, it can turn into a chronic form.

Many consider mastitis to be a female disease, but in rare cases it also develops in men and children.

How does mastitis manifest?

Pathology is not asymptomatic, it always has pronounced manifestations. The main symptoms of the disease:

  • pain in the mammary gland at rest, when moving and feeling;
  • discharge of purulent or serous contents from the nipple when pressed or passively;
  • redness of the skin over the area of inflammation;
  • swelling, induration in the chest;
  • an increase in body temperature up to 38–40 °С;
  • nausea, vomiting, headaches as signs of intoxication;
  • in nursing, there is a difficulty in the outflow of milk.

If any of the listed symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor - the disease develops quickly, capturing new areas of the breast. Our specialists will carefully examine the patient, prescribe the necessary examinations and treatment.

Diagnosis of mastitis

Specific manifestations allow you to quickly assume the correct diagnosis. Examinations are needed to clarify the extent of inflammatory changes. For this purpose, ultrasound is used. The doctors of our clinic will quickly and as painfully as possible reveal swelling, tissue compaction, abscess, hematoma and other changes. A medical opinion will help determine the tactics of treatment.

A purulent process may require determination of the causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to drugs. For this, the discharge is taken and sown on nutrient media.

In difficult cases, MRI is used. The method allows you to examine in detail the mammary glands, to identify changes in them.

How is mastitis treated?

The tactics of managing a patient with mastitis depends on the degree of the disease and the extent of the lesion. Initially, preference is given to conservative treatment. With an infectious form, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, immunomodulators, compresses are used. In lactating women, it is necessary to establish milk flow. Non-infectious mastitis is treated according to the same principles, but antimicrobial drugs are not always prescribed.

In cases of late treatment, when an abscess has formed, surgical intervention is performed. Purulent foci are opened, washed, and drained.

Physiotherapy is actively used for treatment. It is resolved at the stage of attenuation of the inflammatory process.

Mastitis is a serious inflammatory disease that requires compulsory treatment, without which serious consequences are possible. The earlier the patient seeks help, the better the prognosis for recovery.

Service record


All specialists
Maria Andreevna

Head of the mammological center


Michael Lvovich

Mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician


Tatyana Vladimirovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist

Sergey Evgenyevich

Oncologist-mammologist, surgeon

Maya Otarovna

Radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, oncologist-mammologist

Maria Yaroslavovna

Oncologist, radiologist, mammologist

Nadezhda Samvelovna

Radiologist, ultrasound specialist

Lia Eduardovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostician

Elena Yurievna

Surgeon, oncologist (mammologist), ultrasound diagnostician, radiologist

Zarina Aslanbekovna

Oncologist-mammologist, radiologist, ultrasound diagnostics doctor