Many patients with a similar diagnosis are interested in whether it is possible to do inhalation with laryngitis? Doctors say that such procedures are quite effective in eliminating the inflammatory process.
Inhalation promotes a speedy recovery due to the processes occurring in the larynx:
- liquefy mucus that accumulates and settles on the larynx and pharynx;
- liquefy phlegm and promote its rapid excretion;
- moisturize the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory canal;
- relieve the larynx from swelling;
- reduce the risk of developing laryngospasm;
- reduce inflammation;
- prevent the growth of bacteria;
- improve the functioning of the mucous membrane;
- contribute to the rapid healing of damaged tissues;
- eliminate concomitant symptoms;
- prevent the development of various complications that can result in bronchitis and tracheitis.
Thanks to all these beneficial actions, inhalations for inflammation of the larynx can become one of the main methods of therapy.
The duration of the procedures is regulated by the attending physician. Sometimes the symptoms disappear after just a few inhalations.
When asked whether it is possible to do inhalations for acute, chronic, hypertrophic and atrophic laryngitis, experts point out that all these forms of the disease are indications for this procedure. However, steam inhalations are carried out only with inflammation of the larynx of a viral nature. The doctor may prescribe them after the main treatment of the acute phase.
Chronic laryngitis can be treated at home. Thanks to inhalations, the mucous membrane of the larynx will be restored faster.
In addition, you need to remember that you can do inhalation with laryngitis if there is a risk of rhinitis (acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa), pharyngitis (inflammation of the lymphoid tissues of the throat) and tracheitis (inflammation of the trachea).
In what cases is inhalation contraindicated?
There are two types of inhalers - ultrasonic and nebulizer. They are both easy to use. Medicinal components easily penetrate the area of inflammatory processes.
Doing inhalation with a nebulizer is contraindicated in the following cases:
- heat;
- tendency to nosebleeds;
- severe heart and vascular pathologies;
- diseases that lead to an unstable heart rhythm;
- bronchial asthma;
- severe laryngitis;
- individual intolerance to the active ingredients of the drug used.
As with any method of treatment, there are also contraindications. Doctors prohibit inhalations for laryngitis not only for babies under 1 year old, but also for children under 7 years old.
In addition, steam inhalation is contraindicated in the following pathologies:
- development of purulent processes - sinusitis, otitis media, tonsillitis, etc.;
- laryngitis caused by bacterial infections - this can, on the contrary, increase the rate of their reproduction;
This method of treatment may also be prohibited in immunocompromised patients.
Inhalation rules for laryngitis
Inhalation is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If you carry out the procedure incorrectly, then you can only aggravate the situation. Therefore, before starting, you should carefully study all the rules.

- Inhalation is carried out only in a calm state.
- The time of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes.
- Inhalation is not carried out on a full stomach. Doctors advise to carry out the procedure only a few hours after a meal.
- It is strictly forbidden to talk during the inhalation period and for the next half hour.
- Do not eat or drink after inhalation.
- Patients diagnosed with laryngitis should breathe through the mouth and exhale through the nose.
- It is strictly forbidden to breathe in a solution that is boiling. It is very harmful for laryngitis patients.
In most cases, doctors prescribe several medicines at once. In this case, patients should follow their sequence. Inhalation can be repeated only after 15 minutes. After the sputum comes out, it is necessary to carry out the procedure with drugs that will relieve inflammation and rid the larynx of pathogenic microorganisms.
Nebulizer as a way to treat laryngitis
This is a very convenient way to treat laryngitis. It is suitable even for children from one year old. For parents, this is a godsend, since sometimes it is simply impossible to make a small child breathe steam. And this device can be used when the child is asleep.
During operation, the nebulizer atomizes the smallest particles of the active ingredients of drugs. Thus, they easily penetrate into the very focus of the inflammatory process.
Nebulizers are of the air ionization type. Such models enhance the effect of active ingredients and significantly reduce the duration of treatment, since the therapeutic effect is noticeable after several inhalations.
Steam inhalation for inflammation of the larynx
Breathing steam is an old proven method. It is often used to treat various diseases. Such inhalations are very effective, but they have a number of rules.
- The procedure can be carried out only when the person is calm and relaxed. It is strictly forbidden to breathe in steam immediately after physical activity. Otherwise, a negative effect on the cardiovascular system will begin.
- The procedure takes 5-7 minutes.
- Children are allowed no more than 3 procedures a day, and adults should breathe every two hours - this will lead to a quick recovery.
- The procedures are carried out one hour after a meal. Doctors do not recommend breathing steam on a full stomach.
- After the procedure, it is better to refrain from activity and talking.
- You need to breathe evenly and calmly. Many people think that breathing should be deep, but this opinion is erroneous. Remember that a deep breath during steam inhalation can only do harm.
Remember that the treatment of laryngitis is an individual and difficult matter, so you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor can determine which drug is right for you.
Most drugs contain substances that can provoke an allergic reaction, so you need to proceed with caution. This is especially true for children.
Inflammation of the lining of the larynx is a serious matter, so you should not slow down with treatment. And in order to prevent the development of serious complications, it is better to seek help from a qualified specialist.