Appointment with a cardiologist

Heart problems can arise and develop for a variety of reasons. Often this is facilitated by an inactive lifestyle, bad habits, such as alcohol and smoking. When the first symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor for help. Only an experienced cardiologist will help to identify violations in the work of cardiac activity in time and solve the problem.

Heart problems can start at any age. In the future, with the development of the disease and pain in the heart, serious treatment may be required. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically undergo an examination by a specialist. It is necessary to regularly undergo diagnostics if the age of a person exceeds 35 years.

Problem symptoms

Heart failure can manifest itself in a variety of ways. In this case, severe chest pain or other symptoms are observed. You will need the help of a cardiologist who will conduct an examination and make a diagnosis. Modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect even minor violations at the earliest stages. It is important to understand that the sooner the diagnosis is made and treatment is started, the more likely it is to completely get rid of the problem or reduce the consequences.

There are symptoms that it is important to pay attention to when they appear. The following symptoms indicate problems with the work of the heart:

  • Pain. The easiest way to determine heart problems is by the pain that occurs in the chest area. In this case, pain can be of a very different nature and intensity. It can be sharp attacks or aching pain. In any case, this is a clear sign that not everything is in order with health, and it's time to see a doctor.
  • Weakness. The heart is the engine in the human body and pumps blood. Therefore, a violation of blood circulation can lead to weakness, drowsiness - the cells of the body receive less oxygen and nutrients.
  • Dyspnea. This is the first sign of a weak heart. The more efficiently the blood is pumped, the less likely you are to experience shortness of breath.
  • Puffiness. Violation of blood circulation is a sign of a malfunction in the work of internal organs, which leads to edema.
  • Nausea and vomiting. Such symptoms can indicate many pathologies, including serious disorders of the heart.
  • Disturbances in the heart rhythm. This is a frequent or vice versa rare pulse.

Fatigue is often a sign that the heart is not working properly. Especially if it manifests itself sharply or goes on the rise. This may indicate that the heart is not coping with the function assigned to it.


Pathologies and problems with the heart require the use of various methods and diagnostic tools. This allows you to determine the fact and complexity of the problem as accurately as possible. In addition to inspection, instrumental diagnostic methods are used:

  • Electrocardiography (ECG).
  • Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels.
  • Echocardiography (ECHO-KG or ultrasound of the heart).
  • Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM).
  • ECG tests with physical activity.
  • Orthostatic tests.
  • Cardiorespiratory monitoring.
  • Computer pulse oximetry.
  • Load tests. These are bicycle ergometry and treadmill tests.
  • Assessment of the shoulder-ankle index.

During the initial consultation, the cardiologist determines the complex of necessary studies and analyzes.

Heart problems after suffering Covid

Coronavirus disease can affect organs and cause serious complications. At the same time, the disease itself can be transferred in a fairly mild form, without visible complications. But according to the statistics of large world organizations, problems often arise with the heart. Therefore, after an illness, it is better to visit a cardiologist and undergo a cardio check-up. The doctor will conduct an initial examination and prescribe important tests and studies.

Cardiology for athletes

Everyone should understand that the heart is the main organ in the body. Therefore, if you experience chest pain and other symptoms, you should consult a doctor. It is also recommended for prevention to visit a cardiologist over the age of 35, especially if a person is actively involved in sports.

Serious physical and emotional stress can adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, every athlete is recommended to be periodically examined by a cardiologist.

Treatment of atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a complex and incurable disease. At the initial stages, drug treatment is used. If necessary, the doctor may prescribe minimally invasive surgery. Comprehensive therapy is needed to prevent the appearance of blood clots. At the same time, constant monitoring of specialists is necessary.

It is important to remember that atherosclerosis can go unnoticed in the initial stages, which is why it is so important to undergo regular diagnostics.

Important information

Heart problems are one of the most common problems in medicine. But thanks to modern technology, it is possible to effectively deal with various diseases. In severe situations, emergency hospitalization is possible. The medical team of K+31 also provides treatment at home in some cases. It is important to remember that with early detection, most diseases can be effectively treated. Therefore, when even minor symptoms appear, it is necessary to seek help from a cardiologist.

Service record


All specialists
Albina Azamatovna

Leading specialist in cardiology, cardiologist

Renad Nadzhievich

Doctor-cardiologist, doctor of X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment


Tatyana Alekseevna

Cardiologist, physician of functional diagnostics


Tatiana Vyacheslavovna

Leading cardiologist, functional diagnostics physician

Victoria Grigoryevna

Cardiologist, functional diagnostics physician

Sergei Igorevich

Cardiologist, arrhythmologist


Karolina Marlenovna

Head of the clinical diagnostic center, cardiologist

Nataliya Evgenievna

Head of the therapy department, general practitioner


Viktor Anatolyevich

Doctor of Sciences, PhD